If God had a father, would He be ashamed of his Son?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
If God had a father, would He be ashamed of his Son?

Just to make sure you understand the premise. I am asking that we consider a Grand Father to Jesus type of God the Father who would be father to God the Father.

Grandfather God the father to God the father of Son/Jesus.

Son, look what you have wrought?
I gave you a perfect start and universe to mold to a more perfect state and you have let it deteriorate to where most people see imperfection.
What have you done to our family name for God’s sake?


Couple that with the fact that God has been labeled, with evidence, as jealous and proud of it, a petty tyrant, unjust, unforgiving, immoral, a control freak, racist, sexist, chauvinistic, vindictive, ethnic cleanser, misogynistic, homophobic, infanticide, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniac and other undesirable character traits and one could build a case that says that God is a God sized A hole.

To me, one of his most disturbing traits is being a total coward by not having the balls to step up himself for the hard task of sacrifice, but instead, sending his young son to die in his stead. Any mother or father would be more responsible than this in our human culture. Most of us believe that we are to bury our fathers and are incensed with the thought of burying our sons.

Take a bow human mothers and fathers and denounce the genocidal coward we call God.

If not, why do you support his religion and promote his policies. That is insane as the women shown in this clip and her husband who sits back and let’s her.


I can appreciate the benefits of faith, spirituality and religiosity and recognize the good churches bring to community but surely to God, we should only support churches that preach a common good and not the exclusionary churches who preach the God described above.

People are beginning to change but to me, not quickly enough. Here is an example of inclusive churches against exclusive churches who discriminate without just cause.


"First they came for the Jews, but I did nothing because I'm not a Jew. Then they came for the socialists, but I did nothing because I'm not a socialist. Then they came for the Catholics, but I did nothing because I'm not a Catholic. Finally, they came for me, but by then there was no one left to help me." – Pastor Father Niemoller (1946)

If you were God’s father, would you be proud of your son?

No, I wouldn't be proud, as God's father, but God's father was probably just as bad, if not worse. One wonders why the concept of a Devil is even needed.
Yes, God is quite a poor role model. Why emulate that Guy? And it is that He made us in his image? Well, it shows.

And it came to pass that God, Adam, Noah, Moses, the Ten Commandments, the prophets, Jesus, and Our Lady of Fatima were of no real help in reducing the sins of the horrible human nature invented for man by God himself; and so it came to pass even more, not less, that it all really appeared hopeless for the higher mammal species known as mankind (women were secondary to God/Religion), as these homo sapiens had not even remained at the same level, but had gotten even worse, some of this evil even being performed in the direct name of God.

— A Letter from the Futurians

"human nature invented for man by God himself;"

With all that you know, are you saying, you still believe in some kind of creator God?
Would a real God not do better than what you see and describe?

No belief, for God has been disproved, via self-contradiction, the only way. I'm just going along with the premise of the thread.
God wouldn't have a father if he did he wouldn't be god to begin with. he would be a seed or creation of the real god.

I know what you mean though, and I dont think god has anything to be ashamed of. would you be ashmed of your little daughter if she smashed some ants and buildings blocks around while she was learning how to perfect her skills?.

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To me, one of his most disturbing traits is being a total coward by not having the balls to step up himself for the hard task of sacrifice, but instead, sending his young son to die in his stead. Any mother or father would be more responsible than this in our human culture. Most of us believe that we are to bury our fathers and are incensed with the thought of burying our sons.

Ok. Let's make try to make sure that we're actually hitting God with every blow instead of wasting some of the ammo on a straw man. To that end I'm going to try to stimulate the discussion a little.

Christian theology teaches that Jesus was God. Since God is omnipotent and can't be destroyed he had to put himself into the body of a man in order in to perform the act of self-sacrifice. During his time on Earth he was in some ways a separate entity but he was also a physical manifestation of himself. If Jesus had the balls then God had the balls. Of course Christianity is the only Abrahamic religion that features such a sacrifice. Judaism never recognized Jesus in the first place and Islam teaches that he was just another prophet and was never actually crucified.

As for the rest of what you've said I really have nothing to offer apart from pointless speculation. Some people would no doubt argue that in order to preserve free-will there can be no direct intervention on God's part when it comes to fixing the problems of the world. But I don't see how that makes any sense really. There are countless examples of direct intervention in the Bible from mass destruction to incredible miracles. So why not ease a bit of suffering with a few miracles here and there? Magically sprout some crops in a third world country for example. Smite a pedophile or three. Keep us honest and faithful.

But no. I've always loved the way it was put in one of Al Pacino's greatest movie scenes:

"Let me give you a little inside information about God. God likes to watch. He's a prankster. Think about it. He gives man instincts. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does He do, I swear for His own amusement, his own private, cosmic gag reel, He sets the rules in opposition. It's the goof of all time. Look but don't touch. Touch, but don't taste. Taste, don't swallow. Ahaha. And while you're jumpin' from one foot to the next, what is he doing? He's laughin' His sick, fuckin' ass off! He's a tight-ass! He's a SADIST! He's an absentee landlord! Worship that? NEVER!"

An absentee landlord.
Dear Greatest I Am-

I normally ignore your posts because basically, they are a twisted form of thought from perhaps a deeply spiritually troubled person and it's a lot of work to unkink that fixation. But I will try here.

Assuming God has a Father, Grandpa would be proud of how things turned out. God's goal was naturally evolved sentient beings, which He is getting by the trillion from the Universe.

God is lonely and wants sentient beings to speak to- that's the purpose of reality over non-reality.

As far as Whose God is God to Whose God assuming a hierarchy of gods, ask the Mormons.
God is lonely and wants sentient beings to speak to- that's the purpose of reality over non-reality.

Yet it's a highly dysfunctional relationship if there ever was one considering humanity as a whole.

He was more directly involved in the beginning. Covenant (strategy) after covenant. In the end however he seemed to tire of it all and basically just decided that it was up to us contact him. So he gave us all a direct line (through Jesus) and said "If you want to call, call. If you don't, don't. But I'm done with this nonsense".

Great parenting considering that we're supposed to be lost souls who really don't know what we're doing.
I forgot about the part where he leaves a book on our doorstep entitled "How to be a good son".
Okay, but let's leave Jesus out of it. I don't need Jesus to be my personal savior; I have atoned for all my sins and live ethically. I don't need a personal savior. I would rather have one infallable God to worship than His messenger, as holy as he may have been.
God wouldn't have a father if he did he wouldn't be god to begin with. he would be a seed or creation of the real god.

I know what you mean though, and I dont think god has anything to be ashamed of. would you be ashmed of your little daughter if she smashed some ants and buildings blocks around while she was learning how to perfect her skills?.


I would not mind if the honing was done on the things you name but if God has not learned the skills from that level and escalates to humans that he dearly loves then shame on that idiot of a God.

You go ahead and praise him though. Genocide is a great learning tool and he is supposed to return to do us again with it.

Dear Greatest I Am-

I normally ignore your posts because basically, they are a twisted form of thought from perhaps a deeply spiritually troubled person and it's a lot of work to unkink that fixation. But I will try here.

Assuming God has a Father, Grandpa would be proud of how things turned out. God's goal was naturally evolved sentient beings, which He is getting by the trillion from the Universe.

God is lonely and wants sentient beings to speak to- that's the purpose of reality over non-reality.

As far as Whose God is God to Whose God assuming a hierarchy of gods, ask the Mormons.

God's poor lament.


Yet the vast majority of his precious souls, he will send to an everlasting hell.


Even man, with all his faults is more responsible but go ahead and be proud of such.

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God wants sentient beings, not Christians (or whatever religion you are skewed to). Every soul is weighed on the merits of its own weight; all holy books are holy. Think bigger.
God wants sentient beings, not Christians (or whatever religion you are skewed to). Every soul is weighed on the merits of its own weight; all holy books are holy. Think bigger.

All holy books have been named holy by men.

If God ever names one holy, it will not be as full of crap as the ones we have.


if you don't want anything to do with god, then don't have anything to do with god. but it's not the holy book's fault, or religion's fault, or god's fault. my philosophy is to not let anything get between me and god. not religion, not my ego, and not fear. people make excuses but ultimately, the only thing that really keeps you from god is your own desire.

if you don't want anything to do with god, then don't have anything to do with god. but it's not the holy book's fault, or religion's fault, or god's fault. my philosophy is to not let anything get between me and god. not religion, not my ego, and not fear. people make excuses but ultimately, the only thing that really keeps you from god is your own desire.

As a religionist who has had his apotheosis, I have no problem with God and encourage any and all who seek to continue and hope that they have the success I have enjoyed. I do have a problem with the theist fools who follow a genocidal maniac.

It is my view that all literalists and fundamentals hurt all of us who are Religionists.
They all hurt their parent religions and everyone else who has a belief. They make us all into laughing stocks and should rethink their position. There is a Godhead but not the God of talking animals, genocidal floods and retribution. Belief in fantasy is evil.


They also do much harm to their own.

African witches and Jesus

Jesus Camp 1of 9

For evil to grow my friends, all good people need do is nothing.
Fight them when you can.

God wouldn't have a father if he did he wouldn't be god to begin with. he would be a seed or creation of the real god.

I know what you mean though, and I dont think god has anything to be ashamed of. would you be ashmed of your little daughter if she smashed some ants and buildings blocks around while she was learning how to perfect her skills?.


So you don't believe god is perfect then. :cool: