I'm putting my foot down about all the religious emails I receive...

M*W: Thank you all for your responses.

It sounds to me that I am one of the unfortunate atheists who gets a barrage of unwanted religious emails from zealous christian friends who persist in trying to save my tainted soul. I live in the fly and zipper area below the Texas bible belt where a few delusional christians still wallow in and sling their religious fantasies electronically.

Sounds like the rest of you are lucky and live safely outside the bible belt.

No, you're not the only one. My cousin used to spam me with about 20 such emails a day, sometimes more. Half of them were religious prayer chain emails. She sent it to all of us (all my family spread around the world) basically. After several weeks of this annoying behaviour, not to mention aggravating as some of them contained viruses, I simply called her and told her to stop sending them to me. I explained that some of them contained viruses and that I really did not like getting constant chain emails. She understood and stopped and then started emailing normal things.. like photos and actual letters and jokes and stuff, which I appreciated a lot more. Within a week, my mother and other cousin's (all of whom are religious) around the world also followed suit and begged her to stop sending them.

It is annoying as hell to be honest. I can't stand them. The worst part is that I am very careful about who I give my email address to to avoid getting chain emails and getting spammed by junk. To have my own cousin spam me was teeth grinding annoying. Thankfully she understood and stopped. Had she continued, I'd have been forced to block her emails to be honest.
...As an atheist, I just can't quite force myself to forward them, so they have no choice but to be crucified right here in my inbox. If you are a religious email, today is a good day to die.

I agree. I have told them all, but I still get them. I just kindly let them know that I will be emailing them gay porn for every religious email I get. Kinda wondering about that one guy that I got A LOT more emails from. ;)
M*W: I didn't forward any of them. I just deleted them. They became a real nuisance.

You should use the reply option where it quotes their e-mail beneath your reply. Then, change what they wrote to outline satanist beliefs, and say you agree with them!