if you believe in God, sound off here!

What I get from this is...If you "hear" something that's helpful or beneficial to you, then it's probably God...But, if it's the opposite, it's due to your being spiritually mis-aligned?:confused:

Well, Biblically speaking, it could also be spiritual influence from satan or demons - though the Bible actually says very little about such things, and it can sometimes be a challenge to distinguish between pop culture and actual scripture (I personally can really only think of the handful of passages that address temptation from Satan. Such 'temptations' would ALSO be thoughts that are foreign to your typical thought processes, and if they DON'T reflect the character of God, then they may be from Satan instead.)

EDIT: And I didn't say that it would be something that's "helpful or beneficial" to you, but rather that it would be something that is in line with the character of God. Your statement again alludes to the misconception of non-believers that the purpose of God in one's life is to make your life into a bed of roses, which is really the exact opposite of what the Bible says. I am reminded of some verses in 1 or 2 Corinthians (I cannot remember the specifics) which essentially says that God loves us too much to be concerned with our worldly needs - that the best thing for us is often to be faced with adversity, so that we can grow from it spiritually.
oh, oh, i have a few interresting ones, aliens, other human species before us, hmmm, what's more? the end of the univerce, (not the end of earth this time and byebye, or life) the end of the univerce. any more topics?

Welcom to the groop Ultra... which God do you beleive in.???

there's no specific one, we all here agree on the one god who is the creator, and The Most Gracious

The Most Merciful
The Sovereign Lord
The Holy
The Source of Peace
The Guardian of Faith
The Protector
The All Mighty
The compeller
The Majestic
The Creator
The Evolver
The Fashioner
The Forgiver
The Subduer
The Bestower
The Provider
The Opener
The All Knowing
The Constrictor
The Expander
The Abaser
The Exalter
The Honorer
The Dishonorer
The All Hearing
The All Seeing
The Judge
The Most Just
The Subtle One
The Aware
The Forbearing One
The Great One
The All Forgiving
The Appreciative
The Most High
The Most Great
The Preserver
The Maintainer
The Reckoner
The Sublime One
The Generous One
The Watchful
The Responsive
The All Embracing
The All Wise
The Loving
The Most Glorious One
The Resurrector
The Witness
The Truth
The Trustee
The Most Strong
The Firm One
The Protecting Friend
The Praiseworthy
The Calculating
The Originator
The Restorer
The Giver of Life
The Creator of Death
The Alive
The Self-Subsisting
The Finder
The Noble
The Unique
The One
The Eternal
The Able
The Powerful
The Expediter
The Delayer
The First
The Last
The Manifest
The Hidden
The Governor
The Most Exalted
The Source of Goodness
The Acceptor of Repentance
The Avenger
The Pardoner
The Compassionate
The Eternal Owner of Sovereignty
The Lord of Majesty and Beauty
The Equitable
The Gatherer
The Self-Sufficient
The Enricher
The Preventer
The Distresser
The Propitious
The Light
The Guide
The Incomparable
The Everlasting
The Supreme Inheritor
The Guide to the Right Path
The Patient
i agree with you solus...
Clueless..that question bugs me.."which" god do you believe in?
I suppose it is a valid question(from an atheist pov)..but it still bugs me..
i agree with you solus...
Clueless..that question bugs me.."which" god do you believe in?
I suppose it is a valid question(from an atheist pov)..but it still bugs me..
It's a vaild question form any point of view. Even among believers there are many concepts as to the "nature" of god.

(And, depending on your concept - I might be a believer, I might be an atheist.)
Are scientologists welcome? I believe in Zebus, or Fargtron, or whatever the hell it's called(but personally I think Zebus is more catchy).