Ideas for atheist symbol

Fourth legions atheist symbol:

Looks more like AutoZone merchandise. I can picutre a mechanic squirting motor oil out from the slit in the middle.

I'm picturing a tampon or a sponge with the Christain fish symbol tatooed on the part that touches the cervix. Religious icons annointed with poisoned blood. Sweeeeeeeet.
Originally posted by Pollux V
I like the attachment I have better, only just the blue part and the diagonal in the middle about as long as the horizontal middle one. It's the Byzantine Cross. I just think it's a cool symbol, I mean, the theists have crosses, why can't we?

The theists crosses are a symbol for their lord. Are you as a bright going to support their saviors symbol?
I thought since atheists have no religion they have nothing to symbolize... But may be it could be one of the atomic models.

What on earth is a Russian Orthodox cross doing among the images offered?! If you don't believe in Christ, don't keep the image of his cross on your neck! The symbol of the Soviet Union comes a little closer since that gov't prohibited religious practices.
Atheist symbol?!

Atheist symbol?! F#ck that, what the hell. If you're going to be an atheist then be it...Who the hell needs a symbol, I don't. If you truly believe in atheism then you don't need no damn symbol to represent squat...mann, i juss say, "f#ck uh symbol"

I can see all these symbols pictured on the cover of 'Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley.

heh, I just got a mental immage of billions upon billions of clones roboticlay working in factories and doing jobs all wearing uniforms with the same logo on their chests.
I’ve actually got a chance of contributing a symbol of my design to be a symbol of atheism. I submitted my design for the icon competition being hosted by "The Brights" it’s already passed two phases of the selection process now. So cross your fingers for me (I am aware of the irony involved in asking you to perform a superstitious ritual, which I want to use to help me attain a goal within an atheist organization) . The Brights are at
hehe, if you ask me every so called agnostic I have ever met is really just a closet Christian. They buy into almost all of it, just don't want the negative stigma involved with being a Christian. A few of them, I wish a good missionary or something will come and help bring them out of the closet.
I'm not a closet Christian!, to me god still has a chance of existing just very improbable and even more unlikely that any religions got it right, put its still again anything’s possible. And jesus he was a man not a god, get over it people!
WellCookedFetus said:
I'm not a closet Christian!, to me god still has a chance of existing just very improbable and even more unlikely that any religions got it right, put its still again anything’s possible. And jesus he was a man not a god, get over it people!
M*W: There's a lot of closet Christians out there, but they are fastly declining.

They're the ones who maybe, just maybe, go to church on Christmas and Easter.

They're the ones who may indicate a religious preference when they get admitted to the hospital.

They're the ones who never go to church, drink like a fish, cheat their neighbor, cheat on their wife every chance they get, lie and steal, but when they're in the hospital, ask for the Chaplain to bless them.

They're the ones who sit in the pew every Sunday then beat their kids (or worse).

They're the ones who slam the door on missionaries.

They're the ones who tithe ten percent, to make themselves look good to their church, but never attend.

They're the ones who hate the Muslims, the Jews, the Jehovah's Witnesses.

They're also the ones who hate other people at church and call them hypocrites.

They're the ones who blindly believe that Jesus died for them.