If Aliens did come to Earth, and annouced their presence...


Doomsday Kook
Registered Senior Member
If Aliens did come to Earth, and annouced their presence..., what would you want their alien race to be like.

I personally would prefer either peaceful super-intelligent beings, who could solve all our environmental, disease, and technological problems............ Or a race of alien "Carmen Electra" look-a-likes, with a need for "companionship"...;)
Not like my Silicon life form design, or I would be a little Irate about someone ripping me off over patents.
I would want them to be like Americans
Truth Justice & the American Way!
& don't forget,to think of ways to make more $ for the same product(ie like Microsoft )

:D :D
Hey, Odin. If they were like Americans, we'd be met by a race of idiots (no offence). Carmen Electra, no way. Milla Jovovich lookalikes with a desperate need for lovin and procreation.

I have a feeling that they are going to be peaceful, but the idiots running our countries will see them as a threat and try to attack them causing a catastrophic retaliation.

Originally posted by Nancy_Lieder
If Aliens did come to Earth, and annouced their presence..., what would you want their alien race to be like.

I personally would prefer either peaceful super-intelligent beings, who could solve all our environmental, disease, and technological problems............ Or a race of alien "Carmen Electra" look-a-likes, with a need for "companionship"...;)

First of all, I'm quite surprised to meet you here, dear Nancy!!
You're supposed to know me, I'm Gil from israel who translate ZetaTalk to Hebrew!!
I'm so glad to see ya here. The translation is getting very well, the first section will be completed soon, but i have some remarks for the main page- you shouldn't change there anything. but i should talk via email, not here...

About your quesion, i've a simple truley answer:
I do not care what would be the race, but they must have good willings to help us.

I really want them to help to end the killing here in the Middle East cause it's getting worse from day to day.

Gil Weinstein.
Originally posted by kmguru
What happened to Nancy? Did she get abducted? :D

Nancy has contacts with the Zeta-raticulans. She's their emissary.
Nancy has contacts with the Zeta-raticulans. She's their emissary.

HahAH......do you seriously believe that? :bugeye:

Maybe aliens exist, but humans don't have contact with them......I would personally like peacefull ones. But I wouldn't wan't them to give teach the bad guys anything technological - They'd make bigger badder weapons. I think aliens would know well enough that we have to kill eachother a bit longer and more intensely before we realize that it's wrong.

After that, I'd like them to teach us about things we haven't yet discovered.

BTW, I don't really care what aliens would look like, as long as they don't drool on me.
Of course you know what would happen. All those paranoid conspiracy theorists would start saying that this is a coverup and they aren't real aliens
Hey Elbaz. Are you calling thousands of Rednecks liars?:D :D

I believe that they are observing us as we speak and that we have some potential to go out into the stars one day. Hopefully a Tuesday.

BobG, you're probably right. They've been trying to prove that the US Government has contact with Aliens and has their technology that when it becomes true, they'll try to disprove what they've been saying for years. Idiots.

I just hope they all look like Milla Jovovich. No tentacles please. Maybe a horn or two.
Nancy has contacts with the Zeta-raticulans. She's their emissary.

I'm the ambassador to the ass~heads from the pilot episode of Star Trek. So there.

On the whole americans are stupid, but some of us are generally more intelligent than others. Our leader sucks, though. Maybe he'll get vaporized.

And, while here, I would like to initiate the "bring back the alien blowjob avatar, gil!" vote.

I vote for Gil_W to bring back the alien blowjob avatar. I liked it better.
Originally posted by Gil
Nancy has contacts with the Zeta-raticulans. She's their emissary.

Originally posted by Elbaz
HahAH......do you seriously believe that? :bugeye:

http://www.zetatalk.com, the real Nancy seems to.

The poster calling themselves Nancy Leider here is not the real Nancy. (S)he is far too lucid and intelligent to be the Nanzeta. Simple test will show this,

Nancy, what is the magnitude of Planet X now? Where on a telescope is the magnitude nob?

Gil, seriously, you're not actually helping the Nanzeta with translation are you? Are You? Please say no. If you are, we need a serious talk about this.