If it wasn't so scary it would be hilarious.

All atheists are fools (Psalms 10:4;14:1;53:1)------Sign: Karl Marx, Rene Descartes, Nicolo Machiavelli, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Thomas Huxley, John Stuard Mill, A.J. Ayer

Kant? Descartes? WTF?
I (unfortunately) found this site, while researching on scientists. I myself do a lot for science, and still belief in god to a certain degree. However, this site is sickening, and fanatic. It is sick, at least to a sane adult, that a 7year old girl is taught, that atheists are murderers! That is not only fanatic, but also sick! (*and can be well compared to Al-Queida fantasists, that commit suicide to kill others because of extreme ignorance!) Although religion and science go into two distinctly separate subjects, they got hand in hand with one another, and if you are intelligent enough, you will know what I mean. I don't know what degree of education those have, that wrote such fanatic words in this forum, but I certainly hope, you guys are not influential in the world! (*if you are, we will soon be walking around with guns killing everyone that is not uniform with the masses!) I thought we where in the 21st century, however, your statements let me belief that we are in the 17th burning people because someone accused them of witchcraft!