If atheism is rational then why so many chose irationality?

Godless said:
Quote: (One of the questions that can not be answered is what existed before the big bang .)

another universe!!.


That's a fascinating thought Godless, just think our universe is one of infinite universes. I wonder if any information survives from universe to universe, such as big bang echoes. Are there previous echoes in our universe from the previous universe. I would imagine that the previous echo is probably many billions of light years way still expanding.

With infinite number of universes we have existed an infinite times and I have written this post an infinite number of times. I guess that's a form of immortality. We are Gods after all :D
Well thanks Greco

The theory is not mine! :mad:

However I did read it, after entrope runs its course that small force still left at the core of the universe, gravity starts to retract the whole universe, this would also take billions of years, thus making an oscilating universe theory.

Wether anything survives from one previous universe to another, I would postulate not! because I'm no physicists. However I think it very unlikely.

We know by observation that this universe is expanding. And as far as universes expancion before it runs out of entrope it still billions of years into the future. However there are physicists who contradict this theory, by claiming the universe will expand for ever, making our galaxies farther from each other, thus we too our galaxi moving away from point of origin onto bewilderment for ever on..

I choose to believe in the oxilating universe theory, hence that is how nature has shown to us that she works, for example the seasons and plant growth. Each winter life ends and each spring lives begins anew!.

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Greco said:
Why so few atheists? ..............................
Any atheistic doubters out there?


"Why so few atheists"?
Good question!
Here is an answer:

Because atheists are intellectual carnivores, and non-atheists, especially the religious ones, are herbivores. This is not just a metaphor; it's true.
Atheists are carnivores. They live by feeding on the herbivores i.e. the religious ones. They devour the belief systems of the herbivores.
The carnivores of any kind must always be far less in number than herbivores, otherwise the whole system will collapse. Nature is wise.
That is why atheists are so few...................
I hope you're convinced...............

AAF said:

"Why so few atheists"?
Good question!
Here is an answer:

Because atheists are intellectual carnivores, and non-atheists, especially the religious ones, are herbivores. This is not just a metaphor; it's true.
Atheists are carnivores. They live by feeding on the herbivores i.e. the religious ones. They devour the belief systems of the herbivores.
The carnivores of any kind must always be far less in number than herbivores, otherwise the whole system will collapse. Nature is wise.
That is why atheists are so few...................
I hope you're convinced...............


Brilliant observation!! That puts the atheists at the top of the food chain. Take away the herbivores(theists) and the atheists will die off but so would the theists. Oh well I guess we need them both.