Im a Police officer, what do you think of that?


Registered Senior Member
Its always great to hear all of the different opinions on police officers. =)
So please, enrich my in your views, I would love to know.
Toronto, Ontario
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It would depend on how an officer conducts themself in the official capacities of their duty. There are good cops.......and there are bad cops.
I'm more interested in hearing your opinion of recent events to be honest - the oakland protest for example.

Forgot to mention that I work in toronto, ontario.
E.I sparks, Since Im not in the us, Ill have to havea look at the event which you are referrign to..

I believe its this...
Im still reading...

One thing to remember, especially from experience, is that there are always two sides (or more) to a story.They never show the bruises that the police incur (mainly from large bricks) duing a "so called" peaceful demonstration. Im not saying that it was the same situation here, ill look into it.

Also, If protestors decide to chain thier hands together and sit in a circle blocking traffic. They are committing a crime, and the streets will back up with traffic. Those kind of people deserve to be removed.

"they temporarily blocked an off-ramp from Interstate 280 in San Francisco"

We dont need destructive people in our society who want to impede in everyone elses daily events. What use are they?

My opinion is as follows.. If you are intruding on other peoples right to travel, and go about thier daily business, you should be removed. If you dont move, you should be MADE TO MOVE.

Personally, I supported the war. Effective government is the only means to a civilized, healthy and prosperous society.
But that is another topic altogether isnt it? =)

"I was there from 5 a.m. on, and the only violence that I saw was from the police,'' said Joel Tena, the constituent liason for Vice Mayor Nancy Nadel. ``What happened today was very surprising. It seemed the police were operating under the assumption that they were not going to let any kind of protest happen.''

Maybe it wasnt about violence, but they should have moved.
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Squash - the thing with the oakland protest was that the video footage shows the cops opening fire without warning or provocation, and they shot several people in the back and in the face - both of which are pretty blatent no-no's with beanbag rounds.
And most of the witnesses are denying that the police officers' version of events is correct.
I was in SF around that time. Usually i try to defend the cops saying that they are just doing their job. I saw the pile of weapons that they confiscated from some of the "protesters". So perhaps we should cut them some slack. Howerver, I also saw some cops being pretty damn agressive with people who really weren't doing anything, and weren't even protesters.

So some cops are ok. Some cops do go over the line. but you could say the same thing about the protesters.
I tend to have little time for the argument that the cops should get a lot of slack on this issue, because they are supposed to be trained and paid professionals whose job it is to deal with these situations within the letter of the law.
You might expect some random thug to throw a rock - and taking the necessary action to arrest him is justified. But the kind of damage we're seeing photographic evidence of, and hearing testimony of, and which people are showing video footage of, is simply unprofessional. It's a lot like the Reclaim the Streets protest in Ireland last year, where police officers discarded their ID numbers and laid into protestors like a bunch of football hooligans.
And the police who do sink to this level only bring the rest of the police into disrepute and do damage to not only the force as a whole but to their society as a whole - if you can't trust a cop, you're pretty screwed, after all.
So it's rather a serious issue and not something to be brushed off as an isolated incident.
If you're an officer in canada, I have no comment.

If you were an officer in USA, I'd say , ugh. I dislike police officers. No logical reason, I just do. But the concept (without any information) of a canadian police officer sounds more peacefull. However, it's still a COP, so who knows.
Originally posted by EI_Sparks
I tend to have little time for the argument that the cops should get a lot of slack on this issue, because they are supposed to be trained and paid professionals whose job it is to deal with these situations within the letter of the law.
You might expect some random thug to throw a rock - and taking the necessary action to arrest him is justified. But the kind of damage we're seeing photographic evidence of, and hearing testimony of, and which people are showing video footage of, is simply unprofessional. It's a lot like the Reclaim the Streets protest in Ireland last year, where police officers discarded their ID numbers and laid into protestors like a bunch of football hooligans.
And the police who do sink to this level only bring the rest of the police into disrepute and do damage to not only the force as a whole but to their society as a whole - if you can't trust a cop, you're pretty screwed, after all.
So it's rather a serious issue and not something to be brushed off as an isolated incident.

I agree.
In NYC, the police commit all kinds of crimes with impunity. At demonstrations they instigate violence on a regular basis.
Its common practice for them to assault people and then have "assault on police officer" charges pressed against their victims. An example of this:

Coppers these days :

On a personal/emotional/individual level :

Sad , I believe these people are highly traumatzied and psychologically damaged , I think treatment is at its place .

On a national level :

They should be brought to anarchy .

On an international level :

Guerilla attacks should be performed against this legal military target .

Unfortunatly reality demands police-organization , in a functional state certain gaps are filled , and a decent organization that is capable of this resembles the most in police forces .

But not quite the way they are organized these days .

We dont need destructive people in our society who want to impede in everyone elses daily events. What use are they?

Yes you do . They're use is bringing order down in a hostile environment .

you should be MADE TO MOVE.

And what authority do you believe you have in this ?
I think people should arm and defend themselves when they are MADE to do anything .

Personally, I supported the war

Ofcourse you did .

Effective government is the only means to a civilized, healthy and prosperous society.

A desired government is indeed . A desired government should function properly and police is necesarry , unfortunatly .

Hey Squashie , please dont take any personal offense in all of this its simply my personal opinion on coppers , not on Squashie .

Why's this in ethics anyways ?
Ethically approving of being a copper these days ?

Nope , this is why :

1)use of arms against unarmed
2)use of organization against unorganized
3)use of authority against non-authority
4)use of ignorance against intelligence
5)use of power against the weak

1)activly defending fascism
2)fascistly defending policy

As in utilitarianism goes , results are all that matters .
If the results are worth more than the damage that is being done , its all good . ;)

if you can't trust a cop, you're pretty screwed, after all.

In NYC, the police commit all kinds of crimes

In NYC it truly became horrific after giuliani was installed , there are serious wars going on between black youth in the projects , hispanic youth in the bronx and white youth in Brooklyn . The attitudes of the youths against the police are highly hostile , let me quote some nice poetry from a native New Yorker that reflects this view :

new york police state
new york police state
new york police state
new york police state
new york behave you
new york behave you
you know we hate you
giuliani giuliani giuliani fuck you
giuliani giuliani giuliani fuck you

new york police state
new york police state
new york police state
new york police state
new york behave you
new york behave you
you know we hate you
giuliani giuliani giuliani fuck you
giuliani giuliani giuliani fuck you

you know we hate you
you know we hate you
you know we hate you
giuliani giuliani giuliani FUCK YOU DIE!

Roger Miret@Agnostic Front - Police State

Excuse the faul language , it has artistical motives :D
Allahs sez:

On a personal/emotional/individual level :

You forgot delusional...

Unfortunatly reality demands police-organization

Yes, they attempt to keep the rest of us safe from delusional megalomaniacs like you.

Yes you do . They're use is bringing order down in a hostile environment .

So, in your world, destruction brings order?

I think people should arm and defend themselves when they are MADE to do anything .

Do you bar your windows, barricade your doors and shoot any trespassers on sight as well?

A desired government should function properly and police is necesarry , unfortunatly .

Only a criminal intent on criminal activity or violence would state that government and police are unfortunate attributes.

its simply my personal opinion on coppers

You must be well known to them.

Nope , this is why :

1)use of arms against unarmed

Criminals are armed and dangerous – you should know that.

2)use of organization against unorganized

Criminals are organized – have you not organized yet?

3)use of authority against non-authority

This is just dumb.

4)use of ignorance against intelligence

So, you consider criminals to be intelligent and the rest to be ignorant. That is the same thing you’ve been saying about yourself and everyone else.

5)use of power against the weak

You contradict yourself – again. How can criminals be intelligent AND weak?

1)activly defending fascism

Police defend laws not politics.

2)fascistly defending policy

Huh? What policy?

In NYC it truly became horrific after giuliani was installed , there are serious wars going on between black youth in the projects , hispanic youth in the bronx and white youth in Brooklyn

Let’s get this straight – what you’re referring to is the criminal element; drugs and prostitution. Do you actually believe non-criminals are warring? You’ve probably never been to these cities and therefore have no idea what you’re talking about.

The attitudes of the youths against the police are highly hostile

Yes, criminals are hostile – that’s called stating the obvious.

let me quote some nice poetry from a native New Yorker (Roger Miret) that reflects this view

So, your argument is based on hardcore, punk rockers lyric? Do you know Roger also wrote a song called, "Shoot His Load," which praised subway gunman Bernhard Goetz and another song called, "Public Assistance," which knocked those who accepted it?

Agnostic Front members are total misanthropes and are not antagonistic of any particular individuals or groups – they’re a punk band making money from their songs.

You appear to side with the criminal element of society and favor doing away with government and police. Instead, why don't you just live on a deserted island? That should solve all your problems.
You forgot delusional...

Judged by a semi-dead 50 year old who cant even see without his glasses ?

Hey whats up with you Q anyways , you seriously are obsessed with me arent you , following me around , you go to that hatred thread and bare witness how you are riduiculed to the ground by some "megalomaniac east-la kid", loser . U cant even fabricate coherent lies , doesnt that just say it all .

Yes, they attempt to keep the rest of us safe from delusional megalomaniacs like you.

The rest of you fascists yes . PS Im no silly criminal coppers just LOVE me , its just that I dont LOVE them back .

So, in your world, destruction brings order?

Nope , but we cant start building unless we destroy first can we ?

Do you bar your windows, barricade your doors and shoot any trespassers on sight as well?

Why would I do that man , where Im at is 10X as free/liberal then in your alabama .

Only a criminal intent on criminal activity or violence would state that government and police are unfortunate attributes.

Didnt you notice already how our defintions differ ? Not government and police , your government and police (most governments and police unfortunatly) , that doesnt mean the concept of a government and police as I mentioned if u would only read before barking .

You must be well known to them.

They love me , I have em over all the time

Criminals are armed and dangerous – you should know that.

Your defintion of criminal makes this assertion FALSE .

Criminals are organized – have you not organized yet?

Your defintion of criminal makes this assertion FALSE AGAIN .

This is just dumb.

No ur just an idiot who thinks he is smart because he can solve stupid logical riddles .

You contradict yourself – again. How can criminals be intelligent AND weak?

1)ur criminal definition is irellevant
2)ur intellect defintion is irellevant as well
3)u obviously seem to think that having a brain makes you powerfull .
4)nobody was speaking about personal intelligence or ignorance

Police defend laws not politics.

laws are created by politics

Huh? What policy?

whatever policy , i havent seen a good one in my life so it doesnt matter really if we take it realistic

Let’s get this straight – what you’re referring to is the criminal element; drugs and prostitution. Do you actually believe non-criminals are warring? You’ve probably never been to these cities and therefore have no idea what you’re talking about.

1)ur defintion of criminal is not my defintion of criminal
2)there is more going on than drugs+prostitution
3)u probably never been to any projects because you know ur gonna get hijacked walking there dont you ?

Yes, criminals are hostile – that’s called stating the obvious.

ofcourse , yet defining criminals isnt now is it ?
Oh wait that deoends on the law
oh wait that depends on politics
oh wait ur all fascist capitalists

So, your argument is based on hardcore, punk rockers lyric? Do you know Roger also wrote a song called, "Shoot His Load," which praised subway gunman Bernhard Goetz and another song called, "Public Assistance," which knocked those who accepted it?

1)whoohoo a 50 year old semi-dead listening to AF ? dont think so
2)Just browsing through his fascist archives of people hostile toward authority
3)Dont know that song , who's the gunman ? Im sure Il like him just as well . I know this other gunman in DC , John Allen Muhammad , dont like him do ya ? :D

Agnostic Front members are total misanthropes and are not antagonistic of any particular individuals or groups – they’re a punk band making money from their songs.

misantropes ? I consider all of you fascist quite misanthropical as well , Id say a bit more even . U just cant handle skins (ur probably one of these doofusses who believes skins=racist with ur semi-dead brain) . PS they're NYHC DMS .
And they dont make that much money either .......
PS they're personal activity doesnt matter as they represent the activity of PLENTY white NYC youth (and other youth world-wide)
Or u one of these ": if its not on tv its not real" peoples ?

Hey U like Sick of it All ? Or how about Cro Mags ? What u say for Madball ?
LMFAO Im discussing NYHC with a 50 year old fascist

You appear to side with the criminal element of society and favor doing away with government and police. Instead, why don't you just live on a deserted island? That should solve all your problems.

No at all , but most of who YOU call criminals most definetly . I like almost anybody who's pissing of peoples like you , and I like it even more that you cant do anything about it , but whine like a swine about it on forums . Get a life man , u dont have that much time left now do you ?

Now why would I wanna go to a deserted Island ? It would just give me more problems , I dont want to leave my community , I just want to get rid of its surroundings :D
Squashy - I'm also in Toronto (and from, actually). At the moment, I'm rather disgusted at Ottawa's willingness to bend over and take it firmly up the ass from the US on the decriminilization of pot. I'm curious how Toronto police, or at least one officer, views this whole thing?
Nope , but we cant start building unless we destroy first can we ?

This has got to be thee most retardest statement Ive ever had the pleasure of hearing. THANX! It makes me laugh knowing theres actually people like you in the world.

Have a good one sugarplum:)
Reply to tyler and to Allahs mathematics and Q

First of ALL..

Q... you hit it right on. Good post . (i was hoping someone would do that )
Allah on the other hand is utterly confused.
Allah is probably living on welfare, in a co-op apartment, using a computer manufactured in the us, and is still talking about how terrible this country is. People like this are hopeless. They will continue to spew illogical, narrow-minded views of our society.
They will trash the same society that protects them, and helps them when in need. The society that allows them to even use their computer.
Anarchists are full of crap. They doctrine is almost as ridiculas as communism.I wont even go there.

Allah speaks nothing but verbal diorreah, its not worth the time.
Wait until someone rapes his mother and he wants the criminal caught. whos he going to turn to??

Anarchy will inevitably turn back into the formation of gangs... then the formation of culture... etc... boundaries...
then your back to square one!
I love whiners who complain about our society, yet take so much for granted.
When the comment "go live on an island" was quoted.
I laughed and thought, have you ever read " lord of the flies"
Thats anarchy.
Uncontrolled gang violence. Thank god for a few intellectuals who changed that.

Now, the weed issue.. .

They say that the studies show that 6% of students in amsterdam smoke pot, wheras 25% smoke weed in toronto.
Pot is the same thing as alcohol, you cant live with it, you cant live without it.
Seeing as how we have a good government, I would say the best thing for canada to do is legalize pot and sel it just like the LCBO. liquor control of ontario.

Montreal made the huge mistake of allowing alcohol to be sold anywhere... why? thats stupid!

The government in ontario should sell pot, alcohol and cigarrettes in a controlled environment.
Why i say this is simple.
Organized crime will diminish.
I really dont want to see people walking around stoned.. but i dont want to see them walking around drunk either .
Unfortunately, many people in our society enjoy acts of sublimation and pleasure, which freud describes in detail in "civilization and its discontents " .
I hate to see it be legalized.. and my partner also would hate to see that happen, but in the long run, it might actually be better.
The government could make lots of money on it. (which i prefer over criminals anyday)
Our government is reasonable, they shouldlegalize it and reap the profits.
Take care guys.

Allah, you need to concentrate on being open-minded, not empty minded.
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strgrl (what is this street-girl ?? , lol)

happy I could make you laugh ......
dont worry u dont have any other effect on me

Q... you hit it right on. Good post . (i was hoping someone would do that )

What , bashing on me ? Thats his full-time job havent u heard ?

Let me thank you for showing you can reply in the same civilized , impersonal and non-insulting manner as I have replied to you .

Allah on the other hand is utterly confused.


Allah is probably living on welfare, in a co-op apartment,

Not really , lets be sure that i have much more $ than you on your copper-paycheck buddy .

using a computer manufactured in the us

geez I wouldnt even know , does it matter ? Do I have to be emotionally attached to my computer ? I dont think so
PS it didnt cost me that much , Im sure my money didnt fall into the wrong hands :D

and is still talking about how terrible this country is.

yours sucks and so does USA and so does the one I live in .
Whats your point ? Is it impossible to make such statements just because I profit ? No man actually the one actually enforces the other .

People like this are hopeless

Thanks ...indeed no hope for me to become like you

They will continue to spew illogical, narrow-minded views of our society.

Illogic ? Show and prove dont just make damn accusations . As far as narrow minded goes , u being a copper says it all doesnt it ? Please man , U better worry on stuff like this dont u :

They will trash the same society that protects them, and helps them when in need

Just because they help ME doesnt mean I like them . Thats called PROFITING FROM SOCIETY .

The society that allows them to even use their computer.


Anarchists are full of crap. They doctrine is almost as ridiculas as communism.I wont even go there.

Im not an anarchist nor a communist as far as the polical or philosophical doctrine goes .

Allah speaks nothing but verbal diorreah, its not worth the time.

Yet this is the 10th sentence in my honor .

Wait until someone rapes his mother and he wants the criminal caught. whos he going to turn to??

Man you shouldnt assume so much , it doesnt go well on your job now does it (ow wait , its the whole basics make silly assumptions) . If I have problems with anybody Im sure I can handle them , and if I cant MOST DEFINTELY I will call on the coppers , again thats called profiting . Funny how they are OBLIGATED to help me out .

Anarchy will inevitably turn back into the formation of gangs... then the formation of culture... etc... boundaries...
then your back to square one!

Duh , one of the reasons Im not an anarchist . But coppers and assumptions , something going together like fish and water .

I love whiners who complain about our society, yet take so much for granted.

U also love complainers who do nothing but consciously profit every single thing they can , sucking society dry ?
I sure do

When the comment "go live on an island" was quoted.
I laughed and thought, have you ever read " lord of the flies"
Thats anarchy.
Uncontrolled gang violence. Thank god for a few intellectuals who changed that.

No i didnt , PS uncontrolled gang violence isnt Anarchy but hey ....
I bet ur not one of the intellectuals are you ?

They say that the studies show that 6% of students in amsterdam smoke pot,

They are obviously fooling your intellect (not surprisingly) , because about EVERYBODY ELSE (not just youth either) in Amsterdam and about the entire youth in the Netherlands (lets say 70% or so ) smokes pot . Students dont do it because pot-smoking isnt considered part of a student-life and culture . Students drink beer , they dont smoke pot . Its considered "of low status" .

Hey! then maybe they will raise my wage too! =_)

I wouldnt laugh at my wage check I was you ........

Allah, you need to concentrate on being open-minded, not empty minded

Look who's talking to who about empty minds man , even in society's stupid IQ and employement measurements I am way passed you bud , and you know it . A copper tells a scholar , just because he doesnt like his OPINION isnt it ?

Man u should let go of emotional judgements on what I write , information and knowledged isnt gained that way chap .....

And again , thanx for all the accusations , insults , and just other random emotional blablabla coming out of you , o and thanks for bringing in my mother as well , thanks man . O and thanks for ignoring your own started subject (i assume) , the ethical value of cops . Thanks for just ignoring nthe whole thing .

Not only your intellect is proved , so is your civilization .
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