I'm Confused about Jesus

I thought the big deal about him was that he came to spread the message of forgiveness, that no one is perfect. To me, that was his mission and a big deal.
His message could have been shoot a nigga, then slap a ho (man I wish), and people would have paid attention. Something about resurrected demigods, I guess.
Alejandro said:
damn, i may have seen it on t.v then. i am not trying to start a rumor or anything ;) - but there IS a church built over something important, and i am sure it's in Italy.

I cant see that happening either, but at least one Emperor was insane. So could be true.

I think I remember hearing the Vatican was built over Peter's grave? maybe thats what your thinking of... but hey, I could be wrong too lol
"He accepted this as his fate because it came from the "authority" of the land. To try and run from this sentence would not have benifited him in anyway."

so if there is no benefit to living, suicide is no longer a sin?

"well to qualify it needs to be done by ones own hand."
so jumping off a building is not commiting suicide?

"Assuming that the gospels are a true account, they seem to suggest that Jesus was EXPECTING God to save him from death on the cross."
Well this whole question is on the theoretical basis that the Bible is correct. Really? haha, that would be a real kick in the teeth
usp8riot said:
Well if that's the definition of sin, Diamond, then there's not many sinners. Even people on these forums who aren't religious, I'm sure most have a kind heart and intend no harm on anyone. If that's the case, why shouldn't I be non-religious then and just have a kind heart and intending no harm on anyone, then I will be sinless. Sin to me is doing wrong, meaning it or not. When someone does wrong and doesn't mean it, it will still have bad consequences. I've used the analogy once before on here, but if a surgeon makes a mistake and kills someone he's operating on, is it not wrong that he killed them? Sure, he may have not meant it, but if he was incompetent to be a surgeon, shouldn't there be some kind of consequence? He may not have studied like he should, should he not be held accountable for being ignorant? We know ignorance kills, you can't deny that. We know killing someone isn't good, you can't deny that. Is there evil people that just do things to cause no good at all? Even a murderer can feel it will do him good to get rid of someone. In their mind, they have no evil intentions, is this not sin? Point is, wrong whether believed good for someone or not is still wrong/sin, so my definition is correct. That is why there are so many things about Islam and religion in general that just doesn't make sense. Listen to myself, starting to talk like an atheist now, yeesh. But I believe in God, just as Muhammed did but feel it's time to make sense of all the inconsistencies of the other religions, including Islam.

There are two main things which will lead a person to Paradise, belief and actions.

The belief for a person who comes across proper Monotheism and rejects it, and knows a considerable amount of religion of Islam and rejects it, will be judged by Allah swt of his rejection based on how much he knows and if he completely rejects it (of which there is no hope) or keeps an open mind concerning this.

The most important thing about performing in act is the intention and also the action itself. If a person does do something wrong with a bad intention, it is a sin. If someone does something which would normally be regarded as a sin with a good intention (example, to kill a rapist) it can also be a good deed. If a person does something wrong, kill someone by mistake, it is not a sin, because he didnt do it on purpose and should pay the family blood money and apologize for this. Similarly, a normally good action can be a sin if done with a wrong intention.

We only know the general criteria by which Allah swt judges men as is in the Quran e kareem, but the end decision is solely up to Allah swt and He reserved the right to do as He wills.

If someone does something which would normally be regarded as a sin with a good intention (example, to kill a rapist) it can also be a good deed.

Killing should never be seen as good. Any religion which sees killing as a good deed is a sick, filthy, disgusting religion. Especially when the murderer took no one elses life. I don't believe life is ours to take. Those are God's children no matter what they done. It is better to be punished in this life than the next so they can help makeup for their mistakes, but if you kill them, all is lost.

Apparently you see mistakes as a sin too in my definition. Such as killing someone accidentally. You may just see it as something not good but I see it as a sin. Carelessness after all, is a sin. To not care. To be careless with something that is deadly. You just choose not to call bad happenings a sin, good intention or not. In that case, many people will get to heaven if going on good intentions. One with God is not careless in his actions. He is a caregiver to all that needs care. A forgiver of all that need forgiven. A blesser to those that need blessed. Reasoning is the birther of good intention. So use reason in your actions, not carelessness. God cares for the careful.

When you make a mistake by good intentions, it is still a mistake and must be learned from. Lots of mistakes/sin is made by good intention but it is still a sin in my eyes and must be learned from. Just as you say a man should pay for accidentally killing someone. There must be consequences for even accidents or the value of life lowers to all.
usp8riot said:
Killing should never be seen as good. Any religion which sees killing as a good deed is a sick, filthy, disgusting religion. Especially when the murderer took no one elses life. I don't believe life is ours to take. Those are God's children no matter what they done. It is better to be punished in this life than the next so they can help makeup for their mistakes, but if you kill them, all is lost.

Islam is not merely a religion, Islam also has a judicial system, therefore it has the right to form laws regarding offenses and the right to charge capital offense for some crimes.

usp8riot said:
Apparently you see mistakes as a sin too in my definition. Such as killing someone accidentally. You may just see it as something not good but I see it as a sin. Carelessness after all, is a sin. To not care. To be careless with something that is deadly. You just choose not to call bad happenings a sin, good intention or not. In that case, many people will get to heaven if going on good intentions. One with God is not careless in his actions. He is a caregiver to all that needs care. A forgiver of all that need forgiven. A blesser to those that need blessed. Reasoning is the birther of good intention. So use reason in your actions, not carelessness. God cares for the careful.

Killing someone by mistake, example a car accident, is not sin. It is a mistake and should be corrected properly by giving money to family and apologizing.

usp8riot said:
When you make a mistake by good intentions, it is still a mistake and must be learned from. Lots of mistakes/sin is made by good intention but it is still a sin in my eyes and must be learned from. Just as you say a man should pay for accidentally killing someone. There must be consequences for even accidents or the value of life lowers to all.

Accidents are what they are accidents, and should not be regarded as sin if the person regrets them and makes amends.

This is only our difference of opinion, nothing more.

Yes, but I view life as learning, and we can always learn to do better. Even if we are careless in our actions by having a misfortunate accident which hurt ourself or someone else, I believe we learn from it and get better. But yes, that's mainly our difference of opinion. Whether someone regrets an action and makes an amend or not, it is still sin, and when you look back on it, it will still be sin, ie, a mistake from which to be learned. Maybe I see sin in a lighter heart than you do, you tend to only see sin as something very consequential and damning. I see it in all varying degrees.
stretched said:
Heh. Just another Christian absurdity. Furthermore if, as Christians believe, Jesus is God, he cannot die as he is immortal. Kinda silly religion eh?

How about you read the first Chapter of the Gospel of John and get back to me on that one :rolleyes:
the bible tells that john the prophet was also without sin, since he was born from a virgin.

but if jesus was without sin, why did he have to get himself baptised, why did he even have to be born on earth?
I read the Gospel of Luke, the only gospel ever mentioning the birth of John the Baptist, and no where did i find he was born of a virgin... maybe you can get the quote? I looked hard, but couldnt find it :\

Although, it struck my mind... if his mother was barren... how would they know she was barren unless she had intercourse?

Then I looked at the baptism of Jesus in the Bible, to see if the side-notes gave any answer to why he was baptised (perhaps if anyoe has any knowledge of Jewish tradition back then, that would be helpful) and I came to this conclusion:

When Jesus was baptised...

1) The Holy Spirit decended upon him and it is there that he knew his mission in life
2) God broke open the Heavens and claimed Jesus as His son...

Or atleast, thats what the Gospel of matthew says...

(Mt. 3: 13-17) <-- also linked to Isaiah 41: 1

Lastly, Jesus was born on Earth for a few reasons:

1) To become man, so that he may fulfill the prophecy of a savior, coming from the house of David (thus he must be a human) and being born in Bethlehem (thus being a human, since he was born)

2) To become man, so that he may die to forgive us our sins and open up the gates of heaven

3) To become man, so that he may preach to us and give us his Word

John’s mother was Elizabeth, the wife of the priest Zechariah. Both were childless when Elizabeth was past her child bearing years, and righteous and blameless before God, meaning they were without sin:

"In the days of Herod, king of Judea, there was a priest named Zechariah, of the division of Abijah; and he had a wife of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth. And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless. But they had no child, because Elizabeth was barren, and both were advanced in years." - Luke. 1:5-7

John was conceived by divine conception:

But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer is heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John. - Luke 1:13

I think John the baptist represents Aquarius in the Zodiac.

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