If you could learn anything...

Hi Bebelina

I thought about not revealing too much while I was writing the post but I don't think we've got much to worry about.

Shrike is a very young man according to his bio and he's got a looongg way to go before he gets to understand anything.

We both know that they (the men) will get more and more confused as time goes on.

But I did feel obliged to help him out a little, I mean, the young lady he's interested in is flirting with him, so she does have an interest, and we both know if he accuses her of doing so she'll react the way you and I both did at that age and he might miss his chance with her.

Maybe we should start a thread to give advice to the men. There seems to be an abundance of questions from them. Something like a "Dear Abby", the men can ask the questions and the women can all offer an opinion. What do you think?
well...I agree, I guess, this thread in particular isn't really appropriate for the questions being asked.
Hi Shrike,

Does that mean you agree with having a 'Dear Abby' thread?

It could go both ways, the women can ask the men things that they can't figure out. The more I think about it, the more I think it could be a good thing. Sometimes you need an objective opinion, and because none of us know each other, we are perfect to be unbiased in our opinions. But we should promise to outline our own behaviour truthfully, and not get offended at someone else's answer.

Have you heard that expression "Opinions are like assholes - everyone's got one". I think Clint Eastwood said it in one of his Dirty Harry movies.


Excellent idea! Then we can confuse them even more, or if luck is on our side, reach a common ground of actually..u-n-d-e-r-s-t-a-n-d-i-n-g eachother, wouldn´t that be great? :D

Go ahead, you start it. :)

I like the sound of this thread, post in this thread when you've got it up so I'll know when you've started it.
:) Cheers :D :D
Perhaps the most important things that I would like to learn would be:

Human Biology

Also I would perhaps like to learn all about evolution.

Oh and as Bebelina wished, levitation wouldn´t be bad :) .
Hey gang,

After getting a couple of positive reactions, I'm going to do it -
Let there be "Dear Abby".
See you in that thread.
:) Teri
Wat wuld I lern

This is a question that I ask people, because the answers are always somewhat unique. If we had the technology to learn anything, instantly, like in the Matrix; what would you learn?

I would learn everything. I would learn anything. I would learn how to build a better learning machine.
Note to self: learn how to make a "black hole bomb" and exterminate all life on the earth.

if you knew everything then what would you do? it would be impossible to know everything. if you did you would know how you would die,how teh world would end, everything about the past present future. so what would be the point to continue an exsistence where you know everything, there would be no point at all since you already know whats going to happen and exactly how it will happen. like reading a book 9 times and on the 10th time you can say "hes going to shoot the other guy next with a colt m1911a1 cal .45 wwII GI and its going to go into him this way and its going to kill him in this way" so their would be no point to liveing now would their be?
The answer to your question is easy, "what would be the point of excitence if you knew everything"?
Teach other people, why be greedy with all this knowledge. :D