if you believe in God, sound off here!


Valued Senior Member
I want to see how many believers are here on sciforums..
if you believe post here..sound off!

if you do not believe there are PLENTY of other threads to post in..
stay out of this one.
this thread is for believers only and their testimony's,

lets keep the theist/atheist war out of here.
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you know i do.

my testimony's all over this forum.

and you're right...god is not inside the box. doesn't it make you wonder why people keep looking in the damn box? lol...
I believe God and trust in the Way He has provided for me to be reconsiled to Him into eternity.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Mod Hat - Seriously genius

Mod Hat — Seriously genius

Self-proclaimed geniuses should probably not devote such effort to depicting themselves as suffering serious intellectual and psychological dysfunction.

If your best contribution to this community is the attempted suppression of ideas and opinions you don't like, I'll happily return the favor.

I never much liked Roseanne, but one joke of hers I rather quite enjoyed ended with the punch line, "Fuck with me, Arsenio, I dare you!"

Are these sentences short enough for the self-proclaimed geniuses of this community to understand?

Another episode like this and I will start handing out vacation tickets.

Bright one, geniuses: Twenty-four posts deleted as off topic; two posts edited to scrub otherwise moderated material.
Mod Hat — Seriously genius

Self-proclaimed geniuses should probably not devote such effort to depicting themselves as suffering serious intellectual and psychological dysfunction.

I never much liked Roseanne, but one joke of hers I rather quite enjoyed ended with the punch line, "Fuck with me, Arsenio, I dare you!"
Bright one, geniuses: Twenty-four posts deleted as off topic; two posts edited to scrub otherwise moderated material.

WOW..that was ALOT of damage..

now what were we talking about?

thanks tiassa..

um..have no clue as to what you mean with those other two..
Mod Hat - Response

Mod Hat — Response

NMSquirrel said:

um..have no clue as to what you mean with those other two..

There are two posts subject to moderator edit; it is my policy, when deleting material, to scrub it entirely. Thus, quotes of material otherwise stricken from the record are also removed. I don't hold such posts as offensive under most circumstances; I bear them no ill in today's demolition. I just feel obliged to note the edits.

Let us return this discussion to its original topic.
Mod Hat — Response
There are two posts subject to moderator edit; it is my policy, when deleting material, to scrub it entirely. Thus, quotes of material otherwise stricken from the record are also removed. I don't hold such posts as offensive under most circumstances; I bear them no ill in today's demolition. I just feel obliged to note the edits.

Let us return this discussion to its original topic.

i was referring to these two..
Self-proclaimed geniuses should probably not devote such effort to depicting themselves as suffering serious intellectual and psychological dysfunction.

I never much liked Roseanne, but one joke of hers I rather quite enjoyed ended with the punch line, "Fuck with me, Arsenio, I dare you!"

and what were we talking about guys?
I'm only going to make one post here.

The fuckin' brains trust!

And no, you have no fucking idea what I'm referring to which just proves my point.
I'm only going to make one post here.

The fuckin' brains trust!

And no, you have no fucking idea what I'm referring to which just proves my point.

If there was a Brains Trust now, you and me would be on it definitely.
Any questions, ignorant populace?

Is the Empress willing to pay for a beehive though?
Can you wear a dicky bow?
Will anyone listen to the great and good in these egalitarian days?

but wait,
A question from the audience:

Spotty Schoolboy:
Mr Spud, is there any possibility that we might be visited by Martians?

(Audience laughs indulgently, waiting for the words of the great Spud)
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Yeah, I believe, and I love HER.

You raise an interesting question... If we all believe in some deity external to our universe, who is responsible for creating everything we know about reality, why would we think that this deity has a sex at all? Why make the point of calling God male or female? Does anyone on here really believe that a deity could in fact have a sex? That would indicate reproductive capabilities, other gods, indeed an entire biological tree.
Women produce life.

That's a bit of an arbitrary distinction, don't you think? They certainly don't produce it without males, and there are plenty of species that are sexless but still produce life. And that still doesn't address any of the other points I made regarding the nature of a deity.