If your home was violently invaded...

If your home was violently invaded...

  • I would offer no resistance

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • I would do all I could to protect my home, fighting in a purely defensive manner

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • I would run and hide, intending to flee the area of conflict/country

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Try and contact authorities (eg. police, emergency services) and stay put

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • I would try to reason with the invaders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I would arm myself and go on the offense. Time to take the battle to the streets!

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 18.8%

  • Total voters


Registered Member
You're having dinner with your family, when a hurried news report on TV states that a very large, as-yet unknown group has invaded your country and is violently forcing themselves into homes and taking hostages, killing any who dare put up resistance.

Suddenly, one of your family members declares that they see some of the group marching towards your door. What will you do?
Combination of I would do all I could to protect my home, fighting in a purely defensive manner and I would arm myself and go on the offense. Time to take the battle to the streets!

I would arm myself, and the able bodied mebers of my family and give fair warning to the group, from adequate cover of course. If they break off and leave the neighborhood, all will be well. If they attemtp to enter my home i will take down the leader in a sowy as fashion as possible and again warn the group. If they keep coming we annhiliate the intruders with no mercy. If they break off but head for aneighbors house we call the neighbor and set up a joint defense effort with my house acting as snipers.
There is no choice. Resistance is the natural and benevolent thing to do.

There is no shame in resisting occupation as so many brave people are doing the world over. May the freedom fighters achieve their objectives and may all people live in peace and security.
oh, you mean "homeland" not "home."

Personally, I have kids that I'm responcible for and my first duty is to insure their safty and well being.
I'd call 911 and barricade myself in the house til help arrived.
I would really wonder why they would be targeting my house and not all the others around us. I'd be asking my husband and son "what did you do?
The Battle of Bothell?

Distantcube said:

You're having dinner with your family, when a hurried news report on TV states that a very large, as-yet unknown group has invaded your country and is violently forcing themselves into homes and taking hostages, killing any who dare put up resistance.

Suddenly, one of your family members declares that they see some of the group marching towards your door. What will you do?

I live in the United States, and we have something called the Emergency Broadcast System for such occasions. So if it's a "hurried news report on TV" tells me that "a very large, as-yet unknown group" has invaded the country, the first thing to mind would be to wonder whether the news anchor or I have smoked too much dope.

And as to whatever group marching toward the door, what, do they have tanks? Seriously, if someone's invading Bothell, I'm inclined to let them have it.

I mean, seriously, welcome to our humble bedlam, Distantcube.

(Did you watch Red Dawn recently, or something?)

I would invite them in for dinner and let them experiance what kind of food my wife could make, if I were married, then they just might want to leave after trying out her cooking! :puke::crazy:
You're having dinner with your family, when a hurried news report on TV states that a very large, as-yet unknown group has invaded your country and is violently forcing themselves into homes and taking hostages, killing any who dare put up resistance.

Suddenly, one of your family members declares that they see some of the group marching towards your door. What will you do?

Trying to put up a fight against overwhelming odds is stupid in the extreme.

If you can, run to save your life and the life of your family. If you can't escape, you surrender and hope. But at least you live and might be able to fight at a later date.

In a word, you're fucked!

Baron Max
Trying to put up a fight against overwhelming odds is stupid in the extreme.

If you can, run to save your life and the life of your family. If you can't escape, you surrender and hope. But at least you live and might be able to fight at a later date.

In a word, you're fucked!

Baron Max

And as to whatever group marching toward the door, what, do they have tanks? Seriously, if someone's invading Bothell, I'm inclined to let them have it.

You wouldn't even plan or think about trying to stop someone from invading your home and country? You'd just let them have it ...and hope that they'd let you live? Just like that? No fighting spirit at all?

Baron Max
You have to understand a few things about Bothell

Baron Max said:

You wouldn't even plan or think about trying to stop someone from invading your home and country? You'd just let them have it ...and hope that they'd let you live? Just like that? No fighting spirit at all?

No, I'd retreat to Seattle and make a stand there.

Seriously, Bothell is a miserable, stinking armpit of society. If the military defended it with a scorched-earth policy, my only concern would be to make sure the innocent people were out of the way first.

"Welcome to Bothell, for a day or a lifetime". I'm not sure they intended that to sound like a curse, but that's what it is. "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here" — it used to be sport among the youth to spray out the "Bot" on the city signs.
Well I have an elderly father who cannot run, so I would just have to stay and do whatever possible.
I'd call the police. If they couldn't handle it, I guess they'd call in the army.

If it was safe to flee until the authorities had sorted the problem, then I'd probably do that too.

Grabbing your gun and having a desperate last stand against overwhelming odds is just plain stupid.

I'd like to note for the record that this is one of the few occasions on which I (almost) agree with Max.
cosmic isnt that concidered "cruel and unusual punishment"?:p
certainly would be if PB was cooking:p

Anyway as james said, call the cops and hide. Dying serves no one, if i had no choice BUT to fight to escape of course i would stab them but my house is reasonably secure anyway (at least from the front anyway) so i would be pritty safe here till the cops arived (or the army or whatever)

Further more there is an ambulance station at the end of the street so seeking shelter there is another option.

Of course this depends WHO is invading, if its a gang of hoods then fighting might be the only option. However if its NZ (yea right as if they could invade:p) or what ever then just staying put and offering no resistance and relying on the geneva convention is the best move
My goal would be to defend my family. If fleeing seemed the best course to achieve that end, I'd do so. But if escape for my entire family was impossible, I'd lock the doors, call 911, tell the wife to hide with the kids in the attic, and fight to keep the bastards out of my house and away from my family to my last breath.

Of course, this might just be one of those situations where my giant SUV comes in handy. I could simultaneously flee, with my entire family of six and our various pets in the vehicle, and mow the bastards down in four wheel drive mode while my wife fired at them thru the sunroof.
Mad, your post reminded me of something out of dawn of the dead:p

"ahh the zombies are comming":p