I'm siding with the US evangelicals!!!


Valued Senior Member
Well for once me and the US evangelicals can agree on something.
There is hope after all
US evangelicals seek green laws
A group of more than 80 powerful evangelical leaders have defied the Bush White House and called for federal legislation to curb global warming.

The leaders pledge to pray and work together to stop global warming and call on congress to enact legislation similar to parts of the Kyoto accords which President Bush rejected

Evangelicals helped elect President Bush and they have the power to shift political debate.Evangelicals helped elect President Bush and they have the power to shift political debate.

Republicans must be pooping their pants about now!

Hillary in 08 ;)
They may be the stupidest people on the planet, but at least some of their stupidity is going to good use...
At least they are consistent - a bunch of stupid people fighting for something that doesn't exist. Global Warming is a myth.

A near consensus of scientists thinks human-caused global warming is happening.

Here are a few dissenting voices who say the opposite.

http://www.coolantarctica.com/Antarctica fact file/science/global_warming.htm
.and many more.

In short there is no consensus that global warming is caused by man, or agreement that global warming is occurring at all, or if it is then by how much and at what rate.

Remember that you must ignore politicians and other biased environmentalists, oh and complex computer models that contain massive assumptions – definitely not science.

Believing that global warming is caused by man is just another religion.
Guns don't kill people, apes with guns kill people.

hyuck hyuck..

Ever studied.. chemistry? Ya know, like in highschool?
Cris, you are the one that's delusional. Ever consider the amount of pollution humans produce? ...their impact on the environment has been severe for 10,000 years, and the industrial revolution has only increased it. But the issue of evangelicals is encouraging. They are the most radical of Christians, and thus the more likely to adopt strictly biblical ideas, one of which is stewardship of the Earth. Mostly they have used to bible to justify exploitation of the Earth, but if they are changing, I'm behind them all the way.
Cris said:

i think it seems relatively obvious that global warming is occuring, but i dont think its being caused by man. it is probably just part of a thousand year cyclical weather pattern that we have no control over. that doesnt mean that we should go out and pollute the fuck out of the earth any more than we already do though, i mean come on the air you breathe is a carcinogen. global warming should be the least of our concerns.
Cris, were most of those articles written before or after Arctic ice reduction? The wikipedia article you link to starts:

'The global warming controversy is an ongoing dispute about the effects of humans on the global climate and the policies that should be followed to avoid future effects. Although not fully settled, the current scientific opinion on climate change is that recent warming is largely human-caused.'

Waiting for a complete consensus would be like playing Russian Roulette with the planet. Better safe than sorry.

In short there is no consensus that global warming is caused by man, or agreement that global warming is occurring at all, or if it is then by how much and at what rate.

I disagree. As far as I can tell, the majority of scientists who are specialists in climatology agree, at a minimum, that global warming is occurring. Most also think that man is having an effect.

Almost invariably, it is political interest groups who promote the idea that global warming is not occuring.

Believing that global warming is caused by man is just another religion.

I disagree.

Cris, you are the one that's delusional. Ever consider the amount of pollution humans produce? ...their impact on the environment has been severe for 10,000 years, and the industrial revolution has only increased it.
Three quarters of the world is water and we have barely touched that and we only inhabit a fraction of the land mass. Our polution is miniscule in that perspective.

Most also think that man is having an effect.
Not quite, they think it should be having an effect and jump to that conclusion but no one can prove it. Natural long term weather cycles still seem more plausible when viewed in perspective of world size versus man's small footprint.
Man has a huge "footprint". Look up how much carbon dioxide is pumped into the atmosphere every year by industry. Do you think it just sits still over the "fraction of the land mass" that we inhabit?

Look up what percentage of the world's rainforests have been cleared over the last century.

Look up how many known species have gone extinct over the past century, attributable primarily to the activities of human beings.

And if you're thinking the oceans are unaffected, look up how many fisheries have become uneconomical over the past 100 years.
Cris said:

Three quarters of the world is water and we have barely touched that and we only inhabit a fraction of the land mass. Our polution is miniscule in that perspective.
How can you say we haven't touched the oceans? We have decimated the fish population with enormous drift nets. Just the pollution from the Mississippi has created a huge dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico.
Spider - it is just surface stuff, and are you sure a tenth of ALL fish are affected? There are mountain ranges under the ocean higher than Everest - it is almost a new and largely unknown world down there.
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Man has a huge "footprint". Look up how much carbon dioxide is pumped into the atmosphere every year by industry. Do you think it just sits still over the "fraction of the land mass" that we inhabit?
But it disperses easily and widespread and becomes ineffective as a significant harm.

Look up what percentage of the world's rainforests have been cleared over the last century.
And there is some problem there but the effects are localized.

Look up how many known species have gone extinct over the past century, attributable primarily to the activities of human beings.
But that doesn’t affect global warming in any significant measure?

And if you're thinking the oceans are unaffected, look up how many fisheries have become uneconomical over the past 100 years.
These are insignificant surface activities.
Global warming is not a myth. Those that think it is needs to shut up.
Second of all, fuck it. I welcome global warming. It gets cold o'er here in Louisville during the winter and fall. I'd welcome some warmin'.