I'm an Answer to a Prayer

I'm pretty sure that any young women who look at me now would would think "definitely no answer to any prayer".

Aw chris, that's no good.

First of all, you're insinuating that you may not fill any need of any young woman, which I know from being one once, are overwhelming and vastly unsatisatisfied, thereby creating a vast opportunity for you.

Also, are you satisfied with this perceived lacking in yourself?

If not then fucking change it.
When I was young, I was naïve I guess, and I was horrified and traumatized by the way a lot of men treated me and wanted from me. Looking back it seems like a lot of men who had good intentions weren't as brave or perhaps driven as the ones with bad intentions. Girls need brave good men.

Just throwing that out there...

Aw chris, that's no good.

First of all, you're insinuating that you may not fill any need of any young woman, which I know from being one once, are overwhelming and vastly unsatisatisfied, thereby creating a vast opportunity for you.

Also, are you satisfied with this perceived lacking in yourself?

If not then fucking change it.
Nah, no problem. I'm old, fat, bald, broke, and ugly. And too lazy to change now, even if I really wanted to. :)

Nah, no problem. I'm old, fat, bald, broke, and ugly. And too lazy to change now, even if I really wanted to. :)

The only thing you've stated here that would keep you from being a positive influence is your own self perception, or quite possibly, your own intentions.
When I was young, I was naïve I guess, and I was horrified and traumatized by the way a lot of men treated me and wanted from me. Looking back it seems like a lot of men who had good intentions weren't as brave or perhaps driven as the ones with bad intentions. Girls need brave good men.

Just throwing that out there...

:) Yes Girls need brave good men. But you have come to this wisdom now when you are no longer a girl.

It is my experiance that when Girls are Girls they don't want brave good men. When girls are girls they like the Bad Boys Best.

So they get them.

Where there is a demand, a supply soon fills it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I wonder if there are those who pray for something worse for themselves? All prayers are personal, no? If so then isn't it reasonable to conclude that an answered prayer will in some way benefit the asking. No prayer answer can ever be negative or contrary. The prayer simply becomes unanswered.

Even if you asked for something worse and it happened then that is a positive. No wonder people like praying, it is always win-win.....the ideal brainwashing mechanism.
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I don't appreciate it when people thank a figment of their fevered fantasy for things I do.

Not worth losing sleep over. I'm not atheism's knight in shining armor systematically ridding the Earth of theist scum. Why provoke and risk confrontation with loss of income?

I'm not naive enough to think my kids were never going to be within reach of religion's tentacles. I don't have the theistic compulsion to indoctrinate a young mind. For me to speak about atheism to that child would have been hypocritical. You're entitled to your feelings.... I may just be a little more discreet about mine (in the real world, not here).
I wonder if there are those who pray for something worse for themselves? All prayers are personal, no? If so then isn't it reasonable to conclude that an answered prayer will in some way benefit the asking. No prayer answer can ever be negative or contrary. The prayer simply becomes unanswered.

Even if you asked for something worse and it happened then that is a positive. No wonder people like praying, it is always win-win.....the ideal brainwashing mechanism.

In general you should not pray for yourself, it is a bit self-glorifying. If you allow God to work in you, and pray for that, it is win-win. Man's conception of 'worse' is time dependent and God is not. Praying for an intervention when time is the essence is the most obvious indication of God's involvement albeit the exception.