Images of Women in Advertising

Hey sam,

Interesting post.

I'm not into objectifying women, but god damn, we can't expect the most beautiful creation in the world to be bundled up and hidden.

Everything that's beautiful has curves.
Women are obsessed with their bodies as they know their entire purpose in life is to bear children.

This is an evolutionary demand upon their persons that they heed by seeking men at practically any cost to themselves.

If you want a man, you have to look good. Ergo, women want to look good.
Women are obsessed with their bodies as they know their entire purpose in life is to bear children.

Ironic, then, that the ideal to which they aspire is so unhealthy and unfit for childbirth.



Nothing new, really.
More of the same.
See? Even you couldn't think about anything to say. It's all been said before.

What's more interesting is the trend in many countries towards banning underweight fashion models. Should be interesting to see how this trend continues and what it will lead to.
I read recently that eating disorders are a chronic health issue in the US.

Where will this end?

Only idiotic teenage girls get a "disorder" from it.

The rest of the populace is normal.

Also, SamCDKey, it will never end, because women want men. The only women who don't look to be sexy are nuns and masculine lesbians.

They plump up when they get knocked up, my good man.

Also, no one said that evolutionary urges make sense, only that they are the grounding foundations for many behaviours in our sexual politics.
I read recently that eating disorders are a chronic health issue in the US.

Where will this end?

Athens 2004 Summer Olympics - Gold Medals

US 35

India 0

Sydney 2000 Summer Olympics - Gold Medals

US 39

India 0

Atlanta 1996 Summer Olympics - Gold Medals

US 44

India 0
Athens 2004 Summer Olympics - Gold Medals

US 35

India 0

Sydney 2000 Summer Olympics - Gold Medals

US 39

India 0

Atlanta 1996 Summer Olympics - Gold Medals

US 44

India 0

I see. So eating disorders end in gold medals?:confused:
APparently so.

But in decreasing order.

Hmm Do athletes also suffer from body image issues and eating disorders?

edit: apparently one cannot eat gold medals
Disordered eating — reported by one-third of female athletes in college — is just one element in a spectrum of health problems many confront, studies show. Despite the opportunities that have opened up to women since Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 banned sex discrimination in schools that receive federal money, universities report that an increasing number of these competitors are suffering from depression and anxiety disorders. They struggle to juggle practices, competitions and academic demands. Some are so overwhelmed that, despite their athletic talent, they drop their sports or even drop out of college. There are extreme cases of anorexia and suicide even among elite athletes.

I find advertising of this sort horrible. Always have. But what's an eating disorder? Everyone I know has an eating disorder. Men and women. In a non-agrarian society (hunter/gatherer) the norm is to be what we would consider "underweight". We all have an ideal that we find sexually attractive (men and women) and this advertising just plays on that.

Before the invention of agriculture and civilization it is estimated that the average human lifespan was around 50 years. And it was only that low due largely to predation. With agriculture and a monotonic diet (and far more sedentary existence), the average lifespan dropped to the mid 30's. Only recently has it recovered and actually increased due to an approximation of the varied diet our hunter/gatherer forebears enjoyed and advances in medical treatment.

Studies also show that over time, the thinnest (but nutritionally adequate) among us have the lowest incidence of chronic disease such as cancer and heart disease and thus the longest lifespans.

So, like it or not, the images we see as attractive are closer to what we were like in our most "natural" state as humans. And this is clearly reflected in our sexual preferences.

There are three kinds of eating disorders:

1. anorexia nervosa: wilful starvation accompanied by neurological changes

2. bulimia: eat and puke.
The acid from the stomach erodes the oesophagus and causes oesophagitis. This is the most common eating disorder since it allows the person to eat as much as they like, they simply puke it out later.

3. binge eating: another common disorder, often accompanied by bulimia, where person eats large quantities of food followed by puking and starvation due to associated guilt in cyclic patterns.
Yes, I know. I suffer from #3 to some degree. My point was that, while not to the extremes listed above, we all are in a completely unnatural food environment that none of us has adequately adapted to yet.

Er there are other places across the ocean.
Err, leave your anti-american bigotry at the door please. The entire developed world is subject to these extremes. The US obviously moreso due to a generally higher per-capita income and a number of cultural influences.

What? No eating disorders "across the pond"? No fat people? No painfully thin people?

Sam, you kill me. (and just leave that one alone).

Fat people and thin people are not equal to eating disorders.

Anorexia, bulimia, binge eating are not prevalent in all societies to the same extent.

Anyway what I'm discussing here is the image of women in advertising.

Like the video said, the women don't even have pores! And teenagers are sexualised to an alarming degree (I remember someone telling me about age inappropriate clothing).

Teenagers are sexual objects. They are prime-breeders. Society's exclusion of them from the sexual process is essentially trying to restrain every single breeding drive we have.

Of -course- they want to be sexy. They are being screamed at to do so in their body.

The article is nonsense as one cannot be harmed by that which is within one's nature to be.

Teenagers = Reach puberty to have sex and bear children.

Our society = Ridiculously anti-human in restricting this.

HIstorically, girls would get married around the time they got their periods. Men would wait a bit longer after sexual maturity, specifically if there was war considerations.

Also: There is no way we can stop sexualization in the media. That is what men want. Badly. If women want men, they have to sexualize themselves in some way.