If atheists are right - how come there are so few of them?

Totally, I tickled his tummy and he knew something was up. I only tickled his tummy when something was up you see

So you assert that by tickling your toddlers tummy that he assumed the existence of santa and thus had a belief or lack thereof in santa? What complete and utter foolishness.
So you assert that by tickling your toddlers tummy that he assumed the existence of santa and thus had a belief or lack thereof in santa? What complete and utter foolishness.

I arrived at it through empirical observation of his behaviour. It was pretty obvious that he knew something was going on. (btw, this is a hypothetical son, since I lack belief in your lack of belief, my lack of actual concepts should not stand in the way)
I arrived at it through empirical observation of his behaviour. It was pretty obvious that he knew something was going on. (btw, this is a hypothetical son, since I lack belief in your lack of belief, my lack of actual concepts should not stand in the way)

Heh, how would you prove to this hypothetical son that Santa doesn't exist?
I arrived at it through empirical observation of his behaviour.

The only empirical data here is that your son laughed when you tickled his belly. santa does not come into the equation. To assert belief or lack thereof in santa because you saw your son laugh when belly tickled is your belief and does not impact his lack of belief.

Shit, why are we even going through this? This is foolishness.. you know that.
See how conditioned you are by religion? Animals do not consider rape or murder as a sin, nor stealing. Why should you?

I don't consider those things a "sin". I consider those things to be wrong, morally, because of the effects they have on others, not because of what some imaginary friend thinks of what i do.
Its called empathy (or compassion), and it probably existed and prevented many behaviours long before humans had the language to form or follow any religion.

Do you think there was a time when our ancestors did not possess language? How could they be religious in any way when they did not possess language?
Or did they just *poof* appear on the earth with language skills?
The only empirical data here is that your son laughed when you tickled his belly. santa does not come into the equation. To assert belief or lack thereof in santa because you saw your son laugh when belly tickled is your belief and does not impact his lack of belief.

Shit, why are we even going through this? This is foolishness.. you know that.

Since I lack belief in his lack of belief, and have no concepts to impact my lack of belief, thats irrelevant.:p
I don't consider those things a "sin". I consider those things to be wrong, morally, because of the effects they have on others, not because of what some imaginary friend thinks of what i do.
Its called empathy (or compassion), and it probably existed and prevented many behaviours long before humans had the language to form or follow any religion.

Do you think there was a time when our ancestors did not possess language? How could they be religious in any way when they did not possess language?
Or did they just *poof* appear on the earth with language skills?

Do you believe that religion requires language? Thats interesting. Why?
Yes there is; aggressive promotion of anti-theism is a militant action.

mil·i·tant (mĭl'ĭ-tənt) pronunciation

1. Fighting or warring.
2. Having a combative character; aggressive, especially in the service of a cause: a militant political activist.

Spot the huge difference:

As passionate as I might be about my lack of beliefs and my anti-violence values and my criticism of religion, I have never and am not carrying out any acts of violence because of them. I am passionately and frustratingly typing my point of view on a discussion on the Internet.
I am allowed to do this, and people are allowed to disagree, its called "freedom of speech"

Unlike followers of other religions I am not killing people (including innocent people) because of my beliefs, values, or where I stand on these issues, do I need to ridicule recent and continuing barbarism to make an example? I'm sure you can see what I'm describing without me naming any groups.

Your use of the word "militant" to describe me as a "militant atheist" is inappropriate, as I have carried out no such "fighting, warring, physical aggression or combat", where as the description of "militant Islamists" or the "United States Military", and "Militant Christian Crusader/Extremist" is appropriate because these people carry out acts of physical violence, instead of just exercising their right to freedom of speech and voicing their opinions in writing.

(Now as to the appropriateness of the phrase "militant feminist" I'm not sure if that's appropriate either; for feminists who have not acted violently.)

Regardless of all this if there was a supreme being who also gave a shit about humans he/she/it certainly wouldn't permit such atrocities I criticised before, to happen. Especially not in his/her/its name, and you'll hear us citing that as support for the non-existence of such a character.
I object to killing in the name of religion, because I believe its wrong of my own choosing.
I object to the terrorist acts of September 11, WHOEVER was involved with carrying them out. Why didn't "God" prevent them?
I object to the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Why didn't "Allah" prevent that?
I object to children dying a horrible suffering death from terminal illnesses that have no reason to exist other than that they have evolved like us.

Why doesn't some "god" character prevent these things from happening?
1. Because such a character doesn't exist.
2. Its up to us to stop this killing, and find a cure for these illnesses.
They are some of my beliefs as a secular humanist. (secular meaning atheistic)

How about; "adamant atheist(s)"?

1. utterly unyielding in attitude or opinion in spite of all appeals, urgings, etc.
2. too hard to cut, break, or pierce.
3. any impenetrably or unyieldingly hard substance.
4. a legendary stone of impenetrable hardness, formerly sometimes identified with the diamond.

1. impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason; "he is adamant in his refusal to change his mind";
I did not write the dictionary. A militant activist(i.e. one having a combative character) was around before me, as a phrase. :)
Of course, you do have to understand something before admitting. And, you've never admitted.
Of course, you do have to understand something before admitting. And, you've never admitted.

I so have admitted. And I'm not the one who needs things put in black and white, so there! :mad:
Sam will never admit she's wrong

You'll certainly never see it on paper, but I'm under the impression that it stings in the brain - however temporarily. That's good enough for me.
You'll certainly never see it on paper, but I'm under the impression that it stings in the brain - however temporarily. That's good enough for me.

Strange, that's my thoughts exactly. About you guys that is.:D