Im a Police officer, what do you think of that?

so ahh drug (weed) accounts for most crimes and incaceration here. legalize it and what happens to the coppers? shall we cut budgets and indulge in mass layoffs?

cops profit from crime. it gives them a livelihood. tha police!

mod edit: there was no need for that
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Originally posted by spookz
so ahh drug (weed) accounts for most crimes and incaceration here. legalize it and what happens to the coppers? shall we cut budgets and indulge in mass layoffs?

cops profit from crime. it gives them a livelihood. fuck tha police!

funny comming from somebody that thinks the goverment should look out and be mommy for everybody.

I get nervous around cops when I drive. Im a good driver too.

My friend's dad was a cop and was a tottal dick. Thats probably why.
PLEASE READ THE FORUM RULES, personal insults and/or ridiculing a member wont be tolerated (when i find them anyway)

Spooky you have already been banned and let back in, if you over ride an edit again i will ask for you to be banned for good

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Re: video link

Originally posted by Squashbuckler
do you have a videolink for that bud?

Squash: drawn here by the title with some opinion to share, I enjoyed your original posting and several subsequent ones; but this one "bud" sounds like you're getting on the defensive.

Now, I'm sure you are sensitive to the frequent abuse police may suffer for the public's anger at the mountains of bad regulations (laws that wouldn't pass muster under Constitutional review).

And I can't speak for Canada entirely, except to say I have maintained a residence and office in Montreal for many years and have had frequent cause to admire the demeanor of the RCMP and local officers. I had the distinct impression they're above continental average for quality and courtesy, I can, however, speak with some authority on police and regulations in the U.S.of A.

In the past sixty years (by personal observation) the status of American (U.S.) policeman has changed from friend to enemy. This has many causal issues. Increased population, increase in a persistently ugly element in the population, and not least a tremendous increase in regulations that intrude on our freedoms and infringe on our (U.S.) rights.

In those 3 score years, I have learned that it is increasingly difficult for a good officer to succeed in the U.S. as the mood and management has changed to Bully and Enforce, bring in the bucks (fines).

I may be optimistic but there have been recent signs, with the excellent pay and benefits, higher quality people are being drawn to the profession.

That said; the profession has always attracted bully's and those whose psychological weaknesses succumb to the opportunity to assert authority.

All this ties to the opening comment. You need not feel on the defensive, nor need you defend the many policemen who are bad actors.

I have had the opportunity to read many of Sparks postings, and while I can assure you I do not always agree with him, I have not once seen him go off half cocked.

Thanks, HBH
good post

Thanks HBH, I agree.
Nobody is perfect. Its very difficult for a "good" cop to survive in certain atmospheres.
also, as you mentioned earlier, the profession does tend to draw people who want to bully others around.
My original intent was, and still is, to help people.
For a police officer who lives by that code, its sometimes very painful to hear others trash your profession.
one mroe thing...

The videolink that I requested was merely to be informed of what was happening in the U.S. Knowing from personal experience, i find what the media says about the actual events are usualy very distorted. Not only distorted, but sometimes completely fabricated!
I believe if people are stopping traffic they should be moved, not necessarily with shotguns!, but they should be moved.
I hate violence, I really do, I would never want to have to hurt anyone.
I dont think that anyone on this messageboard would have liked to be standing in a riot formation receiving various heavy objects thrown at them (which may not have been the case this time, who knows)

I appreciate everyones posts. Whether or not you like the police is your decision. I enjopy my job, I enjoy helping people who really need it. A poor child here in toronto was chopped to pieces and droped in lake ontario. Hearing things like this make me sick, and I would like nothing more than to remove these people from this society, the people who want to hurt, extort , rape and steal from others to benefit themselves.
If you dont like police, thats your perogative.
Whether or not you like me or not, if you need help, I will help you.

Originally posted by (Q)

Police defend laws not politics.
Thats what they should do, but sadly, not what they do do in the US.

Laws are selectively enforced in regards to political groups.
For one small example: In NYC there is a law on the books forbidding demonstrators from carrying signs with metal or wooden posts. This is aggressivley enforced at all left-leaning demonstraitions. It is never enforced at right-leaning demonstrations. When asked about this inconsistency a cop reportedly said that it was a policy passed down from "Above the departmental level" in other words not an accident or coincidence. The police are subservient to politicians and their enforcement of laws will be significantly influenced by whoever is in office.
COPS, I despise them for good reason

I think cops are needed in society but the people that are cops tend to have extremely anal personalities. That is what I despise about cops. Not their actual profession but their atttitude. Cops see things only in black and white although the world is made in shades of gray. They have to think like that because if they ever pause to consider the guy they're arresting might be stealing to feed his children then he wouldn't be as effective at his job. Cops have to think that there are only two kinds of people, good and bad but the world is more complex then that.

nor will sarcastic or stupid coments

oh have i failed to mention that i find you extremely stupid? resign your goddamn mod position. you are in no position (one needs a brain) to judge shit!
Re: Reply to tyler and to Allahs mathematics and Q

Originally posted by Squashbuckler
First of ALL..

Now, the weed issue.. .

The government in ontario should sell pot, alcohol and cigarrettes in a controlled environment.
Why i say this is simple.
Organized crime will diminish.
I really dont want to see people walking around stoned.. but i dont want to see them walking around drunk either .
Unfortunately, many people in our society enjoy acts of sublimation and pleasure, which freud describes in detail in "civilization and its discontents " .
I hate to see it be legalized.. and my partner also would hate to see that happen, but in the long run, it might actually be better.
The government could make lots of money on it. (which i prefer over criminals anyday)
Our government is reasonable, they shouldlegalize it and reap the profits.
Take care guys.

I can't believe a cop actually admitted that weed should be legalized!!!:eek: :m: :m:
if your so dead against this civiliazation, why dont you go somewhere else and complain?

Squab : U dont understand the concept of profiting do you ?

Asguard : No crack available here just very cheap :m:

the profession does tend to draw people who want to bully others around.

and those who cant do so (no power) in their little lives

For a police officer who lives by that code, its sometimes very painful to hear others trash your profession.

Its more painfull be confronted with hostile forces like police cars , loud sirenes , retarded brains and loud mouths , aggressive attitudes , guns and big lights shining in your face , especially when you have not broken any laws .

I hate violence, I really do, I would never want to have to hurt anyone.

Then u better find another job or u cant be take seriously .
U have monopoly on force

I dont think that anyone on this messageboard would have liked to be standing in a riot formation receiving various heavy objects thrown at them (which may not have been the case this time, who knows)

That like whining for being shot at when your in the military .

steal from others to benefit themselves.

what if its to benefit others ?

if you need help, I will help you.

thats because they'll fire you if you dont

I can't believe a cop actually admitted that weed should be legalized!!!

hey man Ive smoked with coppers , it all depends on the attitude of their location and system , u wont find a french pro-ganja copper . What i know of canada is that they are close to tolerating .

Personally im against government controll , they screw up the quality and would outlaw certain kinds .
not going to bother.

Im not going to respond completely to allahs message because he has his own ways which he will not change. Thats ok, I accept that.

Ill only respons to his quote "the government reduves the quality"

On a similiar note, perhaps you should read all about privitization? About what happens when the government turns to private companies. take the power crises here in ontario, or (for a u.s reference) what happened in california.
The government in no way reduces quality of anything. If anything, it imposes regulations and quality control.

Let me recommend a book for you..... speaking about profiting.

Atlas shrugged by Ayn Rand .

I know you wont read it, its 900 pages and i bet you wont think its worth your time.
But you should
Squash :

On a similiar note, perhaps you should read all about privitization? About what happens when the government turns to private companies. take the power crises here in ontario, or (for a u.s reference) what happened in california.

It ofcourse depends on how you understand government-controll : privatization is quite going into the opposite direction ? Ideal for the quality is a toleration system like they have in the netherlands . Its not scars because its not hunted down , in the meantime market-economy aks for powerfull quality , and the suppliers are bound to this if they wish to do business .

The main problem with government controll would remain the outcasting of some sorts , and those sorts would become extremely expensive and scars on the black market .

Let me recommend a book for you..... speaking about profiting.

Its some philosophical fiction about economical collapse I understand , but can you please elaborate on what it has to do with my profiting ?
A reply

Its always great to hear all of the different opinions on police officers. =)

When I was in Canada, I got in a little trouble with the police over my working there without a permit. No big deal, I was simply deported. But my point is that I was treated as though I were a human being with rights. A sharp contrast from my previous dealings with US cops. In Canada I got the feeling that the cops actually were not fighting a war against there own people. I was in no way coddled by them, but I left respecting and admiring them. I love my country, but I have to admit that Canada is by far a better place to live.
No democratic society has enshrined civil disobedience as a right. If the worst criticism of US cops is that they fired beanbags at protestors, unlawfully blocking streets, then I’d stay things are pretty mild in the US.

Anarchy is a self-defeating philosophy. You eliminate all authority and you end up with vigilantism. People soon get tired of vigilantism and you end up with some form of government with laws and police to enforce those laws. Read Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes if you want to understand how the world really works.

By the way, the cops in Canada deal with rioting protestors the same way that American cops do. If US cops seem a little too rough at times maybe its because you Americans have a propensity for murdering each other at levels not seen in any other democratic country and very few non-democratic ones. I forget who said it, but the saying: “people get the government they deserve” would apply. I would add that they also get the police they deserve.

If the worst criticism of US cops is that they fired beanbags at protestors

actually it is much worse

Police abuse remains one of the most serious and divisive human rights violations in the United States. The excessive use of force by police officers, including unjustified shootings, severe beatings, fatal chokings, and rough treatment, persists because overwhelming barriers to accountability make it possible for officers who commit human rights violations to escape due punishment and often to repeat their offenses. Police or public officials greet each new report of brutality with denials or explain that the act was an aberration, while the administrative and criminal systems that should deter these abuses by holding officers accountable instead virtually guarantee them impunity.

Police Brutality and Accountability in the United States

I would add that they also get the police they deserve.

no they are not elected. rather they are paid by my taxes to enforce the laws in a way i see fit. failure to do so will result in termination of job. that is how it should be. of course it never is so... screw the cop.....well screw the corrupt and inept cop

in anycase, like you said anarchy is not an option so i guess i will have to make some noise down at city hall
Re: lucid

Originally posted by spookz
If the worst criticism of US cops is that they fired beanbags at protestors

actually it is much worse

Police abuse remains one of the most serious and divisive human rights violations in the United States. The excessive use of force by police officers, including unjustified shootings, severe beatings, fatal chokings, and rough treatment, persists because overwhelming barriers to accountability make it possible for officers who commit human rights violations to escape due punishment and often to repeat their offenses. Police or public officials greet each new report of brutality with denials or explain that the act was an aberration, while the administrative and criminal systems that should deter these abuses by holding officers accountable instead virtually guarantee them impunity.

Police Brutality and Accountability in the United States

I would add that they also get the police they deserve.

no they are not elected. rather they are paid by my taxes to enforce the laws in a way i see fit. failure to do so will result in termination of job. that is how it should be. of course it never is so... screw the cop.....well screw the corrupt and inept cop

in anycase, like you said anarchy is not an option so i guess i will have to make some noise down at city hall

Thank you for the Link, I've bookmarked it and encourage all to read it.

I would venture to say, at the possible expense of being thought a `brown-noser' that Squash's posts make it clear he is not one of the bad guys.

I'm thinking Spookz, that you ought start a thread on the accountability issue, perhaps we could gather support for ombudsman overseers, what do you think Squash, guys and girls?
Or course police brutality is always wrong, as is any violent crime, but if criminals can become victims of their environment then so can police. Police can be brutalized by a culture of violence that they have to deal with on a daily basis.

Police brutality may be worse in the US than in Canada but I’ll bet it’s a lot better than in Mexico. Likewise, the level of police brutality is going to be worse in South Central L.A. than in Beverly Hills. It’s all relative to the level of violence in the society. As the Shah of Iran once said: “I’ll start behaving like the King of Sweden when my subjects start behaving like Swedes”.

Changing the conditions in society that lead to the violence is the best way to deal with this problem. That means voting out of office corrupt politians and voting in honest ones.
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