If there is no God

azriel There's no sense in my debating the issue with you

So why did you start a discussion?

If you are so free, why do you care so much about what your things cost?

I don't care, I was just pointing out that everything in my life is free while everybody else pays through the nose and that it was inappropriate to call my God an asshole when I have it so good. As for why I started the discussion, I had nothing better to do while I did my laundry. Well I'm off to my free beer at the pub, who knows maybe I'll find that woman that somebody wanted me to get.
Here's some free advice....get some free professional help for your free mental health conditions.

Venereal disease and AIDS are also free.
azriel I don't care, I was just pointing out that everything in my life is free while everybody else pays through the nose

Last I checked, that's not just caring, its the bad kind of caring. What point is there have so much for free when you are not free from it?

azriel that it was inappropriate to call my God an asshole when I have it so good.

I don't see the connection. Should I also not call your unicorn an asshole?

azriel who knows maybe I'll find that woman that somebody wanted me to get.

best wishes
azriel I don't care, I was just pointing out that everything in my life is free while everybody else pays through the nose

Last I checked, that's not just caring, its the bad kind of caring. What point is there have so much for free when you are not free from it?

azriel that it was inappropriate to call my God an asshole when I have it so good.

I don't see the connection. Should I also not call your unicorn an asshole?

azriel who knows maybe I'll find that woman that somebody wanted me to get.

best wishes

Thank-you for the wish, it's 5:30 a.m., she was blonde and her name was Cindy. A little plump but I'm not going to marry her
It unfortunate that you are religiously such a Hebrew... that is, that if you accept any God, it must be the Hebrew God.

Well, among those who have Degrees in Comparative Religious Studies, you are looked at with some good deal of surprised bewilderment that if you are to chose any conception of Divinity, that you would chose THAT.

Why, Jehovah... not to mean any disrespect... is about as Primitive as you can get. Paint yourself blue, put a bone in your nose and Praise Jehovah. The Jews, these days, all now Doctors, Lawyers and Pawn Shop and Porn Film Producers, forget these early days of their Religion, still so very well documented. But what Atheists should keep in mind, is that REAL Religious Thought and Philosophy has moved quite a bit in those, no 2000 years, but almost 4000 years.

One should wonder that Atheist don't feel a bit disingenuous that in order to attack Religion they need to go back 3000 years to find a Religion they can find vulnerable to their attacks.

Oh... to attack anything Modern... well, they would have to do some reading and thinking. they would rather be Atheists without reading or thinking.

I'm not arguing for or against, personally I couldn't care less but if there is no God then there is no Devil ergo that would make all religion a fallacy. If Jehovah is a delusion and Allah a delusion then there's only humans. Scientifically speaking everything that lives has energy and energy can neither be created nor destroyed so when a living thing perishes what happens to the energy? A rhetorical question that requires no answer (don't forget, I don't care).

If man is alone in this world (if not the universe) and science clearly shows that he's destroying himself, what's going to become of your children or grandchildren? From a scientific perspective does evidence show that President Bush (a christian) gives a shit about your grandchildren? Does the leader of Iran give a shit about the Iranian children?

Based on scientific evidence you people better hope (for the sake of your children and their children) that there is a God otherwise all Earthly life is pretty well doomed.

Well I'm going to go get in my free car and pump somemore carbon monoxide into the atmosphere because the sooner this planet and all of it's inhabitants are destroyed the better I'm going to like it, but I'm not the Devil and I didn't feed you a whole book full of horseshit that you could fight over and destroy each other over. The last thing that I said to that fuckin' asshole when he threw me out was that I was going to turn every one of you fuckin' clowns away from him and it looks like I win.
It unfortunate that you are religiously such a Hebrew... that is, that if you accept any God, it must be the Hebrew God.

Well, among those who have Degrees in Comparative Religious Studies, you are looked at with some good deal of surprised bewilderment that if you are to chose any conception of Divinity, that you would chose THAT.

Why, Jehovah... not to mean any disrespect... is about as Primitive as you can get. Paint yourself blue, put a bone in your nose and Praise Jehovah. The Jews, these days, all now Doctors, Lawyers and Pawn Shop and Porn Film Producers, forget these early days of their Religion, still so very well documented. But what Atheists should keep in mind, is that REAL Religious Thought and Philosophy has moved quite a bit in those, no 2000 years, but almost 4000 years.

One should wonder that Atheist don't feel a bit disingenuous that in order to attack Religion they need to go back 3000 years to find a Religion they can find vulnerable to their attacks.

Oh... to attack anything Modern... well, they would have to do some reading and thinking. they would rather be Atheists without reading or thinking.

I don't believe in any God that you've ever heard of, I just use the bible for argument's sake
....The last thing that I said to that fuckin' asshole when he threw me out was that I was going to turn every one of you fuckin' clowns away from him and it looks like I win.

who threw you out and what do you win?
Back to the OP saying if there is no god all Earth life is doomed. If the insane god of the The Holy Babble exists the vast majority, if not all, of souls are doomed.
If there is no god, there's 1 less insanity to be concerned with.
StrangerInAStrangeLa if there is no god all Earth life is doomed. If the insane god of the The Holy Babble exists the vast majority, if not all, of souls are doomed.

Good point. The moral choice is against the xtian god.
Back to the OP saying if there is no god all Earth life is doomed. If the insane god of the The Holy Babble exists the vast majority, if not all, of souls are doomed.
If there is no god, there's 1 less insanity to be concerned with.

If there is no god, there is no justice. Then people like Hitler will get away with mass murder. But that's okay to guilty people. In fact, that's their fervent wish. But sorry, there is a God, so there is justice. ;)
The Holy Babble is the worst example of justice.

That's because the guilty want to get away with breaking God's laws. That's also why criminal defendants aren't allowed in any society to judge their own guilt; because they're too interested in saving their own skin. So their judgments about what they deserve are biased.;)