If the christ has arrived and is walking this earth

There are now hundreds, if not thousands of people around the globe from all cultures that have had dreams where ‘Jesus or the Christ’ has been emphasised and predominant during their sleep period. If indeed the Christ has arrived, and is walking this 3arth right now. What exactly does this mean for you personally and/or the greater family of humanity?
Under what circumstances would the Christ be walking the 3arth right now. What would be the main reasons?
For those who cannot fathom the idea that the Christ could indeed be here amongst us, We can only ask you to be creative and use your imagination. This could be an interesting thread especially if we include ancient text from all sorts of religions and beliefs systems. We must also remember to respect the views from all religions and cultures. We may collectively end up with a manual of Hypothesis that contains a lot of weight and facts. I encourage all to express their views.

1. Can you say when Christ came back to this world?
2. Who are his family?

If Christ is on the earth, I suspect he is going through the stages of being a human. He is most probably a youth, or child, going to school or college. Most probably giving the atheists a spanking in debates regarding theology, and darwinian ideas.

He most probably hasn't come to the full realisation of who and what he is, or his purpose as yet, but people around him will be strangely attracted to him

The reason for him being here would be non different than the reason he was here before. He would probably perform the same pastime, but it would be relevant to today.

Most probably giving the atheists a spanking in debates regarding theology, and darwinian ideas.
He would more likely be giving Christians a spanking for mangling His teachings and wasting their time on nonsense like creationism.