If Satan Said I'm Sorry

If Satan was sincere I believe God would. The problem lies with Satan's character. He is so prideful that he would never humble himself before God.
Ebed El Olam
Not to mention the fact that in Christianity there is a "master plan".

God's already planning to pwn that n00b Satan for like, 1000 years. If God knows all, then that little tidbit wouldn't be in Revelations (assuming the Bible is God's word). We would know that Satan was going to ask for forgiveness. If the Bible is true, then we'll be seeing Satan into the lake of fire, not into Heaven.
EarthlyVagabond said:
This is a simple question: What would happen if Satan said that her was sorry? Would God let him back into Heaven or what?

Like the last poster said we already know the final destination of satan. But i am not sure even if satan said he was sorry he would be forgiven. Gods mercy is offered to us through The Messiah Jesus. Angels are in direct contact with God so maybe they do not have the option of being forgiven their rebellion against God?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Why be sorry. God made it possible for us to rebel also, that's called progress. he should have known what would happen. Now Satan has an established place in Christian cosmology. What would preachers scare people with without it? ...Eternal boredom?
Satan was created to rebel and set off a course for humanity, ect. ect.

Assuming angels have free will wouldn't explain where sin came from unless God created it. Without the creation of something good and evil, choice cannot be determined.

If Satan said he was sorry, it would be too late, because Satan has already been defeated(thus establishing his punishment) at the Cross of calvary.
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Also Satan cannot say sorry because that would contradict God's word thus making God a liar.
Quigly said:
Satan was created to rebel and set off a course for humanity, ect. ect.

Assuming angels have free will wouldn't explain where sin came from unless God created it. Without the creation of something good and evil, choice cannot be determined.

If Satan said he was sorry, it would be too late, because Satan has already been defeated(thus establishing his punishment) at the Cross of calvary.

I like the idea that Satan was created to rebel. This would be how it fits into God's plan. As an Angel (Fallen Angel) Would he be able to sin or is that a problem that only mankind has? That is another question. Would his rebellion be called sin or just insubordination? :bugeye:
I like the idea that Satan was created to rebel. This would be how it fits into God's plan. As an Angel (Fallen Angel) Would he be able to sin or is that a problem that only mankind has? That is another question. Would his rebellion be called sin or just insubordination?

Sin is a thing that seperates man from the presence of God. If a sinful thing touches Gods presence it will die. (see old testament regarding Arch of the Covenant and Priests going into the Most Holy Place in the Temple)

The priests would have to tie a rope around them when entering into the Most Holy Place where God's presence was. If sin was not atoned for through animal sacrifice the priest would enter and die and they would have to pull him out using the rope that is tied to him. (This is the old testament)

It's hard to say if Angels are capable of sinning in the same means that humans are. It could be called both. *Sin and insubordination.
EarthlyVagabond said:
This is a simple question: What would happen if Satan said that he was sorry? Would God let him back into Heaven or what?

This is a simple reply:

Revelation 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
The punishment seems a little harsh for the crime. Though, being without flesh, (theoretically) they could feel no pain. It would be no worse for an etherial being to be cast into fire than into a field of flowers and candy.
Ebed said:
No Jesus cannot lie.
Ebed El Olam
jesus has lied

Jesus is quoted many times in the Bible saying that a believer can ask for anything through prayer and receive it. He even goes so far as to say that mountains and trees can be thrown into the sea simply by praying for it. This is clearly a lie, and can be proven to be a lie by any believer. Simply pray for me to be converted to Christianity right away. Or better yet ask God to move the mountains behind my house. He could make a lot of converts that way.

and heres a some quotes from jesus that proves it

King James Version

matthew 21,21: Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.
22: And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

matthew 7,7: Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

mark 11,23: For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
24: Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

A lot of Christians ignore what Jesus actually says in the Bible. They also tend to add things to the actual words to make them say something else. If you honestly and truthfully read these quotes, without adding to them, it is very easy to see that Jesus is not saying that God will think about your prayers. He says God will grant all your prayers. Clearly, God doesn’t grant all prayers and this proves that Jesus was a habitual liar.

thanks eb
Even if Satan were to say he is sorry (to repent in other words) it wouldn't be accepted.

Athiests don't beleive the hole story so it wouldn't differ to them because both God and Satan, to them, are just myths!!

But from a religious point of view, Satan refused God's direct order to kneel in respect before Adam with the angels......... If the story (the Islamic version since the Biblical has other different aspects) were to be true then Satan has not the choice to beleive if God exists or not, he was talking to him!!

He couldn't say "what garantees that this is a divine order?", he Knows it is!! Hence, his sin wasn't because he was sceptic, or "Oh, I forgot to whom I was speaking to", he simply doesn't want to obey although he knows the "truth"!

His "sorry" wouldn't be accepted.
What on earth is wrong with refusing to obey someone whom you think to be wrong? If you genetically engineer yourself a slave and then demand that it totally debase it self in some humiliating act, you shouldn't be shocked when it says 'no'. Just because you give something life does not mean it doesn't have the right to choose. It doesn't matter if the creator is smarter or more powerful.

If your nation's president demanded that you suck his cock, would you comply with a smile?
first: A president isn't God

second: If he knows he is God then he knows he is never wrong.

third: kneeling in respect doesn't mean humiliation, it is a very well known practice in East Asia, or do you think Asians lost their honour!!

fourth: Satan refused to kneel because he thought he was "better than Adam", "Adam was the one that should be kneeling", he forgot that his kneeling is paying respect to God's work not to the sculpture of Adam itself (which according to the Quran wasn't brought to life, yet).