If Aliens did come to Earth, and annouced their presence...

Maybe aliens exist, but humans don't have contact with them......

Gil, you changed your avatar! Now I cannot make jokes about how they are interning for Bill Clinton.

I vote for Gil_W to bring back the alien blowjob avatar. I liked it better.

Yes! Bring it back please, Gil W!! Please!

No tentacles please.

Now thed, that is just mean. What, you would deny a whole generation of Japanese? :(
Xev, not fair. Twasn't me who made the comment on tentacles. I like tentacles, tentacles are cute. The more the merrier in my opinion.

But anyway, you see, the real Nancy Leider would have replied to my previous comments with her characteristic style of a long ramble beginning,

Begin ZetaTalk

We the Zeta's tell you humans that you have no clue about science. Planet X is only visible in observatory grade telescopes as it is 23 times larger than Earth, a Brown Dwarf and a diffuse red object. It's current magnitude is 20.

End ZetaTalk

Pointing out the absurdity of the claim only results in more psychobabble then a claim that Plant X is really Mag +2 (in Zeta maths) but really Mag +30 to us.
Sorry Thed, that was Thor. Ooops.

Saith Xev, high priestess of the many-tentacled Cthulhu. ;)
the fluffy version; and the realistic one.

here's the fluffy version :
i would like em all to look like caprice bourett; and kelly brook; and every other babe that's worth a damn; and i'd like em to be instantly in need of reproduction; to create a human-alien hybrid.

the realistic version:
i beleive; that first of all; nobody; and i mean nobody; would take the amount of pain that the aliens would to journey to our planet; and do it to help us. yes; i said it; they won't help us.
secondly; i don't beleive that they'll come in the form of little green men; with fancy antennaes in cool looking spaceships with a thousand blinking lights[the lights having no function whatever]
what i beleive is that if they are to journey this far; they would already have technology far more sophisticated from us. they would be able to use nanotechnology; to create microbial agents; which could travel through taychons [in case ya don't know what they are; lets use the word black holes instead of em; they're not black holes; but they're close.pretty close] and then; these microbes would enter our planet; send back a surveillance report using some advanced communication device [again; using taychons] and then enter our blood stream; infect our dna; and mutate us.
i know this sounds way over the top; but thats what i beleive.
i mean come on! you don't expect primitive lifeforms to travel this big distances do ya? little green men simply cannot do that; nanites; and microbes can. remember the movie 'evolution'? mulder says[uh! sorry; duchovny says] that the simplest of organisms is also the most perfect.
and when you really come down to think about it; i think these microbes could already be among us! [now that would make a great x-files 10th season. what do you think?]
Personally, I think you need to up your dosage.

I'm sticking to my original plan. MILLA JOVOVICH LOOK-A-LIKES ALL THE WAY
Heil to Milla...
