If there's no God...

This is the fundamental problem with talking to a theist about why the concept of god is just as plausible as the concept/ idea of some other invisible unprovable entity. They basically give you the argument that the reason they are not comparable is because one makes more sense than the other, but how? The silliness of a belief has nothing to do with the plausability of said belief, especially when both are unprovable.

Because anyone can say anything, and it'd be possible.

It's about probability; firstly, the concept of God is plausible, whereas the concept of a bunch of fairies on a mushroom has already been disproven (as we know, you can examine the mushrooms all you want)

Are all beliefs ridiculous? No. I am sure Galileo's beliefs were ridiculous, and they turned out right.

And lastly, the concept deals with the CREATION of our universe NOT WITH AN ENTITY PRESENT WITHIN IT!!!!!!

Therefore, likewise as the Big Bang is a theory, God is also a theory. They theory of Intelligent Design.
It's about probability; firstly, the concept of God is plausible, whereas the concept of a bunch of fairies on a mushroom has already been disproven (as we know, you can examine the mushrooms all you want)

The only thing that makes it more plausible is the fact that you say it is, give me a break.:rolleyes:
It's about probability; firstly, the concept of God is plausible, whereas the concept of a bunch of fairies on a mushroom has already been disproven (as we know, you can examine the mushrooms all you want)

How is that different for God ? You can examine whatever all you want, you'll never find God.
... then why do the atheists and agnostics spend so much time here arguing about it?

Because while they are not of the same belief as Xtians, they are of the same mind set. they're no better than proseletizing christians. They look down on people who do the exact same thing as they do!
How is that different for God ? You can examine whatever all you want, you'll never find God.

That is different for a god because a god is not defined as living on a mushroom, nor is a god really defined to be anywhere specific in the general sense of a god. It's one thing to say you'll never find a god, but if you don't know where to look or even know what a god looks like then how can you say there isn't one.

Not a long time ago people could have looked for bacteria all they wanted, but they would never have found it. That is, until they knew what they were looking for, where to find it and they had the means to see it.
How is that different for God ? You can examine whatever all you want, you'll never find God.

I think capelli did a good job of responding to this; if there is a God, nobody can find him! He finds you.
That is different for a god because a god is not defined as living on a mushroom, nor is a god really defined to be anywhere specific in the general sense of a god. It's one thing to say you'll never find a god, but if you don't know where to look or even know what a god looks like then how can you say there isn't one.

Not a long time ago people could have looked for bacteria all they wanted, but they would never have found it. That is, until they knew what they were looking for, where to find it and they had the means to see it.

Fine an invisible purple unicorn then. Where to look ?
I can say the same about any imaginary thing.

Can't we all? But, we can disprove most anything; the concept of a Creator is not ridiculous!

If it is, why do you think so? It isn't like saying a leprauchan with gold at the end of a rainbow!

The concept of an outside force having created our universe is not ridiculous; why the hell don't you get that?
The difference between things you are saying and God, is that the things you are saying are all, well, things! As in, we can search and examine and capture and record.........................if a being created our universe, how can we do that?

Again, I think the big bang theory is entirely ridiculous, moreso than that some outside force created our universe; does that mean that you shouldn't look?
Can't we all? But, we can disprove most anything; the concept of a Creator is not ridiculous!

If it is, why do you think so? It isn't like saying a leprauchan with gold at the end of a rainbow!

The concept of an outside force having created our universe is not ridiculous; why the hell don't you get that?

Show me why it isn't..
The difference between things you are saying and God, is that the things you are saying are all, well, things! As in, we can search and examine and capture and record.........................if a being created our universe, how can we do that?
You tell me..
What if I told you that I believe in an invisible purple unicorn that lives somewhere beyond the galaxy ? And that it terraformed earth ?

Again, I think the big bang theory is entirely ridiculous, moreso than that some outside force created our universe; does that mean that you shouldn't look?
Who or what created the outside force ?
You tell me..
What if I told you that I believe in an invisible purple unicorn that lives somewhere beyond the galaxy ? And that it terraformed earth ?

Well, that's your belief; however, it seems to me you want to make it as ridiculous as possible.................this can be applied to science. Was it not ridiculed, the concept of Earth going around the Sun?



Who or what created the outside force ?

No clue; that is the great mystery of existence;)
Whether natural or intelligent design, existence is a mystery

However, even if there is no evidence supporting the concept of God, there is also no evidence against it; therefore, to say that "since there is no evidence, it does not exist" isn't AS RATIONAL as saying "since there is no evidence, it is unknown"

Also, stop limiting yourself to the "here and now" mentality; I believe the universe, and all of existence, is much beyond what we ourselves can sense or comprehend.
No, because you can not examine God; you cannot research God.

Likewise, did bacteria come into existence when they were discovered?:confused:

No, but before there was any evidence of bacteria there was no reason to assume they existed.
Besides, you have said it yourself: you cannot research God. You can research bacteria.. because they exist.

If you can't research God how can you say it exists ?
I can say the same about any imaginary thing.

Yes you can, and so of course no evidence could ever be given against any imaginary thing existing(well along the lines of unicorns, flying men etc). The probability of them will be very close to zero, but never actually zero unless you knew for certain they didn't exist, but you cannot do that and so you can believe the probability to be zero or you can accept you can never be certain.
Well, that's your belief; however, it seems to me you want to make it as ridiculous as possible.................this can be applied to science. Was it not ridiculed, the concept of Earth going around the Sun?


Why is my belief anymore ridiculous then yours ?
Calm down..

No clue; that is the great mystery of existence;)
Whether natural or intelligent design, existence is a mystery
So why is it then more logical to assume an outside force did it ?

However, even if there is no evidence supporting the concept of God, there is also no evidence against it; therefore, to say that "since there is no evidence, it does not exist" isn't AS RATIONAL as saying "since there is no evidence, it is unknown"
I know.. and I apply it. Now take your own advice.

Also, stop limiting yourself to the "here and now" mentality; I believe the universe, and all of existence, is much beyond what we ourselves can sense or comprehend.
I agree.
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