Im losing my faith

I guess it just depends on what you experience. My parents never asked me or told me about belief systems. It was never an issue.

Hence, you never did make a choice. You were simply taught your religion and you accepted it, as most children would accept Santa. ;)
Q, it's not always at childhood that people are brainwashed. Remember, religion feeds on fear and weakness, so there must have been something about John's character that made him a perfect fit for faith, even as an adult.
I want to believe in the bible and in God but I just can't continue holding up to so much of stupidity for so long.

I would bet a large sum of money you haven't even read the bible, to even lightly understand what it is you want to believe in.

So often the case.

I find the people the most ignorant about the bible are the ones who 'preach' it on Sunday, and the 'critics' of it.

Seems very few actually read the thing and THEN form an opinion.
I would bet a large sum of money you haven't even read the bible, to even lightly understand what it is you want to believe in.

So often the case.

I find the people the most ignorant about the bible are the ones who 'preach' it on Sunday, and the 'critics' of it.

Seems very few actually read the thing and THEN form an opinion.

So anyone who criticizes that fantasy document simply must not have read it?

Nice cop out. Try applying that to your religious brothers and sisters next time they try arguing against evolution.
You need to up your reading comprehension level.

What a simplistic, simpleminded, reactionary bit of drivel that post was.
Ok. I'll share a moment of my time. First I don't really "believe" in God, it's more of a faith or how to say it trust sort of thing. Others I am certain feel similar or exactly the same... :shrug: I don't know though I mean I do believe in what I believe to be this trust, and feel God exists however he exists in truth.

But I most certainly have been catching myself saying to myself after saying something in my head like "these people are so stupid to say God exists in such a manner as they say he does". I cannot believe how dumb and arragant they are. :mad:

I get upset that they are ignorant and I find myself doing it in more abrasive ways.

Sometimes I'll think it's a prejudice. That one person perhaps indeed does feel of god as I feel she does and hold it to be a form of necessity. That is common but why do I start to question something which is so miserable when I don't want to change my comfortable beliefs anyhow (trust me. To obviously discuss comfort with me is beyond unreasonable at certain times.)

Most of the time it's just plain idiotic.

But I ask if that's how I really feel.

I want to believe in the bible and in God but I just can't continue holding up to so much of stupidity for so long. I have tried to recounsel my beliefs to the best of my ability telling myself God likly is rational there likly is no reason I have to worry about anything if anything my beliefs are correct I consider how God exists in truth and in depth.

How in the end am I going to consider reading the bible.
I haven't touched a bible in about 5 or 6 months. At that time I was wanting to believe it fully or at least take it as I wanted.
When I come back to it I will still have faith in it.
But I feel like I am losing a certain love. Like I need some advice. What is happening with me does it look like.

I don't mean to get really uuber personal with you.
But I don't know how I should feel about this.

...Does anyone have any similar thoughts in the matter? :(

Don't be down, you have to understand the bible was written by man and is flawed. Just because the bible or any other scriptures have faults and contradictions does not mean it goes against gods existence. just look around at the earth and look up at the universe at night, you will see how everything makes sense. Don't let negative people taint your perception of how amazing existence and life is, you will always come across people who want to take your faith away and try to make you believe the universe is a cold place with no meaning. Try to help those people see the beauty of life, when a person throws negative energy at you throw some positive energy back at them. Words in books are not whats important the universe you are surrounded by can teach you a whole lot more.

I think god exists when I look at everything in the universe I see that it is not random chance. Nothing is completely random everything has a cause which leads to an effect, something has always existed you cannot get 1 from 0. people will try to make you explain god with hard evidence, that is because they require that evidence and they seek that evidence. Don't take life too seriously and become bitter with hate, there is logic in gods existence I was raised an Atheist untill my late teens where I became Daoist, I do believe in God now But I am still a daoist. I guess I just found the way now and im actualy happy Im not religious though but I do think a God created this universe.

I came to the conclusion God exists despite being raised as an Atheist, don't worry enjoy your time here on earth don't waste your time being negative. The most bitter people I know are Atheists I don't wish that on anybody its a hard way to live, and the most dangerous people are religious extreamists, be careful straying too far to the left or the right of the spectrum can harm you and others.

Look at the way theists and atheiss battle and fight over gods existence, that is not wise.
