if god can do anything...

Originally posted by Jan Ardena
God is that 1.
Because He is the Absolute Truth.
One without a second.
Still, you god is only as powerful as you can imagine. While you can't think of anything greater than your god, it doens't prevent others to come up with one.

How about this?
My god captured your god and they both left this universe and never came back. In order to prove I am wrong, you need show at least one god still exists, or admit that no god actually existed.
Neither was I,

I see the beginning of my post whch I placed in the 'Post Subject Field' was truncated. It went like this "I don't believe Jesus is...".
Supreme life force sounds a lot like source of all life,ie,'God'. Let me add to what I already stated 'God' is also the source of personality because there is a fragment of 'God' the Universal Father in all sentient creatures, that means us.Its that fragment on which our personalities form or is writ, and its by means of that fragment of 'God' that we (you or I) are resurrected and lest I forget that is also another way 'God' knows everything we do.

:D Peace Amp
supreme life force is not god
it is just an unproven force (like magnetical, electrical etc)
and it is only my presumption
no backup evidence
there may be no god
and no god as you think of it

Nietzsche has said:~ "God is dead, and not because I do not beleive in god, I just do not see any godly inteferation and therefore he must be dead"
Something that just occurred to me

As I'm reading through the topic, something is indeed striking me about the focus on the IHVH deity. Of course, the question is classic Christianity, and while I suppose we could apply the question to other deities, why? It seems the issue has only come up among the Christian philosophers, who explore a paradigm so skeptical of itself that it seeks to factualize the details of faith. Does this seeming paradox occur in any other faith?

As Jan Ardena points out, by some perspectives, the question is pointless.

But what hit me is the finite aspect of God: how would God lift this stone? Hands? A mighty erection for leverage?

God simply is. The stone simply is. I agree with Jan in that to see them as separate seems an arbitrary distinction.

Tiassa :cool:
Greetings all,

Nice way to put it Jan & Tiassa. I used to think of 'God' as a single entity doing it all, controlling everything. Since then, I've been introduced to the idea that 'God' delegates while still in overall control. Before I didn't consider the trinity a valid representation of 'God'. Since then, I've come to view it like the proton-made of three quarks- which is one. Its a simple analogy and not exactly the true case but it works for me. Now, I have read a lot of info on the afterlife and the source of this info has been labeled implausible and the distributers cultists. Yet, their info correlates quite well with the bible, the quran, the torah. And it extends and corrects some aspects of doctrine derived from those sources. Most important to me, it explained, something pastors and priests
didn't do - ('its gods mystery my son')- Lucid, logical and uncomplicated it gave a reason for and a purpose to life. In my consciencesness, the Universal Father is and it sustains reality. I do prefer not to call it 'God' because of the backward spelling and because god is said to be derived from the Assyrian diety 'Gawd'.
The info I have access to(all of you also) describes a great work in progress and a monumental purpose for that work. It is all inclusive and everyone that lives, will live, and has lived, can take part in that work. My mind was eased on account of that because I had started to think the hereafter would be boring. This info has helped expand my comprehension of divinity and deity, it now seems reasonable why humanity called all sorts of deities 'God', because they didn't yet have an advanced enough scope of knowledge. Strange, how as humanity became more advanced more info was provided and comtemplation of a particular deity became more refined coincidental- perhaps- I think not, but I feel myself to be a piece on the incomplete puzzle of creation. I am a son of the Universal Father and all of you are my brothers and sisters so that I would not want to do to you what I would not have done to me, makes sense too for we are in the same boat-ship. Peace and love Amp
PS - We may all find out whats the truth before we pass on or after if it is indeed true that there is a possibility of life after death.
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Originally posted by daktaklakpak
Still, you god is only as powerful as you can imagine.

An artist is greater than his painting/creation.
God gave me the ability to imagine, so He is obviously greater than that.

While you can't think of anything greater than your god, it doens't prevent others to come up with one.[/I]

We can think what we like, within our capacity, another gift from the Source of everything.

How about this?
My god captured your god and they both left this universe and never came back. In order to prove I am wrong, you need show at least one god still exists, or admit that no god actually existed.

How about it?
You are working with limited resourses, as your power to imagine and think, is nothing more than an infinately molecular part, of the source of all thought and imagination, all that does is glorify the greatness of God, even though you intention is to demean Him.


Jan Ardena.
Originally posted by Jan Ardena
An artist is greater than his painting/creation.
God gave me the ability to imagine, so He is obviously greater than that.
Maybe in your eyes the creations are never greater than the creators, but I am sure you have heard many stories about creations killing their creators here on Earth, right?

We can think what we like, within our capacity, another gift from the Source of everything.
Limiting yourself with a boundary, such as god, already puts you in a losing position in an imagination competition.

How about it?
You are working with limited resourses, as your power to imagine and think, is nothing more than an infinately molecular part, of the source of all thought and imagination, all that does is glorify the greatness of God, even though you intention is to demean Him.
You can think of all the words to glorify your god, but then someone else can add one more word to make his god better than yours. Simple, isn't it?
Originally posted by daktaklakpak
Maybe in your eyes the creations are never greater than the creators, but I am sure you have heard many stories about creations killing their creators here on Earth, right?

Then in essence, the particular creator would have caused his own death, highlighting his lack of understanding of the aim of life.

Limiting yourself with a boundary, such as god, already puts you in a losing position in an imagination competition.

You tell me, what is the limitation of God.

You can think of all the words to glorify your god, but then someone else can add one more word to make his god better than yours. Simple, isn't it?

All that means is the first person didn’t have the capacity to glorify God completely.
To know God completely, means to come to the end of all knowledge.


Jan Ardena.
Jan Ummm...

'God' is infinitely creative check the metaphors in the Quran.The statements in the Bible. :) Peace Amp