I'm putting my foot down about all the religious emails I receive...


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: Today is Good Friday, the day Jesus died. Today is the day that I put an end to all the religious emails I receive from friends, relatives and countrypersons. I've had enough of them propagating their myths and lies into my inbox.

Is it just me, or is there anyone else out there who is fed-up with receiving religious emails day in and day out?

As an atheist, I just can't quite force myself to forward them, so they have no choice but to be crucified right here in my inbox. If you are a religious email, today is a good day to die.
M*W: Today is Good Friday, the day Jesus died...... If you are a religious email, today is a good day to die.

It's a good day when Jesus dies apparently. Plus you're offering Christians around the world the same opportunity. A very magnanimous gesture on your part MW.:D
My religious emails have to do with miraculous penis growth and Nigerians who want to, miraculously, deposit funds in my bank account, and the like.

I don't seem to receive any religious emails otherwise.
I don't get them either and if I may, there is something peculiar going on.....

Oh oh! God senses tingling. MW..... this is it. You've been chosen. God is speaking to you. He is online.
Thanks for rubbing in the fact that I receive almost no email, religious or otherwise.
Have you tried telling your friends and relatives that you'd rather receive emails about how there isn't a God and that the universe is just a meaningless coincidence? :shrug:
M*W: Thank you all for your responses.

It sounds to me that I am one of the unfortunate atheists who gets a barrage of unwanted religious emails from zealous christian friends who persist in trying to save my tainted soul. I live in the fly and zipper area below the Texas bible belt where a few delusional christians still wallow in and sling their religious fantasies electronically.

Sounds like the rest of you are lucky and live safely outside the bible belt.