I'm an Answer to a Prayer


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
Recently I was approached by a young lady who informed me that she was impressed by my nearness to God. She was convinced that I talked to God on a regular basis. Naturally I inquired as to how she knew this. At first she thought I was an angel. I corrected her this one time but she said that I was the answer to her father's prayers because I had showed up to fix an ongoing problem he could not. IOW God had consulted with me to get my ass over to her place and solve a dilemma.

I'm not going to get into specifics, I have my reasons, but isn't it interesting how impressionable a young mind is. Obviously her father's words have a tremendous influence on her life. I can't tell you how much I wanted to say something counter to her father's words, but I held my tongue. I don't know why, perhaps out of respect for her family. So I went from fixing, for me what amounted to an impersonal problem only to have a personal one pop up.

Amazing how when someone glorifies you that you're more than willing to push aside personal feelings. In fact after that episode I am convinced that the people in charge of the various religions of the world are actually hiding their true feelings with respect to their beliefs just to bask in the celebrity of being God's spokesperson. Anyway that's another subject.

Was I the answer to a prayer? Did God manipulate me into being there? I can assure you that God did not talk to me and I'm also quite convinced that God, if he exists, probably knows I'm an atheist. Would God use an atheist to assist a believer in Him? If He did then does God have a moral responsibility to safeguard that atheist's afterlife?:D (don't think for a moment that this is what I'm hoping for). If God uses me to help a believer then perhaps all atheist commentary is meant to assist believers. How does a theist know an atheist is not doing God's work?
Was I the answer to a prayer? Did God manipulate me into being there? I can assure you that God did not talk to me and I'm also quite convinced that God, if he exists, probably knows I'm an atheist. Would God use an atheist to assist a believer in Him?

if God is all of existence and yu live within god (existence itself) then the concept of a separate 'thing' being a god and is doing the contacting is 'off' in itself

are you a part (entangled) to the little one? Yes you are

could you pick something from that? absolutely

are you talking to god? everyday you experiencing god (each step, thought, conscious experience)

If you a believer an atheist or a quack (like me); don't matter. If you are honest and you see the good of conveying reality to a little one, and it is good, then you are making the choice (now that is magic)

If He did then does God have a moral responsibility to safeguard that atheist's afterlife?:D

each live in what they do; existence (god) is all of it at the same time

each contributor of knowledge (darwin galileo, jesus, copernicus) they perhaps maintained and innert responsibility; but there in we are back on that magic (the choices each make)

If God uses me to help a believer then perhaps all atheist commentary is meant to assist believers. How does a theist know an atheist is not doing God's work?

i love the thinking minds

great question; (kind of self defining)
if God is all of existence and yu live within god (existence itself) then the concept of a separate 'thing' being a god and is doing the contacting is 'off' in itself

are you talking to god? everyday you experiencing god (each step, thought, conscious experience)

I'll be honest...the only reason I happened to be there was because of money. My decision to go was purely for financial gain. So if I were a pawn in God's prayer answering game then He used good old fashioned currency to entice me. I fail to see the God connect here unless God is allowed to use any means available to Him in order to get the job done. I'm just glad I didn't have to kill someone so a prayer could be answered. Perhaps that is best left for believers.

i love the thinking minds

great question; (kind of self defining)

It only goes to reason that if God exists and He has everything at His disposal to enact His will upon us then atheists are working on His behalf. Like it or not, a believer has no choice but to admit that this is possible and since there is no way to tell if God exists or how He works then believers must see that every action is in some way beneficial to His creations(this would include divine levied punishment). Perhaps the message is to heed the words of atheists because believing in Him is not important. (this isn't how I truly think but if God is out there then this possibility cannot be discarded)
This is AWESOME!

I bet you knew I would think so.

Its been my experience that god uses anything and everything to answer prayers. Even atheists.
It doesn't mean you're right. Nobodys RIGHT. Just means some people pray and some people don't. Some believe and some don't. Maybe this is an answer to your prayers PE.
Recently I was approached by a young lady who informed me that she was impressed by my nearness to God. She was convinced that I talked to God on a regular basis. Naturally I inquired as to how she knew this. At first she thought I was an angel. I corrected her this one time but she said that I was the answer to her father's prayers because I had showed up to fix an ongoing problem he could not. IOW God had consulted with me to get my ass over to her place and solve a dilemma.

I'm not going to get into specifics, I have my reasons, but isn't it interesting how impressionable a young mind is. Obviously her father's words have a tremendous influence on her life. I can't tell you how much I wanted to say something counter to her father's words, but I held my tongue. I don't know why, perhaps out of respect for her family. So I went from fixing, for me what amounted to an impersonal problem only to have a personal one pop up.

Amazing how when someone glorifies you that you're more than willing to push aside personal feelings. In fact after that episode I am convinced that the people in charge of the various religions of the world are actually hiding their true feelings with respect to their beliefs just to bask in the celebrity of being God's spokesperson. Anyway that's another subject.

Was I the answer to a prayer? Did God manipulate me into being there? I can assure you that God did not talk to me and I'm also quite convinced that God, if he exists, probably knows I'm an atheist. Would God use an atheist to assist a believer in Him? If He did then does God have a moral responsibility to safeguard that atheist's afterlife?:D (don't think for a moment that this is what I'm hoping for). If God uses me to help a believer then perhaps all atheist commentary is meant to assist believers. How does a theist know an atheist is not doing God's work?


Yes God can use an atheist to assist one of His followers. The follower receives a blessing the atheist can please themselves, as you did by accepting the positive accolades from the believer.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
It doesn't mean you're right. Nobodys RIGHT. Just means some people pray and some people don't. Some believe and some don't. Maybe this is an answer to your prayers PE.

Prayers??? Jeezuz Lori, I nearly had the big one reading that.

The point is that atheists cannot be discounted by theists, no way, no how. If you believe in God then at minimum you must accept an atheist as an equal.

nietzschefan..... I Pray to Joe Pesci...are you Joe Pesci?

Doesn't everybody?
Recently I was approached by a young lady who informed me that she was impressed by my nearness to God. She was convinced that I talked to God on a regular basis. Naturally I inquired as to how she knew this. At first she thought I was an angel. I corrected her this one time but she said that I was the answer to her father's prayers because I had showed up to fix an ongoing problem he could not. IOW God had consulted with me to get my ass over to her place and solve a dilemma.

I'm not going to get into specifics, I have my reasons, but isn't it interesting how impressionable a young mind is. Obviously her father's words have a tremendous influence on her life. I can't tell you how much I wanted to say something counter to her father's words, but I held my tongue. I don't know why, perhaps out of respect for her family. So I went from fixing, for me what amounted to an impersonal problem only to have a personal one pop up.

Amazing how when someone glorifies you that you're more than willing to push aside personal feelings. In fact after that episode I am convinced that the people in charge of the various religions of the world are actually hiding their true feelings with respect to their beliefs just to bask in the celebrity of being God's spokesperson. Anyway that's another subject.

Was I the answer to a prayer? Did God manipulate me into being there? I can assure you that God did not talk to me and I'm also quite convinced that God, if he exists, probably knows I'm an atheist. Would God use an atheist to assist a believer in Him? If He did then does God have a moral responsibility to safeguard that atheist's afterlife?:D (don't think for a moment that this is what I'm hoping for). If God uses me to help a believer then perhaps all atheist commentary is meant to assist believers. How does a theist know an atheist is not doing God's work?

not sure what you are suggesting

that pious credit cannot be gathered unknowingly?

The point is that atheists cannot be discounted by theists, no way, no how. If you believe in God then at minimum you must accept an atheist as an equal.


Although I think my reasons for agreeing with the above are very different than yours ...
Prayers??? Jeezuz Lori, I nearly had the big one reading that.

The point is that atheists cannot be discounted by theists, no way, no how. If you believe in God then at minimum you must accept an atheist as an equal.

an equal??? well of course! you are human aren't you? :confused:

and i have reconsidered my response a bit. upon reflection, it didn't really make sense when i said that some people pray and some don't. i think everybody prays. prayers are thoughts and desires so...everyone has those i'm pretty sure.
Like you have to be a theist to do good things? P.E., you should have shattered those delusions as soon as you had the chance.
I'm pretty sure that any young women who look at me now would would think "definitely no answer to any prayer".
Like you have to be a theist to do good things? P.E., you should have shattered those delusions as soon as you had the chance.

I should have but I hadn't been paid yet. That, plus the fact that I let my own kids grow up without me influencing them. Didn't want to be hypocritical. Like I said, I allowed a dilemma for myself to be created. I suppose I enjoyed the adulation.

In the real world people are more than willing to give someone divine status and some are more than willing to accept it. I should have told her my name was Lightgigantic.