If YOU were on the plane ...?

Originally posted by A4Ever

More like a semi automatic kitchen knife, no?

Are you trying to goad me into some sort of fight?
Are you trying to insult me?
Have you ever been in a situation, where you are at the business end of a gun? What do you know of true courage?:cool:

Or is your courage built from scenes of an action adventure flick?
If I were on the damn hijacked plane

I would take anything that had a sharp edge or some weight & have a murder-death-kill party:cool: :D :)

I would literally slaughter any/all terrorist that I met as I made my way to the cockpit.

I would enlist the aid of any man, who actually had a pair of balls between his legs, to watch my back as I made my way to the cockpit.

I would not have let the plane crash into the ground & I would have landed it safely if the flight crew was unable.

Today however, I would probably be arrested before I got onto the plane because a silly assed stewardess didn't like the way I looked or by my cigarette smoking.

Has anyone of you ever slaughtered a 500 lb. hog for food during the winter months? I was raised to do it. Doing something like this to a group of little suicidal/homocidal, fanatic ragheads just seems to be good sense, otherwise you and your fellow passengers are going to become a statistic.

Porfiry should open up a special forum on defense for me to moderate.

Everything is a weapon. Plastic spoons, tightly rolled paper, glass bottles, pencils, ink pens, clothing articles ..........

<font color="red">Stop being a bunch of pussy whipped victims!</font color> <font color="green">When you are absolutely sure that someone is going to kill you in the next couple of minutes, then what is the point of feeling threatened by them?</font color> <font size ="3">NONE ! ! !! </font size>

Take the best opportunity & murder them as quickly and as dirty as you can! What's the worst that can happen? O' No Aussie, they might get mad & kill me! Duh dipshit ! ! ! You are going to die anyway ! ! !

Action always speaks louder than words. Stop being helpless victims! It makes me sick to read that some of you would get on a phone to say goodbye to a loved one. GOD DAMN!
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Are you trying to goad me into some sort of fight?

In stead of taking everything personal so quickly, think of the simple explanaiton for what I mean:

there was no 'semi automatic GUN' on the plane, only cutters. (or 'kitchen knifes' in my style)


So, do they also not have lifebelts thingies?

I think by that you mean PFD's. (Personnal Floation Devices) Such are never meant for exiting an aircraft while in the air. Only after it has hit the water. It is more for peace of mind than a useful survival tool. Not many aircraft survive a water landing intact with passengers totally conscious of their actions and what their responces should be to get out. Because you do not wear them in flight, it takes time to locate them, figure out how to don them, and exit a craft. It is not likely you would have that kind of time during a water crash.
I hope I could take a few shitbags with me. If their is something I do aquate well at, it's tactics. The key to winning this engagement is be resourceful with what is available on the aircraft. Your going to have to adapt, and get innovative. The use of box-cutters was a stroke of seeming laughable and yet totally ingenious resourcefulness, and quite honestly an example in itself of how creative you have to get in order to pull off the seemingly impossible. By the time your done with this you might realize that your dealing with them at their own level of tactics. Maybe so, but if you can think like them you can anticipate how to deal with them, can't you? Their is a fine boarder between genius and insanity. Welcome to the frontier.

Seat Cussions
Your dealing with six to eight armed individuals armed with box-cutters. Though flimsy, a box-cutter can be most lethal. It's razor sharp, and can cut throats and vains very easily. The proper counter to this weapon is not brute force per force, but proper defense. Pick up your seat cussion (yes, the one that can be used as a flotation device). It has in most cases two straps on the back, and you can easily attach it to your forearm much like a midevil shield. You now have a very effective way to block and perhaps even break or snag away from the terrotist his fearsome boxcutter.

Plastic Bags
Anyone ever wonder just how big the trash bags are on a commercial flight? I would think they are big enough to put over someone's head. If you can get the element of surprise on your side, it would only take one quick move to get the bag over his head and in his moment of surprise, you can even hope he will drop his boxcutter. If your close enough to a lavatory or a kitchen, it would be possible to drag him someplace his buddies might not immidietly notice and finish the job against a sink or maybe find something to tie his neck off with. Naturally, while he is surprised by the bag you want someone else to start beating the shit out of him. If your lucky, you can ambush him and break his neck in a matter of seconds. If you have time, collect multiple plastic bags and place them one inside the other, making the bag much stronger and more difficult for him to tear.

The Toiletry Bag of Tricks Flame Thrower
If you can get to your toiletries, you have several leathalities available in one little black bag of tricks. If you have hair spray delivered by an aerosol can + a zippo (remember, smoking is not allowed, but taking cigarettes / lighters with you is okay), then you now have a convenient flame thrower. I would like to see them try to use boxcutters against that!

The Toiletry Bag of Tricks Toothpaste Mace
Your laughing, arne't you? Wait until all the flouride gets in his eyes. Get a plastic bag and fill it with toothpaste. The ideal bag would be the air sickness bags at your seat, since they are small and very sturdy. Next, squeeze into the bottom of the bag a fair amount of toothpaste. You will need a liquid medium to mix this with, prefferably water though wine and soda will do the job also. In fact, wine might make it worse when you add alcohol to all that flouride. When you mix it up, you want the toothpaste to have the consistancey of hairgel. If it's too runny, the whole thing will be useless. After you mix it off, tie off OR hold closed tightly the open end of the bag. Be sure not to let too much air stay in their. Lastly, poke a tiny hole into the bottom of the bag. You have a convenient squeeze-bag of say OUCH stuff that will probably blind the guy.

Lavatory Soap Mace
Bathroom soap... sounds great but how do you apply it to the offenders eyes? This one is arguably the easiest one to pull off. All you have to do is rip the soap bag out of the wall dispenser. What you have here is a real convenient delivery system. When your ready to strike, squeeze the bottom of the bag to spray the suspects face.

The Last Desparation: Disable the Aicraft
The control wires are in the roof of most Boeing aircraft, running to the wings from their. Anyone in 1st class and half of 2nd class can disable the hydrolics of the plane. Sure, your still going to crash. Sure, you might hit some other metopolitan area and maybe kill a few hundred people... but your not going to hit a several thousand person target... nor are the terrorists going to complete their objectives.
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I would take anything that had a sharp edge or some weight & have a murder-death-kill party:cool: :D :)

I would literally slaughter any/all terrorist that I met as I made my way to the cockpit.
I'm with you 100%. Even if I knew the missles were on their way, I'd still want to kill those bastards with my bare hands. It's my opinion that this scenario will never happen again in the US. The passengers will not allow it. Anybody makes a move towards the cockpit, he's going to have 17 passengers on his ass.