If you were god what would you change

I think it was Finney who gave a great evangelistic sermon where he described the unsaved as if dangling by a string over a raging inferno, many came forward to be born again when he finished, one of the greatest preachers of all time.
"Worship or burn"...

Sorry, who's free?

I can't figure out why you said that.
Are you assuming I am Christian for some unknown reason?
Are you implying that the alternative system I suggested somehow inherently requires worship?

Please elaborate.
You're free to burn, that's something.

Why do I get the notion you say that with a hopeful smile on your face?

I can't figure out why you said that.
Are you assuming I am Christian for some unknown reason?

Aye, but I have been drinking.. such is life :)
I guess jesus' teachings flew straight past you. Love for thy neighbour and all that. I'll do the "christian thing" and hope that if a god exists he doesn't hurt you for not listening to what he taught. No matter how much I dislike you as a human, I would rather you not have to suffer once you're dead.

Why is it atheists always seem to act more like jesus than you theists who want everyone different from you to suffer?

did you just call me a theist?
