If there's no God...


Registered Senior Member
... then why do the atheists and agnostics spend so much time here arguing about it?

I've seen regulars on here who's post counts are into the thousands... why do you spend so much time and effort here if you don't believe in God anyway? If you think that God doesn't exist, why don't you move on with your lives instead of spending your time heckling Christians, and those of other faiths? Insecurity? Do you get off on it? Or do you really have nothing better to do with your free time? It's absolutely nothing personal, I'm just curious.

Because so much time is spent on here discussing God, to me that's a case for God, not against.
The argument works both ways, many posts are directed at atheists so why not answer to them? Also if a theist can express their opinions regarding the existence of god, then atheists can argue the opposite.
I'm not arguing, I'm only pointing out another belief system that is just as believable as those who are religious.
Atheism is the silliest concept I have ever heard; for a mere mortal to claim that he knows the mysteries of the universe?
No atheist on Earth KNOWS if there is a God; they simply do not believe so.

Agnostics make the most sense: that they simply do not know.
The religious, at least, adhere to belief rather than attempting to spread their faith as a fact (like atheists)

For anybody to say "There is no God" or "There is a God and that's a fact", they are an idiot
For anybody to say "There is no God" or "There is a God and that's a fact", they are an idiot

Why thank you! I'm very use to being called names but you won't see me calling religous people names. I just use common sense to let them understand not everyone can go along with a concept that says an unknown supreme being is in charge of everything and there's a heaven if you do good your whole life. Then there's the Catholics who can committ murder, rape and pediophila yet be absolved and still go to heaven!! Amazing, just amazing that people can believe in that kind of stuff today.:(
Atheism is the silliest concept I have ever heard; for a mere mortal to claim that he knows the mysteries of the universe?
No atheist on Earth KNOWS if there is a God; they simply do not believe so.

Agnostics make the most sense: that they simply do not know.
The religious, at least, adhere to belief rather than attempting to spread their faith as a fact (like atheists)

For anybody to say "There is no God" or "There is a God and that's a fact", they are an idiot

Well you can be an atheist without running around proclaiming that "there is no god". I consider myself an atheist because I see no evidence that there is a god, I need evidence to believe in something and if there is none I must therefore conclude that there is no god. You make the mistake of labeling all athiests as rabid antireligious fanatics, when in fact most are not.
This question comes up here every so often. Basically, it is not belief in something that drives my interest in it. Religion is a fascinating subject. Religious people dominate our world, and it would be foolish to ignore this phenomenon. If I did believe in God, there would be little further to say about it.

I don't believe in the Aztec religion either, should I not be fascinated by that too? The assumption is that one shouldn't be interested in stuff they don't believe in.
OREGON CITY, Ore. - A couple whose church preaches against medical care are facing criminal charges after their young daughter died of an infection that authorities said went untreated.

Carl and Raylene Worthington were indicted Friday on charges of manslaughter and criminal mistreatment in the death of their 15-month-old daughter Ava. They belong to the Followers of Christ Church, whose members have a history of treating gravely ill children only with prayer.

Ava died March 2 of bronchial pneumonia and a blood infection. The state medical examiner’s office has said she could have been treated with antibiotics.

(Rest of story at link)

... then why do the atheists and agnostics spend so much time here arguing about it?

I don't believe that klingons or the borg exist but I can spend a great deal of time talking about Star Trek. The reason, to put it simply, is interest in the subject.

Needless to say, it's quite impossible to ignore. Imagine a world full of people saying leprechauns exist while there is no evidence to suggest they do. They knock on your door, teach it as truth to your children, kill each other over what colour clothing the leprechauns wear and so on. Could you just ignore that? If so you're certainly a better man than me.

If you think that God doesn't exist, why don't you move on with your lives instead of spending your time heckling Christians, and those of other faiths?

With all due respect but this is a subsection devoted to discussion and debate regarding religious matters. We're not heckling anyone, nobody said theists or atheists had to be here - it can only be said that both want to discuss the issues. That's not heckling, k?

When it comes to heckling... How many atheists have knocked on your door recently waving a copy of The Origin of Species or The God Delusion at you? Who does the heckling? It is not the atheists pal.

Because so much time is spent on here discussing God, to me that's a case for God, not against.

A statement truly worthy of the Turnip Award.
Well you can be an atheist without running around proclaiming that "there is no god". I consider myself an atheist because I see no evidence that there is a god, I need evidence to believe in something and if there is none I must therefore conclude that there is no god. You make the mistake of labeling all athiests as rabid antireligious fanatics, when in fact most are not.

I feel very similarly to you but I would definitely say that I am agnostic. I need evidence to believe in something, but the same goes for not believing. To not believe in a god would require evidence and so I say that I do not know and that I'm agnostic.
There is evidence that animals and plants were not designed, but rather grew through a process of evolution. There is evidence that religious texts were invented by men. I could go on, but perhaps this isn't the thread for that.
Why thank you! I'm very use to being called names but you won't see me calling religous people names. I just use common sense to let them understand not everyone can go along with a concept that says an unknown supreme being is in charge of everything and there's a heaven if you do good your whole life. Then there's the Catholics who can committ murder, rape and pediophila yet be absolved and still go to heaven!! Amazing, just amazing that people can believe in that kind of stuff today.:(

Again, unless you KNOW FOR A FACT that there is no God, then you should not say there is not; the logical reality is, that nobody knows.
Again, unless you KNOW FOR A FACT that there is no God, then you should not say there is not; the logical reality is, that nobody knows.

Nonsense. Most scientific knowledge is based on probability, not proof. I don't know for a fact that there are no race of small flying men and women inhabiting the mushrooms in my garden, but I can say with some certainty that there are not.
There is evidence that animals and plants were not designed, but rather grew through a process of evolution. There is evidence that religious texts were invented by men. I could go on, but perhaps this isn't the thread for that.

Yeah, sorry I should have said that there is no definitive proof that can be given against some possible form of a god(gods even) existing, or having existed at some point. I guess that then leads to a question: what makes a god?
Nonsense. Most scientific knowledge is based on probability, not proof. I don't know for a fact that there are no race of small flying men and women inhabiting the mushrooms in my garden, but I can say with some certainty that there are not.

Ah, but you are imposing conditions upon these flying men and women that they have to be inhabiting the mushrooms in your garden. The idea of a god doesn't really have any conditions does it? Would you say it is impossible for a race of flying men and women to exist at all?
Nonsense. Most scientific knowledge is based on probability, not proof. I don't know for a fact that there are no race of small flying men and women inhabiting the mushrooms in my garden, but I can say with some certainty that there are not.

People keep comparing all these different, fantasy concepts to the concept of God; they aren't the same.

That is, although in principle both CAN exist, one actually is a TRUE mystery that we just don't know; we don't KNOW whether or not there is a God, and in my opinion, it is a very plausible Scientific theory.

So please point out to me, what is ridiculous about the concept of a Creator (not necessarily a supernatural being) having created our universe?

Nothing. In fact, in the course of times, it may be possible for we Humans to create our own mini-universes; this makes us Gods.

Now, let me please give a brief description on how I feel on the matter of God; I myself do believe in a Creator, but I do NOT believe in much of the add-ons over the course of history.

Let me clarify. I do believe that there is a God (so far not implying anything about Him or His nature); I know not of the nature of this God (being, spirit, or whatever He or It may be).

Or, to put it bluntly, I am Faithful, but not religious.

Believing that there is a God and, perhaps, a place for our spirit after our death is not at all a silly concept; however, I do find silly many of what has been integrated into the faiths.

For instance, while I do believe in God, and perhaps a heaven, I do not believe it as the accepted form; many parts of religion today are Human creations, Human ideas, and have been integrated into the core concept of the religion: the belief in God.

I hold that belief, but no adherence to the rest of the silly myths arising from that. I believe in God, and perhaps the Prophets, but NOT the silly details made up by Humans over the years.
This is the fundamental problem with talking to a theist about why the concept of god is just as plausible as the concept/ idea of some other invisible unprovable entity. They basically give you the argument that the reason they are not comparable is because one makes more sense than the other, but how? The silliness of a belief has nothing to do with the plausability of said belief, especially when both are unprovable.