I'm sorry, but there is no god.

I think he was saying that you can't understand your computer and making a reference to the many things that no one can understand. In other words, just because you can't understand something, doesn't mean it has to have a connection to a diety. However, I didn't read the thread, that's just the point I would make if I took the time to ask you those questions(which I probably wouldn't)
I think he was saying that you can't understand your computer and making a reference to the many things that no one can understand. In other words, just because you can't understand something, doesn't mean it has to have a connection to a diety. However, I didn't read the thread, that's just the point I would make if I took the time to ask you those questions(which I probably wouldn't)
what if a deity is an understandable object, like a computer is an understandable object (in the sense that there are foundations of theory that lead on to practice and which progress further to enable valuations???
Even if there was a God, I wouldn't believe in it. So either way, wether there is or isn't a God, I won't go along with the story because I want to ne free to do what I like and think the way I want. You don't need a God to do that.
Hence Sarkus' metaphysical speculations are readily dismissed as so much rubbish. Reason, logic, and evidence dictate this conclusion.
Eh? Where have I made any "metaphysical speculations"? Please provide evidence!

Or are you merely spouting drivel for the sake of it?:shrug:
No, computers are not intelligent. Are you going to answer the question, or not?

Are you kidding me? Two things that get tested for on IQ tests are memory and mathematical ability. Computers are way more intelligent than the average human. Computers can play chess (ever hear of Deep Blue?). I can't believe you could even entertain the thought that computers aren't intelligent. NO, intelligence does not require consciousness.
Are you kidding me? Two things that get tested for on IQ tests are memory and mathematical ability. Computers are way more intelligent than the average human. Computers can play chess (ever hear of Deep Blue?). I can't believe you could even entertain the thought that computers aren't intelligent. NO, intelligence does not require consciousness.

So, it appears you're NOT going to answer the question and will continue to defer to nonsense.

Oh well, another theist with extraordinary claims amounting to squat. :rolleyes:
It's true, I'd love to believe otherwise, I'd love for there to be a heaven where I go and be with my daughter when our times come. But that won't happen...why? For so many reasons.

The birth of deformed babies. This is odd, but it is the number one reason I believe there to be no god. If he doesn't atleast have to power to protect children, what does he have?

Yes He has the power to ensure a baby is born without any abnormalities. He does not however choose to use the power. Therefore He allows babies to be born with deformities and in fact He allows all humans to be born with disadvantages. No person is perfect so we all disabled in some area or another to a certain extent. So the fact that humans are born imperfect is no indication either way that a God exists or does not exist.

Child sex abuse from within the church. Do I really need to ask how this so called "God" could ever allow such a thing to happen? Cleary it is another display of how there is no god.

How? God allows sin to exist in this world, It is the result of humanities rebellion against God and all people sin. God Has been longsuffering towards the sin of this world because of His love for those who will reject sin and accept His salvation. He puts up with the evil for the greater Good of redeeming His creation.

Religion causes war and has been adapted for countless centuries as a means of justifying and carry out wars. History proves that ultimately, these wars were carried out for the purpose of wealth.

So greedy people use religion as one of their first conscripts in war. Does that prove that God does not exist? Jesus made it clear to his followers that taking part in carnal warfare was against His will. Therefore anyone who is religious and takes part in war cannot lay claim to being a follower of the Messiah Jesus. So false religion gets into bed with greedy people and acts as a mouth peace to justify war and to motivate the masses to take part in making the greedy rich through conquest. Does that prove God does not exist? Or does it simply reveal that greedy and evil men use devious means to deceive the undereducated masses into doing their will?

There just is no god; we all know it deep inside somewhere, but many of us, by no fault of our own, choose to believe because it gives us a direction, or it brings a sense of community to us, and many of us need that. Often we are taught by our loving and trusting parents to believe in god, to attend church and such. That too is a form of idealism.

There is a God and deep down many just know it. God does give direction to those who are willing to swallow their pride and take it. Sometimes that means abandoning their families and churches to follow Him.

You know that "feeling" you get in church? The one where people start crying and putting their hands in the air, and sing, and are overcome with the spirit of the lord, as they say. Well, you can get that feeling from many other outlets in life. Some good, some bad. They are all a bit extreme in my opinion.

You are entitled to your opinion. I have never cried in a church or put my hands up in the air either, But i know God knows each and every persons heart and motivations in doing what they do. So i let Him make the call as to what is right and what is wrong in relation to what people do.

I will add more reasons to accept the truth as I have the time to.

The truth is God. None of your reasons are reasons. They are your misconceptions based on the fact that you believe things should be perfect in this world if God existed. You have discounted the possibility that God has allowed things to be imperfect for a good reason. Getting angry at God because the world is not perfect is a waste of time.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
If god is all knowing, all loving and all powerful, and had his son preach peace and love then why did god order the israelites to kill thousands in order to have a homeland>? How can he violate his own commandment? Isnt the hypocricy here apparent? How can the all loving god exist just to break his own rules and order the murder of women and children? Furthermoe if he is all powerful why did he have to order his people to do it? Wouldnt they have jsut went to hell anyways or couldnt he have made it so they never existed?
If god is all knowing, all loving and all powerful, and had his son preach peace and love then why did god order the israelites to kill thousands in order to have a homeland>? How can he violate his own commandment? Isnt the hypocricy here apparent? How can the all loving god exist just to break his own rules and order the murder of women and children? Furthermoe if he is all powerful why did he have to order his people to do it? Wouldnt they have jsut went to hell anyways or couldnt he have made it so they never existed?

If you have eyes, why you can't see any further than your nose?

If you have eyes, why you can't see any further than your nose?
Please forgive us we are clearly not as intuitive as theists. Perhaps you could reach down to us a little and provide the detailed answer that we seek.
If god is all knowing, all loving and all powerful, and had his son preach peace and love then why did god order the israelites to kill thousands in order to have a homeland>? How can he violate his own commandment? Isnt the hypocricy here apparent? How can the all loving god exist just to break his own rules and order the murder of women and children? Furthermoe if he is all powerful why did he have to order his people to do it? Wouldnt they have jsut went to hell anyways or couldnt he have made it so they never existed?

It's all quite easy to understand if you do a detailed study on the history of Yahweh and the ancient hebrew people.
It is simply God thru the eyes and minds of the hebrew priesthood.
Yahweh as we know him today is simply what the priesthood WANTED God to be.

The fact that the ancient hebrews formed the basis of the Old Testament and they (of course) are the "chosen ones" should speak volumes.

If god is all knowing, all loving and all powerful, and had his son preach peace and love then why did god order the israelites to kill thousands in order to have a homeland>? How can he violate his own commandment? Isnt the hypocricy here apparent? How can the all loving god exist just to break his own rules and order the murder of women and children? Furthermoe if he is all powerful why did he have to order his people to do it? Wouldnt they have jsut went to hell anyways or couldnt he have made it so they never existed?

You are not understanding. It's like me trying to teach Calculus and saying imaginary numbers are a contradiction to real numbers. Just because you do not understand the teachings, doesn't mean the teachings are not the truth....but, neither does it validate them. Let's assume there is no God for a moment...I'm agnostic, so I am undecided. I don't have a problem with the Bible's teachings. Everything makes sense, but I have a problem with the existence of the character God talked about in the Bible being real.

In the Bible, the thousands that were in the Isrealites homeland were unrighteous. By God's law, they deserved to die for their sins. Jesus came to preach to love your God and your neighbor as yourself to keep from sinning....lest you will be condemned to die. Now, God commands that "though shalt not kill" in order to keep from sinning.

So, you are asking if God sins when it orders the very thing it has condemned. No, because in scripture it makes a point that if a branch of a fig tree is dried up, you cut the branch so that the whole tree is saved or the whole tree will die. One life running umuck can ruin a whole family...a whole family can ruin a neighborhood...and so on. In the case of the Isrealites, the civilizations who inhabited their given land would infect the world if left unchecked. From that perspective, God is ordering mercy killings in the Old Testament.

So, a right plus a wrong equals a right?? What do you think God thinks of youthanasia for the terminally ill? Hmmmm...:bugeye:

Of course, when Jesus came, he said I will die for anyone who has murdered, so God will never ask you to kill anyone anymore.

I'm confused about killing for the sake of the greater good because it doesn't feel right...but, how I feel and what is actually the moral thing to do are two different things....but, God is not hypocritical. I mean there is another example in the Bible where it asks a civilization to attack the Isrealites because they were not behaving. Well, God punished the civilization whom it ordered to attack the Isrealites only because they killed for their own pleasure of murder, greed, or strife. huh....:shrug:

Anyway, it is good to talk about the Bible as a text so we can understand the characters in it...I believe there are solid morals contained in it (because the main point is to humbly surrender yourself to others), but that is no proof of any god. I wish that even there was a reason to believe in God, in the face of reason.
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By God's law, they deserved to die for their sins. Jesus came to preach to love your God and your neighbor as yourself to keep from sinning....

If you truly loved your neighbour you would never say "they deserved to die".