Why would the christ have returned?
Accumulating this coming December, more likely than not, December 21st 2012. The reason being, a natural sudden shift and realignment in the 3arths precession cycle by about 5 degrees. Thus causing great 3arth movement in 3arths floating continents and tech tonic plates. This being the basis of the dooms day prophecies of Revelations, or end of the age Euiago cycle.
Historically the Christ appeared in his 12th year and stated ‘that he would destroy the temple of the money lenders and raise it in 3 days’. The temple that had apparently taken 46 years to build.
This statement in regards to, and has relevance to our present society. All that we have come to know through financial enslavement by the world financial institutions will be destroyed. To state that ‘he will raise the temple in three days’ would be in reference to the temple located on the sides of our heads, ‘The raising of human consciousness’, 3 being the symbol and glyph representing God.
( Refer to the decimal binary code ) The number 46 is in reference to ‘All that is, and all that will ever be concerning humanity’…… GONE!!! ….A new age and era is to be born.
There are numerous scenarios concerning this time of purification. The following is simply my interpretation in regards to Biblical passages incorporating, ancient science and logic.
“Set your troubled hearts at rest, trust in God always; trust also in me, There are many dwellings -places in my fathers house; if it were not so I should have told you; for I am going there on purpose to prepare a place for you, I shall come again and receive you to myself. So that where I am you may be also”
“….And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate who will be with you for ever, The world cannot receive him, because the world neither sees nor knows him; but you will know him, because he dwells with you and is in you. I will not leave you bereft, I am coming back to you, In a little while the world will see me no longer….”
“…But your advocate, the ‘Holy Spirit’ whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and will call to mind all that I have told you”
JOHN 16:12
“… When he comes who is the spirit of truth, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own authority, but will tell only what he hears; and he will make known to you the things that are coming”
“… I will also keep you from the ordeal that is to fall upon the whole world and test its inhabitants”
“… That the new Jerusalem which is coming down out of heaven from my God, and my own NEW NAME ”
“When the Son of Man comes in his glory and all the Angels with him, He will sit in state on his throne, with all the nations gathered before him. He will separate men into two groups, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will place the sheep on his right hand and the goats on his left. Then the King will say to those on his right hand, “You have my fathers blessing; come, enter and possess the Kingdom that has been ready for you since the world was made….”
These passages from the BiBles would imply, that the historical Christ knew of this precession cycle. Mans understanding of the cosmo’s 2000 years ago, would have been very limited. Men still thought the world was flat and that the Sun and universe revolved around our planet.
The Christ also states that he will ask the ‘Father of the heavens’ to send another advocate to remind humanity of his teachings and the preferable path to salvation. This advocate will not speak of his own authority, but will speak on behalf of the heavens. This advocate will let humanity know of future impending circumstances that will effect us all. To keep us from the ordeal that is to fall upon the world and all humanity, would also imply that there is to be divine intervention prior to any cataclysmic event.
I personally feel that this divine intervention will be by, and come from the same founder races who initially came here to 3arth when circumstances were ideal to reseed the planet on behalf of God our lord and creator. Therefore a highly developed civilisation will arrive by heavenly vehicles from the cosmos.
All 3 prophets Eziekiel, Elijah and Enoch describe in great detail the arrival of ships or chariots from the direction of the heavens. Because we humanity only identify technology within our own primitive culture, it is hard for the mainstream public to imagine that there are much more advanced civilisations in this universe, and that these circumstances are likely to manifest. But lets face it!, This is the reason why people go to church, in the hope that God will provide salvation for the worthy of this world in the form of divine deliverance and justice.
If it is the wish of the founder races, that the root races of humanity be able to survive. I would assume that the best or deserving of this world will take precedence over the undesirables. The sorting of the chaff and wheat. We can label these preferred people of this world the ‘Dues’. This will be based on a persons personal ‘Akashic record’, being the recorded database of every living individual ever born of flesh. An Akashic record metaphorically speaking can be visualised as a persons chronicled library or universal computer database.
There is also a persons ‘Aura’ ( All Ra ) that sets them apart from others, this being the invisible light that projects out into this world in generalised terms, our personal relationship with the planet and each other. ‘You cannot hide your true nature from the universe!’
It would be safe to say, if divine intervention does come in the form of help from the cosmos. This will be done prior to the 3rd week this coming December. It would be more likely that the ‘Dues’ will be taken to safety while the 3arth goes through turbulent upheaval, then returned when it is safe to resettle back on 3arth.
JOHN 14; 1-5
“Set your troubled hearts at rest, trust in God always; trust also in me, There are many dwellings -places in my fathers house; if it were not so I would have told you; for I am going there on purpose to prepare a place for you. I shall come again and receive you to myself. So that where I am you may be also”
This statement is in reference to the worlds or realms known as the ‘Dimensions of the blessed’. The hidden worlds where ‘atomic particles or matter’ pulsates at different speeds. Thus allowing different worlds to remain invisible but exist in the same space. This statement also implies that ‘Jesus the Christ’ went there to prepare a home for the ‘Dues’, and that he, or a personal representative of the Christ would return to collect the deserving of this world.
If the 21st December 2012 has relevance to the end of age or Dooms day prophecies, we must therefore look at the 25th December as being the gathering of the ‘Dues’, therefore the word ‘Christmas’ takes on a different meaning. Instead it will mean the ‘Christ Mass’, the gathering of the illuminated members of humanity. They will be ‘the morning Dew’ ( the mourning Due )
The story of Moses the law maker, the Israelites and the parting of the Red Sea, should be interpreted as the parting of the good people of this world, therefore ‘the parting of the Dues being the parting of the re-seed’.
The story of Noahs Ark and those who were saved from the deluge, should be interpreted as ‘Knowers Arc’ those who knew, therefore those who were saved from the ordeal.
‘Like lightning from the east flashing as far as the west, so to will be the coming of the Son of man’
The Son of man will be the servant of man. Look to the first district in the world to see the first rays of the eastern Sun, that greets each new day. There you will find the foundation stone of the future temple of the Arc of the Covenant. In times of uncertainty find the rising Eastern Sun or the rising East Star.
MATHEW 25:34
Then the King will say to those on his right hand, “You have my fathers blessing; come enter and possess the Kingdom that has been ready for you since the world was made”
EXODUS 25:22
The ‘Arc of the Covenant’ …is also the place where God ( eternity ) is to be found, it is there that I shall meet you’.
My understanding is that the temple that will house the ‘Arc’, think in terms of a electrical Arc, will take 3 months to build. The temple is used for the transmutation and transition of mass through to another higher dimension or realm. So there is the high probability that the ‘Dues’ and only the dues, will make this dimensional dawn transition to another realm. This may sound like magic but in reality, it is simply science we are not accustomed to yet.
Salvation = Sell they shone.
Dimension = Die men shone.
Transition = Tranz i shone.
Dawn = Door in.
MATTHEW 25:31 …‘You have my fathers blessing, come enter and possess the Kingdom that has been ready for you since the world was made’
This statement itself would imply that the chosen will enter a Kingdom or realm that has always existed and has been prepared for the ‘Dues’
Is used throughout the BiBle to describe a transportation vehicle to the heavens. In modern day use the word ‘Chariot’ is used in reference to describe, either a ‘state carriage’ or a 2 wheeled horse-drawn vehicle of ancient times used in warfare and racing
If you break down the word chariot. The word ‘char’ means ‘to burn the surface, or a type of fish’
The word ‘riot’ means a gathering of people ‘A public disorder or disturbance of the peace’
The word chariot could interpreted as, The suns light or heat used to create transmutation of particle mass, being a group of chosen people who will gather for the transition and transportation to another realm known as the ‘Dimensions of the blessed’, Christ being the fisher of men’
When we speak of transition and transportation to another realm, We are talking about sacred science that was used in the ‘right of passage’ from the Kings chamber of the great Pyramids, the true divine purpose and nature of ‘The Gold of the Gods’.
The word ‘Rapture’ means ‘The state of being transported by a powerful emotion, great joy or ecstasy’
WRAP - Means to cover and protect.
CHAR - Again to ‘burn the surface, or a type of fish’
WRAP CHAR - To cover and protect the people of Christ, ‘Christ the fisher of men’
If indeed the physical world is to face great tribulation, 3arthquakes, tsunamis and the reactivation of dormant volcanoes. Then Ragnarok will prevail, The winters of all winters. When sunlights cannot penetrate the atmosphere, and when plants and micro organisms from the oceans cannot photosynthesis. Thus causing a breakdown in the natural biological ecosystems that had previously taken millions of years to stabilise, effecting natural food chains of the land and sea to breakdown. Some species of the land and sea will completely become instinct. Only the species that are able to adapt to harsh conditions will survive. There will still be millions of humans left to carry on another civilisation. But they will be wondering why God had abandoned them.
PAST = The word ‘past‘ when spoken slowly are the words ‘Pa asked’ ( meaning, what our heavenly father asked of us )
FUTURE = The word ‘future‘ when spoken slowly are the words ‘Few Char’ ( very few, or not very many will make the transition to a promised land )