If God had a father, would He be ashamed of his Son?

As a religionist who has had his apotheosis, I have no problem with God and encourage any and all who seek to continue and hope that they have the success I have enjoyed. I do have a problem with the theist fools who follow a genocidal maniac.

It is my view that all literalists and fundamentals hurt all of us who are Religionists.
They all hurt their parent religions and everyone else who has a belief. They make us all into laughing stocks and should rethink their position. There is a Godhead but not the God of talking animals, genocidal floods and retribution. Belief in fantasy is evil.


They also do much harm to their own.

African witches and Jesus

Jesus Camp 1of 9

For evil to grow my friends, all good people need do is nothing.
Fight them when you can.


religion is obviously not the answer. religion isn't god. practicing religion isn't having a relationship with god or experiencing god. my belief isn't based upon religion or religious people, so there's no one hurting or humiliating me. i don't feel compelled to worry about what other people believe or why they believe.
So you don't believe god is perfect then. :cool:

Yes I do, what you see as perfect is a human conception based on your human senses.

You apply "Good" and "Evil" to God, I know he resides above good and evil. anything he does is for "good" reason even if you as a human dont think so.

Once God creates something he decides if it is good or evil, he doesn't judge it before he sees it in action.

religion is obviously not the answer. religion isn't god. practicing religion isn't having a relationship with god or experiencing god. my belief isn't based upon religion or religious people, so there's no one hurting or humiliating me. i don't feel compelled to worry about what other people believe or why they believe.

As a Gnostic Christian Deist, my closest label, I am partially in your camp but if you do not feel compelled to squash the belief systems that lead to what you see above then I would suggest you find a better God. One with better morals.

"First they came for the Jews, but I did nothing because I'm not a Jew. Then they came for the socialists, but I did nothing because I'm not a socialist. Then they came for the Catholics, but I did nothing because I'm not a Catholic. Finally, they came for me, but by then there was no one left to help me." – Pastor Father Niemoller (1946)

Yes I do, what you see as perfect is a human conception based on your human senses.

You apply "Good" and "Evil" to God, I know he resides above good and evil. anything he does is for "good" reason even if you as a human dont think so.

Once God creates something he decides if it is good or evil, he doesn't judge it before he sees it in action.


So god has no knowledge beforehand whether he is creating something good or evil.

As a Gnostic Christian Deist, my closest label, I am partially in your camp but if you do not feel compelled to squash the belief systems that lead to what you see above then I would suggest you find a better God. One with better morals.

"First they came for the Jews, but I did nothing because I'm not a Jew. Then they came for the socialists, but I did nothing because I'm not a socialist. Then they came for the Catholics, but I did nothing because I'm not a Catholic. Finally, they came for me, but by then there was no one left to help me." – Pastor Father Niemoller (1946)


what better way to squash than to not participate? the last thing this world needs is another religion to pass the buck over or fight over. god is just fine with me, and that's good since there's only one. i mean, what are you afraid of, that these people are getting away with something? nobody gets away.

and with that said, and with that focus, isn't your time better spent focusing on how you're living your life, and why, and not what other people are doing?
Existence precedes essence in importance, and certainly even more so an invisible essence concocted out of wishes. Invisibility Disorder.
Yes, God must have a father, a creator.
But the father of God must have a "creator".
So who created God or God's father, or the "first" God, if there were several generations.
We are the God or " the first" God.

After a long period of time (a thousand years or a million years or even a billion years)
we have so much evolved technologically and spiritually that we can manipulate the universe and the time.
The universe will be very exhausted and because of us.
Our only chance is to go back in time and recreate the universe and humanity.
But unfortunately, the history continue to repeat (or not) because we are in a time loop.

So we (from the future) are the God. :D
what better way to squash than to not participate? the last thing this world needs is another religion to pass the buck over or fight over. god is just fine with me, and that's good since there's only one. i mean, what are you afraid of, that these people are getting away with something? nobody gets away.

and with that said, and with that focus, isn't your time better spent focusing on how you're living your life, and why, and not what other people are doing?

For evil to grow, all good people need do is nothing.
Enjoy doing nothing.

Get thee behind me Satan.

Hypothetically, how you have described it, seems to make sense as to what he'd say. Of course, a theist might say, this moment in time is infinitely small to eternity, and in the grand scheme of things, he's right on course and probably would approve of the plan to save the world. You must understand that their view is that god exists and they must trust their god, and they believe all the words of the scriptures that spells out the plan. There's nothing wrong at all, this is just a speck of dust in the hourglass of time. Praise god for free will and that he has everything in hand!

You can't touch their god-glasses.
Once God creates something he decides if it is good or evil, he doesn't judge it before he sees it in action.

I can believe that..he puts us together and winds us up,and laughs when we bump into each other, and cheers when we line up and head in the right direction..
For evil to grow, all good people need do is nothing.
Enjoy doing nothing.

Get thee behind me Satan.


oh shove your rhetoric up your butt why don't you?

NOBODY does NOTHING, and everyone gets what they want.

you sound like you think the world will be rid of evil by a new religion or political agenda. all you need is a pulpit and a collection plate. the real question is what are you doing to make the world a better place? bitching about something that's none of your business? bitching about god? rationalizing sin? trying to convince others that somehow miraculously after they die, their evil intentions don't matter anymore? you want to pretend like god isn't brutal? take a look out your window gia. god's obviously brutal. you're not doing yourself or anybody else any favors.
Yes, God must have a father, a creator.
But the father of God must have a "creator".
So who created God or God's father, or the "first" God, if there were several generations.
We are the God or " the first" God.

After a long period of time (a thousand years or a million years or even a billion years)
we have so much evolved technologically and spiritually that we can manipulate the universe and the time.
The universe will be very exhausted and because of us.
Our only chance is to go back in time and recreate the universe and humanity.
But unfortunately, the history continue to repeat (or not) because we are in a time loop.

So we (from the future) are the God. :D

Have you been reading some new age bretharian books or something, You sound like a 5%er lol.

Guidance to the Right Path

La ilaha illallah

So we (from the future) are the God. — Emil

The future is the only place that a unified universal mind might be found, and 'forever systems' do have access in the present to their own future, for example, there was no first star, and no first anything.
'forever systems' do have access in the present to their own future

for example, there was no first star, and no first anything.
Supposition. Our universe is the first one ever to have stars.
For reference the previous universe was composed entirely of stacked cans of tuna (no more than 23 high) and the next will be solid frozen Glenfiddich.
And I'm sure that Chi can make a fish story out of this fish supermarket, plus we can use the secret code of drawing a fish in the sand, or even draw it on the water.