If you were god what would you change

I would destroy everything manmade (from cars to incubators to houses to language) and start from scratch.
(yes, I know, lots of people would die - big deal)
I would make myself and my basic rules known very clearly, and be accessible to answer questions.
I would make my rules livable, but strict and punishment would be swift and undeniable.
I would actually ensure that when people do bad/evil things, that they get punished, harshly and swiftly; and the people who try to put forth an effort to leading a decent life be left alone.
Examples; you kill a person out of cold blood, you die too. Society has no room for those people. Prisons are overcrowded anyway.
Plus I think what one_raven said pretty much sums it up.

It's only blasphemy if God actually exists.
1. Give everyone common sense and understanding.
2. Get rid of myself and religion seeing as to how it would be no longer needed now that everyone has common sense.
Just for fun I would start the world off 100% evil. Then I would have my good angel trick the evildoers into doing something that would make them understand good & evil. I'd threaten them with immortality if they continued to do good things, like worship me. Conduct this one giant reverse psychological experiment and wait and see how it turns out
I would destroy everything manmade (from cars to incubators to houses to language) and start from scratch.
(yes, I know, lots of people would die - big deal)
I would make myself and my basic rules known very clearly, and be accessible to answer questions.
I would make my rules livable, but strict and punishment would be swift and undeniable.

your universe would suck.

1. Give everyone common sense and understanding.
2. Get rid of myself and religion seeing as to how it would be no longer needed now that everyone has common sense.

god bashing detected. i hope god exists just so he can whoop your ass when you die.

i hope god exists just so he can whoop your ass when you die.

I guess jesus' teachings flew straight past you. Love for thy neighbour and all that. I'll do the "christian thing" and hope that if a god exists he doesn't hurt you for not listening to what he taught. No matter how much I dislike you as a human, I would rather you not have to suffer once you're dead.

Why is it atheists always seem to act more like jesus than you theists who want everyone different from you to suffer?
i would set things tht man could not even think of such as rape murder or voilence for no reason and i would sought out all the problems they made and program it into them that they will not destroy the earth
i would set things tht man could not even think of such as rape murder or voilence for no reason and i would sought out all the problems they made and program it into them that they will not destroy the earth

That's dull.
no i meant like set some rules that they canot due and if it means sacrafising free will its worth it to see these people lifes wich could be destroyed be happy
no i meant like set some rules that they canot due and if it means sacrafising free will its worth it to see these people lifes wich could be destroyed be happy

Nothing is worth sacrificing free will.