Idiotic myths?

My favourite one is 12-strand DNA
That is absolutely hysterical.
I laughed so hard when I read that I spilled the beaker I was observing all over my bunsen burner and doused the flame.
I have heard nothing more absurd than the conspiracy theory detailing the escape of Hitler from Berlin to Antarctica, where he was picked up by aliens. That, and the "Japanese space program during WWII" thing, which follows similar lines of thought.
That one that starts out "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth..."
Everyone has a reptilian stage in the form of the neural chassis...expressed more fully in some individuals than others...e.g. territorial dispute, binary oppositions (hot/cold, dark/light)...not much room for middle-ground liberalism in the reptilian logic.
Frogs are dumb enough to sit in a pot of water over a heat source until they boil to death. :rolleyes:

And no, it doesn't matter how cold the water is to start with, stupid.
I heard that they cut Hitler a deal and faked his death. Then he ran US propoganda durring the Cold War.
I have heard nothing more absurd than the conspiracy theory detailing the escape of Hitler from Berlin to Antarctica, where he was picked up by aliens.

I thought it went that he escaped to Antarctica and entered a secret entrance on a glacier leading him to an underground civilization deep within the Hollow Earth. :cool:

Maybe that was Steve Guttenburg ...
Intelligent Falling (an alternative to gravity, proposed as a counter Isaac Newtons idea of gravity) is amusing, if for nothing other than its parallels with creationists today.