If you could ask one question of god,

sisyphus, you might first want to ask if your bible is a reliable guide.

I'd ask two things:
- What are our goals, and how would you suggest I address them?
- Why have you been hiding?
"God, why didn't you create women first?"

Are you kidding?
He'd never have made man: "I wouldn't put that bit there", "Are you sure it needs to be that colour?", "Will it match the curtains/ upholstery?"...
If God was standing in front of me (and was real, not a hallucination like I sometimes have) I think all my questions would be instantly answered as his powerful blinding presence and spirit would probably enwrap me completely and do their magical work spiritually on me, but at the same time I might ask him if he has some sun glasses I could borrow as I hear he is one bright dude.
i would ask him how he lives with himself after making such a biggoted race as ours