"ILLEGAL ALIEN" Dies on Hospital After Being Ignored for 45 Minutes


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member

"Tale of last 90 minutes of woman's life
By Charles Ornstein, Times Staff Writer

Parked in the emergency room lobby in a wheelchair after police left, she fell to the floor. She lay on the linoleum, writhing in pain, for 45 minutes, as staffers worked at their desks and numerous patients looked on.

Aside from one patient who briefly checked on her condition, no one helped her. A janitor cleaned the floor around her as if she were a piece of furniture. A closed-circuit camera captured everyone's apparent indifference.

Arriving to find Rodriguez on the floor, her boyfriend unsuccessfully tried to enlist help from the medical staff and county police — even a 911 dispatcher, who balked at sending rescuers to a hospital.

Alerted to the "disturbance" in the lobby, police stepped in — by running Rodriguez's record. They found an outstanding warrant and prepared to take her to jail. She died before she could be put into a squad car."


"Hours after her death, county Department of Health Services spokesman Michael Wilson sent a note informing county supervisors' offices about the incident but saying that that police had been called because Rodriguez's boyfriend became disruptive.

Health services Director Dr. Bruce Chernof said Friday that subsequent information showed Prado was not, in fact, disruptive. Chernof otherwise refused to comment, citing the open investigation, patient privacy and "other issues."

Peavy, who supervises the sheriff's homicide unit, said that although his investigation is not complete, "the county police did absolutely, absolutely nothing wrong as far as we're concerned.""

What a shame.

Yeah [nameless christian]... your loving god must be proud of people like you... :bugeye:

(PS: There was A LOT more stuff in Nancy Grace, apparently. I'm not discussing that, however, because I don't have any evidence online. Let's say the whole story is extremely downplayed here... :bugeye: )
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Oh yeah... why this is on ethics...

Should americans ignore dying illegal immigrants in their hospitals? Is that unethical? :bugeye:
She looks like one and the police was called.

Basically, people can simply be suspicious of others being illegal immigrants simply because they look mexican, right? They wouldn't act rational if they scapegoat illegals. They would simply be racist towards mexicans (or mexican-looking people) in general. Like people in Nazi Germany being suspcisious of people who look like Jews.
Let's consider the psychological implications here. Why would people ignore this woman?
- They don't care
- They believe she is not seriously ill
- They assume she's an illegal immigrant
- They think it's the job of hospital staff
- They might be accused of wrongdoing if they intervene and the person dies

There are undoubtedly many possible excuses, but few would be reasonable, and fewer still for hospital staff.
I don't recall seeing this bit of information in the news article, but it was in the Wiki article:

"A bystander made a similar call, telling the dispatcher that a woman vomiting blood was being ignored by emergency-room staff and requesting an ambulance to transport the woman to another hospital, but her request was refused."
That was covered on TV and my wife also watched that on "Nancy Grace". Apparently, a lot was left out of the articles I'm showing you. Would you like to hear what my wife saw in Nancy Grace? Sorry, cannot find sources online to substantiate what my wife watched yesterday night, which is why I've left it out of the discussion...
We are talking about Edith Isabel Rodriguez here...

What is this, Spic pride or are you just retarded?
It's called the bystander effect and has been studied by sociologists for about 30 years.
Too bad she did not have a gun. That would have got her some attention.

What is this, Spic pride or are you just retarded?
It's called the bystander effect and has been studied by sociologists for about 30 years.

Is it common in hospitals?
Make no mistake about it, this syndrome is not isolated to just hospitals. In fact, you can see this fascinating phenomenon in the actions of people almost anywhere around here.
Is it common in hospitals?

"A common explanation of this phenomenon is that, with others present, observers all assume that someone else is going to intervene and so they each individually refrain from doing so. This is an example of how diffusion of responsibility leads to social loafing. People may also assume that other bystanders may be more qualified to help, such as being a doctor or police officer, and their intervention would thus be unneeded."


So yes, I would think so.

But it doesn't necessarily apply:

"n the recordings of two 911 calls that day, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times under a California Public Records Act request, callers pleaded for help for Rodriguez but were referred to hospital staff instead."


It fits Truthseeker's worldview better, him being Christian, to believe that many people failed this woman, out of sheer perfidy and racism. However, that doesn't seem to be the case.

The hospital, and 911 operators, are a different matter.
The hospital, and 911 operators, are a different matter.
That's my point. DUH! :bugeye:

I'm talking about the people who could have really done something. But it still amazes me how nobody doesn't even show a little bit of emotion though...

Also, please respond the ethical question..... ;)