If the World was Meant to be Good then

About God or anything else? For God it is very simple, what we know about God from the time He was introduced will not be improved upon even if humanity exists for another 10 billion years. For anything else there is plenty to be learned...I am convinced of that.

What a perfect answer. When it comes to EVERYTHING else we have lots to learn, but we know all there is to know about god. That can't sound ridiculus to just me right?
isn't it? Yes,yes, we all know man screwed it up. Yes, we took free will to an unexpected level. Shocked the hell out of the Creator. The same creator that said everything was good. Too bad, no guarantee.

Anyway I was just wondering how a totally good world would work. What should have happened?

I was just thinking...if God made it an evil world then by golly He got it right. That would be good, God getting it right I mean. So if you want an evil world then you need us and Satan. What the hell is Satan doing in a good world for Christ's sake? One has to wonder.

But God built a good world by His standards. He even says so in the Christian bible. I just don't know how an all good world works. No accidents, deaths, disease, poverty, drought, hate, violence. A big love-in where everybody gets along. Would we need to eat? sleep? worry about anything?

Just think how great science would be, you'd be right about everything. That brings a question to mind....would trying to find out how things work constitute a bad deed? We could still invent a gun just for target practice, we'd only need one bullet. In fact if everything was meant to be good then we would always be perfect in every endeavor. All you theists who proclaim that the world was destined for goodness please explain how it would be today.

Is good really good for us?

uh, heaven?:confused:
What a perfect answer. When it comes to EVERYTHING else we have lots to learn, but we know all there is to know about god. That can't sound ridiculus to just me right?
The truth is no one at all knows if there is one god, multiple gods or zero god .
All the folks are guessing and science does not back their guessing at the present time . I believe in science .
Too complex?
Perhaps more helps?
What shall we try?


Thankless wretch.

All Praise The Ancient Of Daze

I hope that you mature. Because right now your looking pretty pathetic indeed.

I am embarrassed for you.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Did I say heaven? I don't care what God said about heaven. OK, if you want to talk about heaven then why are heaven and Earth both declared good by God?

lol, who said god declared earth as good? and if he declared it AND heaven good then why would we want to leave earth to heaven, they're both good right?

you asked about how can perfection of life be experienced, not only exist, and i said heaven.
you asked about how can perfection of life be experienced, not only exist, and i said heaven.

Just so I can be sure, you only get there by dying right?

Just how perfect is heaven? If Heaven is a perfect place then does a human (Soul or whatever) entering affect that status?

Odd that one has to be dead to experience the perfection of life.
Psychotic episode
Originally Posted by lightgigantic

IOW if I don't have a clue of outcome and purpose, the statement "good dentist" is meaningless.

Bullshit. You'd be more inclined to visit a good dentist than one labelled bad.

once you've applied issues of outcome and purpose
God said the Earth and everything else was good. Either the whole thing was good if you like imperfection or it's all good because it's perfect down to the last detail.
When you make statements like "good if you like imperfection" its obvious you have some issues of purpose and outcome at work.

For some reason, you don't want to elaborate on it though.

I wonder why He didn't announce His creation as perfect?
probably because you haven't read around the topic sufficiently (which is often the problem of persons facing difficulties at the level of theory)

Isopanisad - Invocation. The Personality of Godhead is perfect and complete, and because He is completely perfect, all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly equipped as complete wholes. Whatever is produced of the Complete Whole is also complete in itself. Because He is the Complete Whole, even though so many complete units emanate from Him, He remains the complete balance.
Why only good? I don't even like that word coming out of the mouth of God...it's not very convincing.
Probably because you have a different sense of purpose about the utility of the universe.
Why. Because the knowledge of Good and evil was an option that He wanted rejected.

I see. So your god did not want anyone to know what "good" was and hence to have no knowledge of god or any reason to actually worship him, (assuming that such an action is 'good'). He would rather you have been.... a slug?

Yes He did give the option. And having that option demonstrated that he has created real free willed beings.

It's always interesting to note that "free will" implies nothing beyond the ability to make a choice. It does not suggest that there is any reason or value in making a 'choice', (something that knowledge of good and evil helps with), merely that - for whatever pointless reason - an individual can make one. This is how you and your god apparently wanted life to be - one where you would make a choice, in that an ant "chooses" to turn left, without any bloody reason whatsoever to do it.

It's really quite sad. You want to have remained an animal - a being that didn't even know it was naked, a being that had no knowledge of good or evil and hence could never have made a worthwhile choice in anything - even in whether to worship gods or not.
I see. So your god did not want anyone to know what "good" was and hence to have no knowledge of god or any reason to actually worship him, (assuming that such an action is 'good'). He would rather you have been.... a slug?

Have you not read the story of the Garden of Eden? God used to visit them in the garden before they came to the knowledge of good and evil. So they had personal and real knowledge of God before they got the knowledge of good and evil.

As for worship. I do not think God is after the kind of worship you are thinking is worship. God wants people to worship in spirit and truth. That means to believe He is God and justified to be so. Belief and trust is worth far more then pathetic bowing and chanting. All the flowery words people might think up to use to praise God will all fall short of the true glory of God. So like our righteousness our praise is as filthy rags to God.

It's always interesting to note that "free will" implies nothing beyond the ability to make a choice. It does not suggest that there is any reason or value in making a 'choice', (something that knowledge of good and evil helps with), merely that - for whatever pointless reason - an individual can make one. This is how you and your god apparently wanted life to be - one where you would make a choice, in that an ant "chooses" to turn left, without any bloody reason whatsoever to do it.

It's really quite sad. You want to have remained an animal - a being that didn't even know it was naked, a being that had no knowledge of good or evil and hence could never have made a worthwhile choice in anything - even in whether to worship gods or not.

Ha :) You know nothing about our former state. You make the same mistake as others here have equating our former state to being animals. They where never animals.

And there is a reason to make a decision in favour of God. That is because of His righteousness.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Just so I can be sure, you only get there by dying right?
dying AND doing as ordered in your prelife.

Just how perfect is heaven?
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo perfect, any better?:D
If Heaven is a perfect place then does a human (Soul or whatever) entering affect that status?
yes it does, it becomes more perfect, or maybe then it BECOMES perfect, it's sole goal of existance is to be a perfect enviornment for humans.

Odd that one has to be dead to experience the perfection of life.
lol, speak of close minded.
god can put you back to life again, you know.
dying AND doing as ordered in your prelife.

Prelife? :shrug: What were your orders?

sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo perfect, any better?
Why do you question heavenly perfection, not sure?

yes it does, it becomes more perfect, or maybe then it BECOMES perfect, it's sole goal of existance is to be a perfect enviornment for humans.

Oh, it's not perfect until you get there. Why you?

lol, speak of close minded.
god can put you back to life again, you know.

So I am dead for all intents and purposes? However I was alive at some point, sometime between prelife and now I suppose. Ok, not now because I probably became dead a while ago. How do you know you're not dead also?

As Clint said In The Outlaw Jose Wales, 'Dying ain't much of a living, boy'.
isn't it?

What is "good"?

Yes,yes, we all know man screwed it up. Yes, we took free will to an unexpected level. Shocked the hell out of the Creator.

I need your information resources.

The same creator that said everything was good. Too bad, no guarantee.

Anyway I was just wondering how a totally good world would work. What should have happened?

A dominant species would develop culture and science, strive for the common good, and reach for the stars, colonizing other worlds, spreading and improving their kind.

I was just thinking...if God made it an evil world then by golly He got it right. That would be good, God getting it right I mean. So if you want an evil world then you need us and Satan. What the hell is Satan doing in a good world for Christ's sake? One has to wonder.

But God built a good world by His standards. He even says so in the Christian bible.

Objectively, this planet is a dandy, just a life-loving place to raise your kids up. You kinda start losing me here though, a bit more rambling than before.

I just don't know how an all good world works. No accidents, deaths, disease, poverty, drought, hate, violence. A big love-in where everybody gets along. Would we need to eat? sleep? worry about anything?

Just think how great science would be, you'd be right about everything. That brings a question to mind....would trying to find out how things work constitute a bad deed? We could still invent a gun just for target practice, we'd only need one bullet. In fact if everything was meant to be good then we would always be perfect in every endeavor. All you theists who proclaim that the world was destined for goodness please explain how it would be today.

Is good really good for us?

What you talkin' 'bout, Willis? ...and bad is really bad for us. Take the bad-good over the bad-bad any chance you get I say.
I hope that you mature. Because right now your looking pretty pathetic indeed.

I am embarrassed for you.

Ah, the worshiper of magic sky fairies thinks I need to mature? How quaint.

You should tell your imaginary friend all about it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Daze
Nice going Sherlock. I'm only interested in what you have to say.
Take another gander at your OP big guy

I'm elaborating on it as much as you elaborated on what you know of God. I figure fair is fair.
Actually even you can bring qualitative models of god to the fore of a discussion.

For some reason though you can't do the same in this current discussion of good vs evil in a world created by god with us int he middle.

No need to :rolleyes: I said I was good, not humble.

I have it on no less an authority than the abrahamic god.

Gen 1:31
God looked at everything he had made, and he found it very good.

Though certain private quarters have opinioned that I'm actually great.:cool: