If you once believed...

So can you understand what I mean or are you trying to initiate another 10 page argument about semantics?

Now I understand. The word choice is just a picked knit; what's most important is that we're on the same page. But, now I'm not so sure that these episodes of "temporary death" indicate the persistence of a sense of self. Certainly the persistence of just the self is suggested by such a phenomenon, but since one does find himself alive and conscious afterward, it is easy to infer that he must have existed at the time without being aware of it. I don't see how this translates into an indication of an independent metaphysical existence, though; his body is still there, his brain retains the same structure, and so when he returns to life, he will have the same memories and personality. Of course, he will also be the same person. While this last point may merit a metaphysical explanation, at least everything else can be adequately explained with a purely physical persistence of the self.