If you could ask one question of god,


Valued Senior Member
what would it be, assuming of course god exists, Indulge me here, (I know alot here believe that it doesn't, but what would you ask him ?)

I'd ask,

So, you back from your vacation ?


"Why do good things happen to bad people?" (Thats from a movie somewhere , I can't remember exactly).

EDIT: What would you ask a deity, any deity, if it were real ?
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i assume you're talking about the abrahamic god, which would mean i would meet said god after my death anyway, so if there was proof that he was real i wouldnt need to ask anything at all.
what would it be, assuming of course god exists, Indulge me here, (I know alot here believe that it doesn't, but what would you ask him ?)

I'd ask,

So, you back from your vacation ?


"Why do good things happen to bad people?" (Thats from a movie somewhere , I can't remember exactly).

EDIT: What would you ask a deity, any deity, if it were real ?

what colour socks do you like to wear?


what did you have for dinner last night
That's a rather silly question to ask someone standing in front of you.

He could be a delusion.. lol :D

No really, several theists have said that God exists outside the universe, which is not possible because the universe by definition includes all there is.
I want him to explain how he could be real and yet not exist in the universe.
"God if 42 is the meaning of life, the universe and everything
then what is the question?"

or symply "why?"
"tell me the things I would like to know" would probably be the best answer I can think off
Where should I live?

What stock should I invest my savings into?
(of course God might think I need to focus more on spiritual things, having fallen for Jesus' mistake of dividing the world into the God's stuff and Caesar's stuff, and so mention a stock that would clean me out)
have some imagination cosmic, assume.by defying all logic, he exists..

No matter how hard I try, I cannot imagine this God you are speaking about, sorry. You go right ahead and ask whatever you want because you just might get an answer from your own imagination.
There's no sense asking God anything. If God is infront of you, then you may as well start reading your bible and appologizing for all of your sins.