Ideas for atheist symbol


Registered Member
Idea for atheist symbol

First off, I'm not exactly sure where to post this. If it is in the wrong area just move it :) Anyway, I've been drawing different symbols just for fun (don't ask :m: ) and I drew this to symbolize earth. I think it looks pretty cool but that's just my opinion...
What do you think? It could probably use some improvement. It can also "symbolize" atheism... however how does one symbolize the non-existent? Okay, that's all I have to say :D
I like the attachment I have better, only just the blue part and the diagonal in the middle about as long as the horizontal middle one. It's the Byzantine Cross. I just think it's a cool symbol, I mean, the theists have crosses, why can't we?

That's a good idea. I was just having fun with my picture. Brainstorming I suppose. Back to the attachment, yes it would be nice to use the cross. But that really just symbolizes the cross Jesus was supposedly crucified on. However, lines through it could put a distinctive twist on it... Who knows?
What symbolizes materia most then? An atom? The H2O molecule? A pile of dirt? A dollarbill?
This one slightly resembles an atom. Thik of the ball as the nucleus, and the two lines as the paths of electrons. Or it can be the mathematical symbol for an empty set with an extra line...
:D I think it's too cumbersome, simplicity is the key.
I think the plain circle is used by the Wiccan group, that's why I didn't suggest it. It would be a very good symbol though, symbolizing unity and a neverending quest for knowledge. Oh yes, and also the atom :)
A cicle with the letter A in it then? @ Just kidding.
The circle would suit the ideology, but it seems very occupied.
My idea: earth, revolved by something.
Atheists care nothing about heaven anyway, so no heaven in the symbol.
Why do atheists even need a symbol or a "logo". One's beliefs do not neccessarily need logos to represent them.

But if one is a must then how about Jesus smoking a cigarette?

I agree, atheists, don't need a symbol to remind that they are atheists. Maybe for some they find a symbol repulsive, in the sense that symbol tells the world who you are. Even I find that kind of pathetic.
My Avatar is the Athiests of America logo.

The symbol is essentially that of the atom which represents science and the open orbit indicates we do not know everything or claim to know everything.