If YOU were on the plane ...?


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
They said,

"Please observe the seatbelt sign,
For the moment we are all still alive"

They say,

"There’s nothing more that we can do,"

And now the pilot is getting pissed at the crew

All that it takes is like nothing for some
I might have made my mistakes
But I will learn to regret them
The money’s all gone and the pain it is leaving
She smiles and says, "You’re only dreaming."

(Floater, Zero Hour)
So you're on the plane, and the terrorists have seized control. And you know that WTC Part II is about to happen. Glancing out the window, you see the four jets sparkling in the distance as the military closes. This is round two; they will not hesitate. You can start counting the seconds before the missile tears the plane to shreds; they will trade your life and 200 more in order to stop the killing of thousands.

You're about to die.

How do you feel?

Are you annoyed? Scared? Do you take any comfort in knowing that the people who killed the pilots will not be sacrificing you by slamming into a baseball stadium?

How does it feel?

Is dying something you'll gladly do knowing that the dying stops with your death and the death of your fellow passengers? Is dying something you'll gladly do if it spares the forty thousand catching an afternoon of baseball?

You can watch, from our seats at Safeco Field, the planes as they approach Boeing Field. It's a matter of timing, and if you seize the plane in the right place, you could kill nearly a hundred thousand if both the Seahawks and Mariners are in town at the same time.

But the terrorists are early and the nation has time to react. I cannot expect the planes out of McChord to wait to see if we're going to save the plane.

There is a dot, a pencil-point, drawing a line across the sky. Three seconds and the missile slams home, littering what is left of the plane and our bodies into Puget Sound below.

I'd be annoyed, at least. But dying is something I'd gladly do to spare that many people.

Anyone? Anyone?

thanx much,
Tiassa :cool:
Well, a few things come to mind.

I could open the hatch door and Jump. I mean, hey, if my lifes gonna end, why not make the ending more peaceful. If i'm not mistaken, they do have some sort of parachutes on board in case of such a situation.

But, if they don't have parachutes, and I'm too scared to jump, I'd kill the terrorists, and try to save everyone from death...ie communicate with the military aircrafts, and take control of the plane.

It's kindof a dillema since I think life should be enjoyed as much as possible, and since I also believe that people should try hold onto every last drop of life.

.........So, I'd have to actually be experiencing the situation before I could make my final decision. Here's a question: How many people actually do what they say they would under certain circumstances? For example: If a terrorist had a knifes' blade against your neck, or 3 of them were guarding the cockpit with guns, would actually go for it?? Not many, IMO.
Several options come to mind:


Think "Fuggin bloody typical..." and raid the kitchens for booze, and get very drunk very fast.


Think "Fuggin bloody typical..." and ask the nearest decent looking girl for some quick nasty sex.


Think "Fuggin bloody typical..." and go Rambo on their terrorist arses. Nothing to lose, so might as well.
Of course I'd be scared ... most people would. :)
I'd also be disappointed about all the things I wanted to do but which I now would not be able to do. Also a little remorseful about the people I was mean to or not nice enough to .
Last but not the least, I would also hope to somehow survive the crash. Veyr unlikely ... but we do hope for impossible things anyway ;)
Thats re: the dying part ...

And yeah, I suppose if I were going to die anyway, I'd rather not take thousands with me. So the missile scores over crashing into the second WTC tower.

- Sivakami.
I will phone my sister and congradulate her that she can have my big ass 23 inch trinitron monitor after I die.
The dying will never end, not with any sacrifice of your life or anybody elses, only with the decision not to kill.
Unfortunately, commercial craft rarely carry 'chutes. The reason is two fold.

One is that commercial craft fly to fast to allow you safe exit out the door. There is an "air wall" or slipstream that will throw you back into the door without some kind of wind deflector.

The second deals with the altitude that commercial craft fly at. It requires the cabin to be pressurized. Any sudden loss in pressure makes the craft unstable not to mention the lives that are involved. Any 'chutist will lose consisousness on the way down without a scuba. (Self Contained Breathing Apparatus)

Now it is hard to say what you will actually do till the event is staring you in the face. I have seen boasters crawl and fly weights become a lion. It is at this time you find what you are made of...
Yes, we have an answer...

for that group of people. Take another group and the answer probably would not be the same. Most likely there was a screw up with the highjackers where the passengers found out what was going to happen. Had they not known chances are good that they would have waited in hopes of a better outcome.

I do not mean to take anything from those who died trying their best (and successfully) to prevent further tragedy. Nor do I belittle their accomplishment in the face of knowing their fate beforehand.
In a plane load of say 200 people, faced with this scenario and the decision of whether to take on, say 4 hijackers, I'd imagine there would be enough people get up and fight back to outnumber them.

I mean, terrifying as it would be if there are these bods armed with no more than knives (we are told) then it wouldn't take more than say, 4 passengers at most to overpower each hijacker.

Or there'd be one (always a short guy) who'd fly in without thinking twice, but seeing that might rally a few more, eh?

So, 16 from 200? Doesn't sound entirely implausible.

But I suppose they just head straight for the cockpit, and it's only the first classers and other rich types who see anything? Then the numbers don't look nearly so good.

Is there any info at all to say whether those in the 2 planes that hit the wtc knew their fate, and if so how long before?

There must've been phone calls. But presumably the cockpit is locked from the inside so there's not a fat lot you can do once they're in? Can't imagine what they would have said over the intercom.
this question is really like the question "an astoriod is going to hit your country in an hr, there is no chance of escaping
what do you do?"

well the answer to that one is Try LSD and watch the show

First thing: stiffened by panick.

Hope: accepting nearly certain death and go in for the kill.
Gee...this is tough. Can I have a weapon with me? Pleasssse? :D

In real life, I'd whimper a lot....then cringe...then whimper some more. And if the plane hasn't blown up yet, I'd whimper and cringe some more.

In the wonderful world of my mind, however, my fellow airplane buddies and I will throw hot coffee and explosive airplane food onto the pants of the hijackers, because everyone knows how dangerour airplane food is. In the moment of confusion, we'll grab their guns, and mow them down. We will triumph, but in our victorious short-sightedness, one half-dead hijacker which we carelessly overlooked will grab a gun and shoot us; and as spasms of pain rocket through our bodies, our corpses will fall into the narrow aisles. *eyes shine with daydream*

lol :D
Originally posted by wet1
One is that commercial craft fly to fast to allow you safe exit out the door. There is an "air wall" or slipstream that will throw you back into the door without some kind of wind deflector.
So, do they also not have lifebelts thingies?

Originally posted by BlueSoul
In real life, I'd whimper a lot....then cringe...then whimper some more. And if the plane hasn't blown up yet, I'd whimper and cringe some more.
Yep, not a drop of courage in me. :p
Macho CRAP aside...

Shit my pants & cower, in the fetal position, in a corner & cry, like a little baby!

I may be dumb & I may be slow & I may even be physically strong. But courage eludes me, when I've got a semi-auto stuck in my face.:D