If Hitler was cloned, what do you think would be the worlds reaction?

Stryder, my argument was against growing human test subjects with disposable lives-big human, not embryonic cells. Like I said, I don't want to get into a debate on when life starts or how or why, my point was simply that we'll have to be conscious of how we decide to treat people who would result from cloning instead of more natural processes.
Chargur, I'm not aware of all of the different tests that the Nazi's did, I'm sure I was, but the vacuum studies are what really stuck with me.
Man, you people have got to be joking

I can't believe that anyone would even consider bringing that bastard back! Racist white bastard.

Look, I'm no big fan of the white Jew racists that are still putting my people in the back of the bus, but I'll sit next to a Jew any day before I'll see Hitler back.

I can see that most of the people here are just a bunch of white racists biggots, that will treat a black man like dirt.:mad:
Cmmder........other than that

Well the last post certainly explains its self!

Back to the what if Hitler was cloned? We would have a race of super house painters........lol

*(This might be a good time for wet1 to tell his bat joke...)

Cmmdr. Geordi La Forge ...

First off, welcome to Sciforms, Gordie ... :D

Secondly, re. "I can see that most of the people here are just a bunch of white
racists biggots, that will treat a black man like dirt." :rolleyes:

How else are the Mudd People supposed to be treated? :eek:

I'm curious. :(

Take care. ;)
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Cmmdr. Geordi La Forge

I'm not racist, and I have no inclination in creating any human clones.... Hairless monkeys on the other hand.... :rolleyes:

Anyway, I think the point that was pretty much explain (by myself and others) was that if anybody was cloned, they wouldn't be the same as the person they were cloned from.

Just like if there is a set of identical twins (natural clones) although they might share looks, they aren't the same person.

Everybody should realise if any cloning was to be done, Why should a dictator be picked? Why not a Scientist? or Philosopher or someone that has moulded something good on this planet, rather than being bent on its destruction?
Today's methods as they stand can't clone a dead person. Even if Hitler was cryogenically stored, you would have to bring the cells back to life first. I'm not sure cryogenics, especially on old tissue frozen with older technology, would be up to the task. Either way the inefficiency is really poor (you'd get a lot of screwed Hitler's first [in a different way than he was]).

I'm curious as to why you ask about Hitler being cloned as well. Personally I don't think it's a great idea to clone anyone famous whether you're hoping they will or won't be like their "parent". It's hard enough to figure out who you want to be without the added confusion.

The idea of using cloning to do nature nurture experiments is pretty sick. Talk about playing god. I think cloning is potentially a very useful medical technique, which should be pursued. It is a bit scary all the things you could theoretically do with it, though.
Oh I wonder.........

I wonder what would we name him??........Hmm.... Mini Hitler?? or Little Adolphy?..........:D :D It really would be Interesting. :p

Good Idea Guys.:D
The cloning of A.HITLER

I feel sorry for most of u because rigth now im cloning Hitler in one part of the world.And yes we will handle him over to neonazis so he can be taugth in what he had done.Now my hopes is just that a new Reich will come.

My, my...Now I am curious. Tell me more about your cloning Mr. The one who will clone Hitler! Jesus Christ, are you here to invite us all to your[/] Neue Reich? Isn't that called The New Order, the fourth reich, in fact?

May I ask you something? Did you by any chance had an psychiatric consult? :confused:

Hail to the Cosmos and to PEACE on Earth...
I feel sorry for most of u because rigth now im cloning Hitler in one part of the world.And yes we will handle (?????) him over to neonazis so he can be taugth in what he had done.Now my hopes is just that a new Reich will come.


you sir, are a tit!!

A new reich may come however it will be just as innefectual and short lived as the last one.

Yours faithfully
the peolple with big penises
Lt. Cmmdr. La Forge, stand down.

:bugeye: :bugeye:

Originally posted by Cmmdr. Geordi La Forge
I can see that most of the people here are just a bunch of white racists biggots, that will treat a black man like dirt.:mad:

Oh come on. What sort of broad generalisation is that?

I normally take the time to welcome new members, but what the hell...
Perhaps you should take the time to get to know the forums and it's users a little better before making a full out assault on all and sundry?

Have you considered the possibility that you may have caused as much offense by you accusations as the poor sick individual with delusions of grandeur who thinks he has the ability to execute complicated and expensive micro-biological procedures?

The hitler cloning fool

Really? What cloning technique will you use?

You do know that the longevity of a cloned entity is limited by the age of the origin DNA?

Thats why Dolly only lasted so long.

The flaws that age introduces into DNA are passed to exactly transcripted genomes.

Do a little research before making grandiose claims.

BTW the only reason I would want to know where you are is so I can ensure I never meet you.