I'm siding with the US evangelicals!!!

Cris said:
It is not so much that I am disinterested just that the claims in perspective do not withstand close objective scrutiny. You are simply caught up in the popular frenzy being pushed by the media and over zealous scientists and politicans.
Presumptive to the point of causing offence. I don't base my opinion on important issues on what I read in the newspapers. I find the evidence gathered and assessed by the UN committee on climate change wholly convincing. If other's choose to take a hysterical position based on second, third and fourth hand assessments that is for them.
Cris said:
But as an aside I don't believe future generations have a biological future and that this planet is simply a temporary transitory home. That we may ravage and destroy this planet is in the long term unimportant.
I find your objective disinterest deeply abhorrent. Were I of a violent disposition I would view you as a suitable target for elimination based upon your hostile position that threatens my family. Fortunately for both of us, I am not. I see absolutely no point in continuing the discussion. I am certain you would remain firmly rooted to a position that I consider evil. Respond if you wish for the benefit of other readers, but not to me. I have placed you on Ignore.
Since you are an ****ing moderator I see I am unable to place you on the Ignore list.
Great. I have to be subjected to your noxious position on this ad nauseam. ****.

Why can't you convince me you are right rather than just asserting you are right and then becoming angry?
The evidence is there, in detail, as assessed by the scientists of the UN committee. All science contains a degree of uncertainty. There is a very small probability that the effects we are seeing are not largely the result of human activity. However, the consequence if they are is so large that it is insane to ignore it.
As noted earlier, I do become incensed when I see the future of my children being threatened by an ostrich like demeanour. When such an attitude springs from a fool, I can chuckle (or chuck an insult or two), but when it comes from an educated, intelligent individual, that person places themselves in a category labelled Enemy.
If you have not been convinced by the wealth of evidence and informed opinion on the matter then I do not flatter myself that I can alter your position. I am not asserting I am right. I am asserting that a broad and deep consensus of scientists have expressed a view, which you think is flawed.