Ideal Age of Sexual Consent...

The Demi Perfect

Registered Senior Member
They are most varied throughout the world. But if there was going to be a Universal Legal Age of Sexual Consent what would be your suggestion...?

I like twelve. Most people - including myself - are well into puberty and have decided their sexual orientation by this age...
the age of concent has nothing to do with sexual development and EVERYTHING to do with EMOTIONAL development

could a 12 year old have ANY hope at withstanding manipulation by say a 40 year old?

on average we are talking about

talk to a lot of people and you will see that some people will ALWAYS be manipulated but we try to spare that from children

you will note that the age of concent ISNT the age you can have sex, just before that it has to be with someone less than 2 years older or younger than you (here below 10 NO ONE can have sex with you for anyreason)

16 seems a good age to me because by that age most people are able to make there own choices and know the conquences of them
Originally posted by Asguard
the age of concent has nothing to do with sexual development and EVERYTHING to do with EMOTIONAL development
It obviously must have something to do with sexual development. Puberty is one of those things that is only really understood once it happens to you.
14, really? i always knew i loved that cold little province. although i suppose it wouldn't matter for me anymore....:(

You honestly can't make any of this universal. 14 would be a good place to start, but anything beyond that should be the parents place to enforce. This is by no means the governments rresponsibility. Only parants know there kids well enough to decide when there ready to have sex.

I realize that If for whatever ungodly reason everone actually obeyed there parents, no one would be having sex until age 18, but if thats what the parents think is best, then so be it. Its not as though its cruel or unusual.
" Only parants know there kids well enough to decide when there ready to have sex."

Hahaha. Lol. Ya right.
Hmm... the 'parents are always right' theory. That couldn't possibly be flawed could it?:rolleyes:
so its the childs fault is it?

why thank you for clearing that up

always wondered why the OLDER one went to jail
Originally posted by Asguard
so its the childs fault is it?
why thank you for clearing that up

As with many of your comments, I have no idea what this is in reference too...

always wondered why the OLDER one went to jail

They have more life experience, so it would be reasonable to think that they would know better.
Demi..12? are you crazy? are you a Mom?

that is a child...

this is the sickest post i think i have read at this site
some of you sound like spokes people for child abusers

i think we are losing sight of something here....

if sexual experimentation is between SAME ages..well ..that's always gone on and probably will...

but a 12 year the hands of some old pervert? are you crazy? do you know anything about neuroscience? read some issue of Scientific American a few months back. Sexual child abuse does physical damage in a child's brain area. They do NOT have the intelligence to handle such a situation.

I suggest those of you saying 12 is ok..go speak to some Child Advocacy people, or survivors of child abuse... because you are just not getting it.
*snorts with laughter*

That's hilarious, if this is the sickest thread you've ever read on this forum you obviously haven't read quite a few of the posts. Obviously there are always catches to all laws - for example - in the Netherlands the age of sexual consent is twelve. But anyone younger than sixteen can't have sex with anybody who is more than four years older than them...

I think that's reasonable and I certainly don't think it's sick. And I don't think age has that much to do with manipulation to be honest, especially around puberty because people develop at such different rates...
Not that I disagree but, YES IT IS.
When was the last time you spoke to a twelve year old? They aren't even really people. The last one I spoke to was a dog enthusiast and was trying to convince me that dalmations could choose whether to be blind or not at birth, when I condescendingly asked "and how exactly do they do that?" I was subjected to 5 minutes of awkward silence with the odd interval of errr's and aaaah's.
It was then I decided that 12 year olds are retarded and therefore not worthy of my sex.
ok. ive decided that i thnk there shouldn't be an age at all.

Reasons why:

- not everyone is ready for it at the same time, and since everyone grows and matures at different ages, i dont see how one specific age can be pinpointed for everyone. As i said before there are 30 year olds who are not mature and responsible enough to have sex.

-giving a specific age may cause some children to compare themselves to that age. as if one they become that age, or by that age the must have sex, otherwise they're not cool enough etc.

-also, fallowing the above, giving them an age may make them think that after that age, that it is no big deal to have sex, and they can do it with anyone just becuase they are old enough.

- last but definately not least, it would abolish the statutroy rape laws. I think these are terrible laws that dont serve any real purpse. it has simply to do with age, and not rape at all. and most of the time is used by girls who get pissed off at their older boyfriends for cheating etc. and want to be a bitch about it.