Ideal Age of Sexual Consent...

but a 12 year the hands of some old pervert? are you crazy? do you know anything about neuroscience? read some issue of Scientific American a few months back. Sexual child abuse does physical damage in a child's brain area. They do NOT have the intelligence to handle such a situation.
We are talking about an age for children to have sex. not an age at which they can be sexually abused. There is no age for that!!

It was then I decided that 12 year olds are retarded...
then you didn't talk to a very intelligent 12 year old. i caoch 11-13 year olds on my dance team. and sometimes. they really suprie me with the things they know.

also, when i post on this subject, i post from expirience. I was a 13yr old having sex. i remember what i thought, and i remember what i felt. so yes, i have a pretty good idea.
the more partners a female has the HIGHER her risk of cervical cancer

and THAT is one important concern i bet most 12 yr olds don't think about as they are having sex.
Sex does not necessarily mean penetration. So using your (fuzzy) logic, it's still okay for a 12 year old to have sex, alice. Not to mention that you make no real point by saying that it's wrong because it increases their risk of a disease. Lot's of things are a million time more harmful to adults AND children, and get written off as okay. For example, some of the ingredients in perfumes and anything in the lavatory section contain many many carcinogens, and probably account for much more cervical cancer in even the youngest of sex-machines.

But with whom is it okay to have sex? I think it's the responsibility of the more mature person (and come on, if were talking about a twenty year old...) to decide if it's okay. Usually the implications are way to huge, and so, it would be considered a form of rape. Most of the time, somebody older would not want to have sex with a young, under-developed person anyways.

So, IMO, it's okay to let the youngsters screw amongst themselves,- and not okay to let the older people in on it. Why? Because it's too hard to differentiate between who is ready, and who is not. Can you honestly say that a child is stupid, mature or brilliant just by talking to them for five measly seconds? Where have all the flowers gone? Really?
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i NEVER said it's ok for a 12 yr old to be sexual...

...get it straight, buddy!

i want young women..strong..building their minds..not getting their minds overwhelmed w/emotions..that are for a later time in their lives..

this topic about children having really silly.. and not the most loving suggestions..i have seen towards children.
Yeah, I know you didn't, but what's your point? You said that one of the most important reasons is because they can get cervical cancer, right - and that they are not aware of this.

I say that you're not aware of 10 fold as many dangers, and yet life goes on.

Women can build strong minds AND STILL have sex. In fact, like what was said in another thread, what doesn't kill these youngsters will in fact make them stronger. I'd have rather had some experiences I had at present earlier on. They would have had a bigger impact on me, and I would have been better able to cope.

Imagine, loosing your virginity at the age of 19, when it's parentally acceptable - with someone who may or may not have a profuse knowledge of the matter. That's a lot more harsh then doing someone at a young age who is experiencing these things with you, when you're beginning to blossom.

The most harmful thing you can do to your children is to be overprotective and overnurturing. They'll not get valuable life experiences and will hate you for it. They'll also be weaker individuals as a result, -not stronger because you stopped them from fooling around and forming normal relationships in the outside. As a rule, I wont any longer listen to my parents if they tell me to do something I deem as unbalanced or over-the-top. >Yes, they may have my best interests at heart, but they are always the least objective when it comes to reality.

Your only real base is the issue of birth control. I can't really see the kiddies buying trojans at my local drug store. And even then, that's not enough to take away their right's to adolescence.

P.S. I don't really care about your kids. Or shall I say, I don't care what they do, 'cause it will only be a precipitate of your misbringings. You are overprotective. When they get to a certain age, they begin to make their own decisions, and if they can't make their own choices now, they certainly wont know how to when it seriously counts. They'll become weak with little creativity and self-control. If you don't let them become the least hardened by reality - that's the danger. And it's nothing short of the truth./
"When was the last time you spoke to a twelve year old? They aren't even really people."

ExCUSE me?! someone shoot this person on sight. 12 year olds are pretty much stuck at an intellectual standstill from that age on. Not that they don't learn more, but they don't really get SMARTER (as in their ability to use the information given to them doesn not get any better).

12 year olds are stupid, but those select many will be stupid for the rest of their lives. They will sound smarter by having bigger vocabulary and a more extensive set of experiences, but they won't be smarter.

The problem is education not age.
In my humble opinion I dont feel that it is logical *at all* for anyone to state a correct catch all age of consent as obviously people are not identical--physically or emotionally. Saying that however I understand that someone does have to set this age of consent as a guideline: as a wild stab in the dark I would still say that 16 is a sensible age perhaps - who knows *shrugs*

Maybe they should approach it like they do with driving ...... a specified age AND a sex test. Just a theory test of course, I think the practical may be a bit ... *coughs*
Licencing people to reproduce.. Not that - as an all-rounder - I haven't had my odd elitist thought.. But surely that would be a bit contraversial...?
Age of consent

Never mind the age of consent. Here in the land of the free, it's even against the law to show bare breasts in public for fear that it will start an epidemic of rape and warp our poor little minds.:rolleyes: I'm afraid it will be a long time before the age of consent here drops to a level that young people think it should be and parents agree on.
Sorry my comment was late, but I just want to ask why you all thought it was stupid that I said it should be left up to parents to decide. If parents can't know there children well enough to make a desision, then why should the government?

Saying that parent are sometimes wrong is okay. However, saying you can't give power to the parents, becuase they may not be right is rediculous. The government can't decide everthing for us. It's time we helped our selfs for a change.
against the law to show bare breasts in public for fear that it will start an epidemic of rape and warp our poor little minds.
ooooo.. and thats a law that reallllly pisses me off... so many summer's i sit baking in the sun, while topless men go wherever they please, and quite a few of them have bigger boobs than me!
Eye, no shite. In Japan, breasts weren't considered sexual stimuli until fairly recently. Many African and Native American tribes found it perfectly acceptable for women to walk around topless.

I mean, why the fuck must I wear a shirt when a man doesn't have to? That's absolutely discriminatory.

And annoying.
Rules always evolve slower than people. If naked breasts in publis is really the new fashion, it'll break through one day.
"Sexual child abuse does physical damage in a child's brain area."

Everyone should be careful in using statistics like this. Obviously there are many more factors in "sexual child abuse" than just the sex. There is nudity, the actual sex, the "abuse", the socially uncomformant parents who probably aren't very good to begin with, association with more people who have had similar experiences.

All that cause a cascading effect that affects the child, and there is not only one factor. Personally I think the "abuse" and bad parenting is much more damaging than the sex.

Perhaps you were being more than figurative when you said "brain AREA", cause brain damage can be caused by cranial dents..
I heard women cant even climax durring sex when they are younger. So there would be no real point if your young to have sex.

I always thought women wore shirts for comfort reasons and support. I would not wear pants if could get away with it.

If it wernt for the pokets I would burn my pants.