I'm so fed up.

I'd love to visit Bebelina, but I'd mess up her new place by drooling everywhere. :p
They are having a kind of house party today, for those who live in the building. I really do not want to go anymore, because of the landlord and his broken promises, but then I'm also curious to see who else lives in this building. It's at 19.00 in about 45 minutes.
But he sort of took the joy out of it.
Well, I can report back to you how the party developed later. Maybe somethng interesting happens, or maybe it will turn out to be the most boring gathering of people ever to occure in the history of humnaity.
What is your guess? :D

Adam, how long have you had this saliva disorder? :D

Originally posted by Bebelina

Adam, how long have you had this saliva disorder? :D
Oh, about as long as you've been around, Bebelicious. :D
Bebelina, please, post a full report on that house party. I am as curious as hell now. :D

Gossip then a little about the people and how boring/amusing they are.

I hope there are some very nice people living there to save you from your boredom, though. :p

Have lots of fun...

Adam, shall we join in by teleport? Steal it away from the inventors, you live in Australia. Go, go, go, get it...and come pick me up...Drooling on a house party is allowed. As long as it is not in the red wine.:D
Banshee, I'm not allowed to party with you and your wandering hands. :p
But...I've bound my hands on my back already. You know I cannot resist you...

Party... saliva... bondage... Those Europeans sure know how to have fun. :D
Originally posted by Banshee
Go to the beach and camp out there for a few days. Take a guitar, make a camp-fire, play music...smoke the good stuff. Seems awesome to do to me.

If i remember right i think Sweden, Norway, and Finland are the only European countries where they havent decriminalized cannabis in any way yet. I think they have punishments similar to the U.S. I could be wrong, that was just something i read. Correct me if i'm wrong, please :D

PS I've always wanted to visit Norway or Sweden for some reason
Nenar, unfortunately you are very, very wrong, it's very, very illegal.

The house party was as boring as suspected. The food was good though, they had vegetarian food. Broccoli and cheese pie.
An old man who has lived in this town since it was buildt almost, told stories about how it was before and showed slides....:) He had some funny anecdotes, about how the two brothers who took care of the dead people. One had the funeral bureau and was called Corpshappy-Harry ( actually it is a swedish word "liknöjd" that means indifferent, but if you split the word in two "lik" means corps and "nöjd" means satisfied. A bit hard to translate) and the other brother who was in charge of the crematorium was called Grill-Jim. :D
So that part was a bit amusing.
But I left a soon as it was "allowed". Mostly because I was still pissed off with the landlord, who btw acted like nothing had happened. Maybe he hasn't enough braincapacity to realize that he had broken an agreement, ot that he was very good at putting on a "happy face".

But, Drama school was FANTASTIC today!!!! I LOVE it!!!!! I can't understand why I haven't done this before, what a waste of time! It is so much fun and so purging and creative at the same time.

Adam and Banshee, get a hold of yourselves! :eek: SalivaBondage®? :D Sounds like a ...slippery game.

Any time you want to play slippery games, Bebelicious, just come on over. :D

And I'm glad you enjoyed the day at university, it sounds like fun.
Thanx for the report Bebelina. :) It is so much appreciated. I am sitting home alone and am bored to death.

What a stupid landlord you have. He's obviously more interested in collecting the rent than to do what he has to do. Limited, small thinking he is.

If you are going to do his job yourself, than send him the bill of what you've done in the apartment. It is for the better and makes the apartment more worthy, so it is for the landlords benefit too. The creep!

Yes, isn't it good to go to Drama? I did it a long time ago and it was lots of fun. Great people too. :)

Have you played role games already? What are you doing at the moment in Drama?

Adam, stop drooling now. The whole thread is getting so wet and slippery. The keyboard is playing waterskiing(?) while I type...:D