If God knows everything, Pope is Catholic's Oracle

Bible thumpers

Originally posted by okinrus
Only the bible belt southern variety of Xians are called bible thumpers.

Why is this? Are these the same Xians that handle snakes and drink poison to prove they will be spared by God? Are these the same Xians that have tent revivals and hands-on healings? Are they the ones who get up and dance in the aisles? Are they the ones who get dunked like a donut in baptism? Then what about the ones who get sprinkled like spritzer on the forehead? Are they just as saved as the one who get dunked? Which variety are all these Xians? And, last but not least, are they all equal in God's eyes?
M*W the people of all religions are equal in God's eyes. The constant pounding of falsehood on someone's brain might effect how they act though.

Are these the same Xians that handle snakes and drink poison to prove they will be spared by God? Are these the same Xians that have tent revivals and hands-on healings? Are they the ones who get up and dance in the aisles? Are they the ones who get dunked like a donut in baptism?
These are certainly bible thumpers.

Then what about the ones who get sprinkled like spritzer on the forehead? Are they just as saved as the one who get dunked?
I believe that the Church considers all christian baptisms as valid if they believe in the Trinity. Except for the mormons which we don't reconize.
okinrus, surely, a died in the wool, Bible-thumping Xian like you should know that, of all people, Jesus (allegedly) was on the cross when he cried out "eli, eli, sabachthani" (in Aramaic), which (translated into English), is "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" This was supposed to have been cried out by Jesus as such a poignant expression of his total failure on Earth (also alleged).

Actually that is a common mistranslation. eli, eli, sabachthani translates into "My god, My god why have you slaughtered me" not "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" not that this may have any relavience but still interesting anyway.
Originally posted by Gifted
Godlied, gettign back to your original post, about all it would do is provide evidence that the Catholic church is wrong.

Then test a member of every Bible based denomination. If they all lose, they are all wrong.

Originally posted by okinrus
...the people of all religions are equal in God's eyes. The constant pounding of falsehood on someone's brain might effect how they act though.


Why then does God pit the Israelites against the Egyptians instead of helping them out with peace talks?

Why then does God pit the Israelites against the Egyptians instead of helping them out with peace talks?
Isaiah 66:18 "I come to gather nations of every language; they shall come and see my glory."
Originally posted by okinrus
Isaiah 66:18 "I come to gather nations of every language; they shall come and see my glory."
You did not answer my question. Instead you produce a quote suggesting everyone should see the glory of a god that remains the God of Israelites and not of Egytians.

You did not answer my question. Instead you produce a quote suggesting everyone should see the glory of a god that remains the God of Israelites and not of Egytians.
I AM is the God of Israel and the God of the Egyptians. No, he is not a egyptian god.

Why then does God pit the Israelites against the Egyptians instead of helping them out with peace talks?
God must punish all sin and if you did not notice, there was peace talks. However the Pharoah decided to fight. The other purpose was to serve God's plan in predicting the messiah.
Why then does God pit the Israelites against the Egyptians instead of helping them out with peace talks?

Exodus 10 1-2
Then the LORD said to Moses, "Go to Pharaoh, for I have hardened his heart and the hearts of his officials so that I may perform these miraculous signs of mine among them that you may tell your children and grandchildren how I dealt harshly with the Egyptians and how I performed my signs among them, and that you may know that I am the LORD ."
Exodus 10 1-2
Then the LORD said to Moses, "Go to Pharaoh, for I have hardened his heart and the hearts of his officials so that I may perform these miraculous signs of mine among them that you may tell your children and grandchildren how I dealt harshly with the Egyptians and how I performed my signs among them, and that you may know that I am the LORD ."
At any moment in time, any person is in some kind of relationship with God. In the case of the Pharoah, this was established through Moses (Then the LORD said to Moses, "See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron will be your prophet. - Ex.7:1)

In the subsequent trial and error to see if Pharoah would "believe" - the so-called "peace negotiations" - he hardened his heart all by himself for the first five miracles (Ex.7:13-14,22; 8:15,19,32; 9:7).

From Is 63:17 we know that it is possible to become aware of the state of your heart, and able to ask God to change it (Why, O LORD, do you make us stray from your ways and harden our heart, so that we do not fear you? Turn back for the sake of your servants, for the sake of the tribes that are your heritage.

God negotiated with Pharoah for the state of his heart, so to speak. Pharoah seemed to "repent", but here we see what "hardening of his heart" means:
Exodus 9
34 When Pharaoh saw that the rain and hail and thunder had stopped, he sinned again: He and his officials hardened their hearts. 35 So Pharaoh's heart was hard and he would not let the Israelites go, just as the LORD had said through Moses.

The Pharoah had his chance, then God took over. God's plans aren't thwarted by human weakness, instead, God uses Pharaos sin to strengthen the faith of the Israelites.

ESG, one might say God has hardened your heart as well. Even after the faith of those who believe in God had been strengthened, and they told people about God's judgement and how he rescues us from the slavery of sin, you do not listen. Does that mean you have no choice in the matter? There is Moses standing right in front of you. There are the accounts of what happened, and still you don't believe.

Actually that is a common mistranslation. eli, eli, sabachthani translates into "My god, My god why have you slaughtered me"
So you do have firsthand experience of what a hardened heart feels like.
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Originally posted by okinrus
I AM is the God of Israel and the God of the Egyptians. No, he is not a egyptian god.

God must punish all sin and if you did not notice, there was peace talks. However the Pharoah decided to fight. The other purpose was to serve God's plan in predicting the messiah.

If he is the god of both Israelites and Egyptians, why is he not an Egyptian god?

If God had his way, according to the Old Testament, capital punishment would be ok for any age depending on the crime. Israel ceases to obey God's law and chooses to reform prisoners than issue capital punishment. By not conforming to God's law, will all Israelites be considered sinners?

Re: Jesus forsaken

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Jesus (allegedly) was on the cross when he cried out "eli, eli, sabachthani" (in Aramaic), which (translated into English), is "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" This was supposed to have been cried out by Jesus as such a poignant expression of his total failure on Earth (also alleged).
I thought Jesus was quoting the first line of Psalm 22 when he said that.
Originally posted by ESG
Actually that is a common mistranslation. eli, eli, sabachthani translates into "My god, My god why have you slaughtered me" not "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" not that this may have any relavience but still interesting anyway.

Some groups consider Jesus as God. If Jesus is God, he will only refer to God in the third party if Jesus suffered from Multiple Personality Disorder. Thank you for your translation.

ESG, one might say God has hardened your heart as well. Even after the faith of those who believe in God had been strengthened, and they told people about God's judgement and how he rescues us from the slavery of sin, you do not listen. Does that mean you have no choice in the matter? There is Moses standing right in front of you. There are the accounts of what happened, and still you don't believe.

I'm not sure what you mean? But I am aware why god hardened Pharaohs heart, There came a point when god became feed up with his sinfulness and let sin overtake him, its not like pharaoh was predestined to do what he did god merely worked through the situation. I am a passionate Christian who has given my life and my death to serve my god I don't understand what you are saying to me.
Originally posted by ESG
Actually that is a common mistranslation. eli, eli, sabachthani translates into "My god, My god why have you slaughtered me" not "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" not that this may have any relavience but still interesting anyway.

Actually the translation is correct. He was quoting a psalm. I can look it up if you are interested, but I don't have my Bible on hand.

In Chirst's love,
