If it wasn't so scary it would be hilarious.

Oh dear Cthulhu, I feel bad for laughing at this guy. But anyone who can connect Pochahontas, Dugeons and Dragons (tsk tsk, it's Magic the Gathering nowadays), Harry Potter, The Stones, S&M, card shops, drugs, and Cthulhu knows whatelse into a global satanic conspiracy has my vote for "Nutcase of the Year".

But oooh...look what he sells:

Tyndale New Testament, 1536 (Replica Pub. Date:1999, Size: 6 x 8½) - $250 - #S-1

Tyndale’s New Testament was the first portion of scripture ever printed in the English language. The book contains over 140 exquisite, original woodcuts. This New Testament is the rare Blank Stone edition and it is the first time it has ever been republished.

And a reprint of an early KJV!

*Unbridled lust bleeds into Xev's eyes*
:p That website has to be the most utterly disgusting thing I've read in a while. They're mocking Wicca; ideal Christians would accept the Wiccans...

Real Christians would accept the Wiccans?! What on earth makes you say this?

Are you kidding or have you been drinking the bong water again? :p
Hey thanks!

Cool website. Thanks.

This website is filled with great teachings. A bit heavy handed on some things for my taste, but generally very mainstream.

Thanks again for posting the link. It's now bookmarked in my "favorites".


Ps. Wiccans are free to believe whatever the heck they want to. I don't give a rat's tookus if some chubby, stringy-haired, ankle-tatoo-bearing, wannabe gothic chicks, and dork-fish slacker, D&D-playing, celtic-jewelery-wearing, druid-defending geeks want to get "sky-clad" with a few of thier renaissance-festival-attending friends and chant inane doggerel at the moon and trees. That's their business.
Ps. Wiccans are free to believe whatever the heck they want to. I don't give a rat's tookus if some chubby, stringy-haired, ankle-tatoo-bearing, wannabe gothic chicks, and dork-fish slacker, D&D- playing, celtic-jewelery-wearing, druid-defending geeks want to get "sky-clad" with a few of thier renaissance-festival-attending friends and chant inane doggerel at the moon and trees. That's their business.

Elkimlaw, marry me. :p

If they want to smear themselves with menstuel blood and howl at the moon, they can do that. If they are on their own private property, they have every right.

I have the right to laugh at them. Christians have the right to stand on the street corners smelling of malt licquer yelling that the end is nigh and the Wiccans will burn. :p
My personal favorite line: "When Christians take up the martial arts for self-defense, they are saying to God, "I don't trust You to protect me." Christians are to depend on God for protection."

So obviously, inspite of all contradictery evidece, it is actually impossible for a christian to get attaced, raped and murdered. The intelligence of this statement astounds me.
Xev... oh Xev

Xev wrote:
Ekimklaw, marry me. ;)

Don't you think we'd better meet first? Your place or mine?

Don't you think we'd better meet first? Your place or mine?

Oh, your choice. I always wanted to get to know Elkimlaw.

Ooooh, looky what I found again!


So now you realize that it is atheists (and other nonbelievers) who are in favor of putting their "terminally ill" parents to death; who are in favor of murdering innocent human embryos and fetuses; who are perpetuating homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality, pornography, pedophilia and etc; who are responsible for all the violence in the movie industry; who are responsible for all the smut on the web; who bear false witness against the existence of God; who bear the false testimony that the earth came into being by a cataclysmic explosion; who bear the false testimony of evolution; who bear the false testimony that man descended from the ape; who worship the creature rather than the Creator; who are responsible for all the moral decline in America and the world community.

Holy fucking Cthulhu! Hey, I'll admit to perpetuating a little bit of lesbianism, and well, who hasn't perpetuated pornography?, but the rest?

Atheists and all other nonbelievers in the true God - regardless of their level of "education" and position in society - are therefore the true criminals of the world community and if there is a sane government, it should treat them accordingly.




All atheists are fools (Psalms 10:4;14:1;53:1)------Sign: Karl Marx, Rene Descartes, Nicolo Machiavelli, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Thomas Huxley, John Stuard Mill, A.J. Ayer



Try hard, if you will, to perceive the worth of atheism and if you make a proper assessment of its worth to any portion of mankind, it will be revealed to you that atheism is a demonic ideology or religion that is utterly worthless, to say the least. It darkens the minds of its subjects and bring curses upon every facet of human life.

The two basic responsibilities every person of mankind have are to love God more than all else and to love mankind. Atheism accomplishes neither one of these responsibilities. It blasphemes against God and brings harm and death upon mankind.

Atheists are not fit to be parents; they are not fit to be employed in any portion of any society; they are not fit to be any kind of leaders in any society, nor are they fit to serve in any area of public trust. Atheism makes every person who embraces it unfit for any good work.

Atheists are not even fit to live. They have forfeited the right to life by virtue of being unfit for any good thing.

The decline or absence of morals in any society can be traced to atheism or the like. All the problems in every facet of society the world over can be traced to atheism, or denial of God and disobedience to him. The rapid increase in crime the world over can be traced to the same. Atheism has nothing good to offer any society.

Atheism is so heinous and does so much harm that there is desperate need for legislation against it. It is not an ideology, philosophy or demonic religion which should be allowed to exist and flourish in any society. Every atheist should be regarded as high criminals by all governments who have no right to live on the earth.

Signed by: Karl Marx, Rene Descartes, Nicolo Machiavelli, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, Ludwig Feuerbach, Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Thomas Huxley, John Stuard Mill, A.J. Ayer.

I'm having fun with this!



Hi everyone. I am 7 years of age. I want to let you knoe what and atheist ears. And atheist iis a person who uses his brain the wrung way.. Atheist don't know trutht. no one can no truth if theu rejek it. atheists are fools. They say it is no GOD. i afraid of atheists. if my parents wood have been atheists, they probably wood have killed me when eye i was in my mama woomb. Atheist kill sic olld people. atheists are nasty. atheist put a lot bad thing on the computer. atheists are dangerous. ppeople

God's messenger is an AOLer. :D


I'd like to inform whatever athiest is in charge of porn to lay off on these plots.

Notice first that this atheist mistakenly believes that it is impossible for them to be worshippers of satan simply because they do not believe in him.

This is cheering me up very much.

Where did you get the idea atheists hate God? How can you say something doesn't even exist, and hate it at the same time?

You don't say! Dig his response:

That question is another example of the deception of atheism and how it deceives all its subjects. All atheists think in this deceptive manner. They think since they deny the existence of God, they cannot hate Him. But its really the other way around: they know He exists, that's why they hate Him.

I don't believe in God because I believe in him. I love me. :p

I'm sure you've noticed how the atheistic american constitution and its heathen amendments cause atheists and all other patriots to think and function in the society in ways that are contrary to common sense, even among those who attend universities and are so-called "educated".

Hmm, so being an athiest automatically makes me a patriot?

W00t! Go me! USA all the way, bay-bee!

You think the woman is equal to the man. You believe in same sex marriage and believe homosexuals should adopt children. Your atheism is worthless! It makes you worthy of both death and eternal hell!


Okay, you can read the rest. I wish we had signatures back.
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Re: Hey thanks!

Originally posted by Ekimklaw
Cool website. Thanks.

This website is filled with great teachings. A bit heavy handed on some things for my taste, but generally very mainstream.

Thanks again for posting the link. It's now bookmarked in my "favorites".


Ps. Wiccans are free to believe whatever the heck they want to. I don't give a rat's tookus if some chubby, stringy-haired, ankle-tatoo-bearing, wannabe gothic chicks, and dork-fish slacker, D&D-playing, celtic-jewelery-wearing, druid-defending geeks want to get "sky-clad" with a few of thier renaissance-festival-attending friends and chant inane doggerel at the moon and trees. That's their business.

I seriously think there is something majorly wrong with you now. This site is filled with more bullshit than I thought was humanly possible for one person to produce. I hope you are joking.
ther is writer. can't rememberthe name now, who claims she is a christian-wiccan high preistess.... i dont really understand how someone could be both. there are too many contrasts.
IDEAL Christians shall accept any other form of any religion. God is supposed to accept anyone for who they are and bring them to this "heaven" they speak of. If you don't believe that and you're Christian, you are false. Heh. Anyways, just another note that most Christians don't even know what they're talking about, especially when it's about their own damn religion.
Oh, and by the way: Noah's flood was ripped off of the Epic of Gilgamesh. The 10 Commandments was taken from Hammarubi's Law. Almost all roots of Judaism/Christianity are stolen from earlier religions. As the great Adam once said :

"- The christian religion and bible were developed over a long period by many different people, collecting and collating stories from other religions and cultures.

For example:

- The entire "god sends his son down to die for our sins" thing, including the bit about rising three days after his death, was stolen from Mithraism.
- The demons and angels, it seems to me, was nicked from Zoroastrianism.
- The whole Noah's Ark story was pinched from the Akkadians.
- The goat-legged devil? Pan.

Every damn thing in that book was ripped off from somewhere else, incorporated into their new religion because it was far easier than making stuff up anew."
lol that was a joke right? no? and thats the scary thing these guy need to get there head out there ass, i mean its sad to know star wars is evil.
Ok, the site was insane and wow I cant believe that anyone could be so totally nuts! the stuff about the athiests was so wrong that even as a christian I hafta laugh at this guy! christians do bad things too all the time, we're all the 'criminals of the world' and if the government was sane they'd find HIM and deal with him properly!