If atheists are right - how come there are so few of them?

Combining words to make up your own definitions in order to form an argument is your problem, not ours.

And btw, anti-theism is not atheism. Get a brain.
Combining words to make up your own definitions in order to form an argument is your problem, not ours.

And btw, anti-theism is not atheism. Get a brain.

Combining words? That is the dictionary definition, look it up.

Anti-theism is the essence of atheism, since as you see in my other thread, atheism itself is mostly baseless.
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Well I did try, but the atheists simply end up telling me how bad theists are.

Really? How bad are theists?

Of course needless to say, a personal opinion does not then mean that 'atheism' is anti-theism. You are assigning your own definitions and seemingly just because you've run into a few argumentative people that call themselves atheists.
To prove God doesn't exist, you need to replace God with a provable explanation for the existence of the universe. Until atheists can do that, there is no way you can shut out the possibility of God's existence.

To prove a generic 'God' does not exist in the absence of any supportive evidence cannot be done. Negatives cannot be proven in matters of existence without a relationship to reality. For example, you cannot disprove that the 'Zamboombafoo' dimension does not exist. If there is a generic 'God' or a generic 'Zaboombafoo' dimension, no human knows anything about them.

To provie a specific human claim of 'God' does not exist is simple. Absence of evidence, incorrect assertions about objective reality, and contradictory assertions do the trick in a jiffy.

And no, logically 'God' is not a placeholder for gaps in knowledge... i.e. it is not a truth substitue. Humans may make it a truth substitute and that is a psyhchological behavior that quality education tends to reduce.
basicley yes

oh please, god does not exsist, and also Dr's are not Gods, in fact many of them make serious and life changing mistakes, they cannot walk on water, they cannot turn water into wine, they cannot fly, they cannot disapeer, they cannot ............etc etc........until i am given 100% proof that god exsists i will carry on not beliveing, i have read the bible and from what i can tell it is just a good story and nothing else, i have also read the book of Mormon and i cannot see any faith in either of them.
Not a shred of evidence for God?

None whatsoever.

What about the faith of billions?

In completely different dieties? What this is evidence for is Anthropomorphization. Take any physical or psychological traits and stick them on *something*. Put them on a rabbit and you have Bugs Bunny. Put them on a car and you have Herbie. Put them on reality and you have 'God'.

What about miracles?

There is no objective evidence that miracles exist.

What about the existence of the universe?

The existence of the universe is evidence that the universe exists. It is an instance of *something*. What it is not is evidence for is an omnipotent life form.

What about traditional beliefs?

They are evidence for human psychological need and evolutionary traits that promote grouping and sharing of resources. What they are not evidence for is an omnipotent life form.

Surely this is evidence. Is it convincing evidence? That's debatable.

It is indeed evidence, but it is not supportive evidnece of the claim "God exists". In fact some of the evidence listed works against the claim.
Really? How bad are theists?

Of course needless to say, a personal opinion does not then mean that 'atheism' is anti-theism. You are assigning your own definitions and seemingly just because you've run into a few argumentative people that call themselves atheists.

You're welcome to provide me with the basis for atheism yourself.:)

I'd be interested to hear of reasons other than anti-theism.
You're welcome to provide me with the basis for atheism yourself.:)

I'd be interested to hear of reasons other than anti-theism.

Heh, I'm not really sure why he's arguing with you about this either.


Antitheist \An`ti*the"ist\, n. A disbeliever in the existence of God.

As a word it seems fine. Unless there are some connotations associated with it that SnakeLord doesn't agree with, I don't see what the problem is.
If you know that the universe came into existence all on its own, then explain to me how exactly that happened. Of course, this is a rhetorical question - because you can't do it. But, please try . . .

Well, when you think about it... do you know of a single instance of *nothing* (absence of everything / anything)? Is there anywhere that *nothing* exists? It doesn't appear to be real. It stands to reason that *something* doesn't magically replace *nothing*; hence, the implication is that *something* has always existed. In other words, the universe may not have "come into existence". Current cosmological and physics knowledge strongly suggests that our universe may be a blip of change (anywhere from unique to cyclical) in an ever-changing reality.

The content of reality (ex. people, planets, stars, etc.) tends to undergo changes that humans percieve has having a beginning and end. To some degree, we're genetically inclined to perceive things that way as it promotes our survival. This makes it difficult to understand that reality itself doesn't appear to have a 'starting' or 'ending' point. The question "How did reality come into existence" may very well be a flawed question because of this.
Heh, I'm not really sure why he's arguing with you about this either.


Antitheist \An`ti*the"ist\, n. A disbeliever in the existence of God.

As a word it seems fine. Unless there are some connotations associated with it that SnakeLord doesn't agree with, I don't see what the problem is.

He's not thinking rationally. ;)
Each person has the ability to analyze evidence and draw a conclusion.

Each person also has limitations in knowledge, intelligence, and skill at analysis.

The more people who analyze evidence and draw the same conclusion - the greater the likelihood that something is true.

In a groupthink setting where people are not experts in the subject matter, often the loudest voices influence people to follow the concensus. In a non groupthink setting where people are not experts in the subject matter, concensus is normally the result of a high degree of self-evidence that can be reproduced by the average joe or it is the result of common human behavior.

This is why we have juries. The more people on the jury, the greater the likelihood of the jury's verdict being correct. This is a fundamental principle of the U.S. legal system. Obviously, juries can be wrong. Obviously, the predominent German belief system during WWII was wrong. However, these are exceptions - not the general rule. Otherwise, we should just get rid of juries, Congresses, Supreme Courts et cetera.

I think the presecution and defense have alot to do with it. It is their job to make things self-evident.
I've met atheists who I definitely consider militant. God belief is evil in their eyes. God belief is the reason for all war to them. They are out there and they are freaky weird! There are militant Christians and Muslims. Is it any odder that there are militant atheists?
And why do I need to replace God with something? Its not like he's provable. If believers have faith he exists, then I have faith he doesn't. Its good enough for me but for some reason its not good enough for believers.
Heh, I'm not really sure why he's arguing with you about this either.


Antitheist \An`ti*the"ist\, n. A disbeliever in the existence of God.

As a word it seems fine. Unless there are some connotations associated with it that SnakeLord doesn't agree with, I don't see what the problem is.

I think what he is referring to is a distinction between someone whom lacks a belief in 'God' and someone whom opposes Theism.
I think what he is referring to is a distinction between someone whom lacks a belief in 'God' and someone whom opposes Theism.

Well thats illuminating. :bugeye: :confused:

Its obvious that some of those who lack a belief in God embrace theism.