If God doesn't want us to have sex, why does it feel so good?

Sex with lovers

Originally posted by Jenyar
I'm not sure what you are promoting. How is 'sleeping with everybody you ever loved', not promiscuous. If you say it's in the intention, then why can't the Bible propose codes of conduct that regulates these intentions according to God's will?

"Everybody you ever loved" is a very broad range of people in that we, technically, should love one another. Sleeping with "significant others" would limit that range (or it should). Certainly, one doesn't fall in love with each and everyone he/she dates! If they do, then I would say they probably have some sort of emotional insecurity and fail to make sound judgments where relationships are concerned. If a relationship is heading toward permanence, it is only natural to want to experience sexual compatibility. In a relatively young relationship, sexual relations for the heck of it can destroy the relationship as the relationship would then be based on sex only.

There is a wide stretch between fatuation and love. Fatuation screams "NOW, NOW, NOW, ME, ME, ME, I, I, I!!! Love speaks gently, "us, we, our, together, mutual, forever." Fatuation is the immediate adrenalin rush. Love is an igniting flame. Fatuation starts and ends abruptly. Love grows.

With these things in mind, one should take a good look at potential "lovers" before having a sexual relationship with them. Unfortunately, today its a "live for now" mentality. Sex doesn't have the same stigma that it did when I was a girl. Contraceptives are so readily available. With STDs rampant, people are more concerned about diseases than meaningless sexual relationships.

Ultimately, one should consider their own relationship with themselves rather than a potential relationship with anyone else. Our needs and desires are products of our self-esteem. The more we care for ourselves, the more capable we are to love another person. This should not be taken lightly.

All in all, sex should not be stigmatized. We were born to be sexual beings. Sex is natural and fulfilling if it is treated with respect--if one treats themself with respect. Sex is God-given. The bible was written by men to control women and other mens' lives. It was man who created the bible and the stigma of sex. Its time for us to rewrite the bible according to women and nature.
Re: Premarital sex

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Women were the first slaves, and we're still enslaved today.

Originally posted by JDawg
Only in the religious world, honey. Women get more rights than the men in some cases, actually, in todays Western society. Save the few pig-minded scumbags, women are hired based on the same criteria as men, and get the same amount of job oppertunities. (They sure do at UPS, anyway! ) In religion, women are treated like shit, bottom line. No wonder they are the stars of the pre-marital sex stories. You're all whores and slaves according to this "Loving God".

Actually women in the religious world (in the west) have many rights as well, we can do/be anything we wish, with the excepetion of being senior pastor in some churches because of some of the older members in the congregations. However, aside from that women can and do do most most other things both within the church and within society as a whole.

I dont know where Medicine*Woman is from, but its certainly not the North America, cause women aren't slave here anymore!
Re: Re: Premarital sex

Originally posted by New Life
Actually women in the religious world (in the west) have many rights as well, we can do/be anything we wish, with the excepetion of being senior pastor in some churches because of some of the older members in the congregations. However, aside from that women can and do do most most other things both within the church and within society as a whole.

I dont know where Medicine*Woman is from, but its certainly not the North America, cause women aren't slave here anymore!

So, you're saying in those churches you mention that women are still thought of as being inferior to men. How patriarchal! The USA has made some improvements in the way we are treated, but that old patriarchal domination still looms. For a while they got our of our collective uterus, but now they're back! The lawmakers (predominantly men) still legislate against abortion even though it is not their uterus! Even though educated, women still don't make equal wage to men! In some states, Louisiana for instance, women cannot own property much less get an abortion. They can't even buy a car in their name!

I would suspect you're from Canada, but I don't know what their laws are governing equal rights. We've made progress here, after all, we can now vote, but if our daughters get raped and impregnated, too bad.

One good thing, more than 52% of medical students now are women. Statistics show they make grades and become more compassionate physicians than men. I have not lost hope, though, because I do believe in the power of womanhood to survive. We certainly have come a long way, baby!
Actually women in the religious world (in the west) have many rights as well, we can do/be anything we wish

Yeah, exactly, in the west. That's becuase the religious sect in the west, while seperated from the state, is not immune to the west's political correctness in some cases, and at least one of them is how women are treated. They can do just as much as any man today in America, UK, Europe.

But when you go east, the oppposite is true. In places where the dogmas of a religion have a grip on the structure of the state, then women are shit out of luck.
MW, you're not helping anything

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
In some states, Louisiana for instance, women cannot own property much less get an abortion. They can't even buy a car in their name!
Come on now. While I agree with your sentiment, lies do not further your position or that of any women.
Stop making this kind of shit up or start checking your resources.

Here is the Law in Louisiana:

PART II. MARRIED WOMEN SUBPART A. EMANCIPATION AND POWERS §101. Emancipation from all disabilities and incapacities; obligations All married women, including non-residents so far as they are affected by the laws of this state, are fully emancipated from all the disabilities and relieved from all the incapacities to which, as such, they were formerly subject. They may make contracts of all kinds, and assume or stipulate for obligations of all kinds, in any form or manner now permitted, or which may hereafter be permitted, by law for any person, married or unmarried, of either sex, and in no case shall any act, contract, or obligation of a married woman require, for the validity or effectiveness thereof, the authority of her husband or of the judge.


(edited to remove some of the sarcasim, sorry)
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Good question! I had considered this, but from a different angle. Orgasm is just one big involuntary (at the point, the motives are voluntary) muscular spasm. I would also say the brain becomes 'detatched' for an amount of time, so maybe this feeling of freedom and euphoria is what is responsible.
God does want us to have sex. He was the One who thought it up, I suppose. I'm an evolutionist, so I have no comment on the Adam and Eve questions.

Let me make my first sentence clearer. He wants humans to have sex within the special bond of marriage. It does sound wierd, but sex is a very "spiritual" thing.

I'm waiting until marriage. That, however, is irrelevant to the debate. :D
Re: Re: Re: Premarital sex

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman

I would suspect you're from Canada, but I don't know what their laws are governing equal rights. We've made progress here, after all, we can now vote, but if our daughters get raped and impregnated, too bad.

yes I'm from Canada...abortions are legal here and we have equal rights. The last stats I heard for equal pay was that women were only a tiny bit behind men and catching up very quickely. Women also have equal opportunities in education and the work place. Since these changes are relatviely recent in history, traditional male occupations still have a majority or males, as do traditional femal occupations, but again, this is changing quickely. Its too bad things are not going quite as well in the USA :(
Originally posted by Mitch1984
Comments please.

In Genesis God said be fruitful and multiply. So, sex should be good to encourage continued generations of species. Also, somewhere in the bible is a story of a daughter that raped her drunk father to bear children because they might have been the only people on Earth. God approved of it.

So, have sex, be promiscuous, sleep with a relative: in a bedroom you never know the existence of everyone else. Such sinister scenarios are approved by God.

If God doesn't want us to have sex, why does it feel so good?-Mitch1984

Wasent that statement originally from the MTV made movie "JailBait"..........just wondering?
Wasent that statement originally from the MTV made movie "JailBait"..........just wondering? -Guyute

Not as far as I know. I haven't seen jailbait.
God DOES want us to have SEX!

He does not want us to sin,
to have sex with people we are not
committed to in the sacred bonds
of marriage.
New Life said:
yes I'm from Canada...abortions are legal here and we have equal rights. USA :(

Abortion (murder) cannot secure you any rights.
We believers dont rely on external acts or powers to secure
our human dignity. We already have the assurance
of God that we are like unto him, even made in God's image.

Abortion: This is one of the four GREAT SINS which cries out
for vengence (wrath in this life) from God.